similar to: Samba 3.0.21 with ADS authentication on Solaris

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Samba 3.0.21 with ADS authentication on Solaris"

2006 Feb 04
bwinfo -u works getent passwd doesn't
Hi, I have Samba 3.0.21b running on Solaris 10 with ADS authentication. I get the following in log.winbindd when I do "getent passwd" but wbinfo -u lists all the users. Does anyone know why and how to fix it? Thanks, Vahid. [2006/02/04 13:37:02, 3] nsswitch/winbindd_ads.c:query_user_list(234) ads query_user_list gave 9926 entries [2006/02/04 13:37:04, 3]
2006 Feb 09
help with Samba v. 3.0.21b authentication
Hi All, I have this strange problem that if the user has the same username in UNIX as in Windows, he can do "net view \\server <file://server/>" with no problem but for users whose username is not the same on UNIX as it is in Windows, "net view \\server <file://server/>" returns: System error 5 has occurred. Access is denied and if try to map a share, I see the
2004 Jun 05
samba 3.0.4 and AD authentication
Hi, I installed MIT krberos, latest version BerkeleyDB version 4.2.52 OpenLDAP version 2.1.30 and SAMBA 3.0.4 with the following options: ./configure --with-ldap --with-ads --with-winbind --with-krb5 --with-pam --with-pam_smbpass I am trying to authenticate against our win2k AD but I can't seem to be able to get a list of users in AD by "wbinfo -u," it only shows the users in our
2009 Dec 24
ConnectTimeout=2 not working for me
Hi all, I have somewhat a strange problem that I could not figure out, maybe someone here can lelp. I have a script that uses scp to distribute files to many servers, I use '-o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=2 options so the scp will not get stuck if something is wrong with the remote host. If the remote host is down (non-pingable) or sshd is down the timeout option works and the scp
2012 Feb 20
[LLVMdev] stack dump
Hi Vahid, I suggest you use a more recent version. The latest version is 3.0. Ciao, Duncan. On 20/02/12 09:27, vahid eslami wrote: > > 0 down vote favorite > <> > share [g+] share [fb] share [tw] > > i new in llvm.i just compile google code and got this error. " Stack dump: 0. > Program
2005 Nov 19
ntlm_auth and PEAP machine authentication
At the question is discussed, whether ntlm_auth can be used for machine authentication against a Win2003/AD. and the conclusion seems to be, that it is not really clear: >Machine accounts are a problem
2005 May 16
htaccess authentication asks for MySQL table test.user_info
Hello. I tried to create an access file with 'htpasswd -c /etc/httpd/conf/myfile.htaccess testuser'. In the SSL directory I have put a .htaccess file containing the followings: AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/conf/myfile.htaccess AuthName "Mydomain" AuthType Basic require valid-user This worked with CentOS 3. Now with CentOS 4, apache version 2.0.52, the access to the page is
2012 Feb 20
[LLVMdev] stack dump
0 down vote favorite [] share [g+] share [fb] share [tw] i new in llvm.i just compile google code and got this error. " Stack dump: 0. Program arguments: opt -load /home/vahid/mywork/llvm-2.8/Release/lib/ -dswp obj.o -o out.o 1. Running pass 'Function Pass Manager'
2009 Mar 04
Oracle database on zfs
Hi, I am wondering if there is a guideline on how to configure ZFS on a server with Oracle database? We are experiencing some slowness on writes to ZFS filesystem. It take about 530ms to write a 2k data. We are running Solaris 10 u5 127127-11 and the back-end storage is a RAID5 EMC EMX. This is a small database with about 18gb storage allocated. Is there a tunable parameters that we can apply to
2005 Jul 14
htaccess authentication asks for MySQL table test.user_info
Hello. For users interested in the MySQL authentication problem for SSL pages, there is another way to prevent mod_auth_mysql to do this mySQL authentication. This has been reported by Brent: In the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file, add the directive: <Directory xxxxxx/ AuthMySQLEnable off AllowOverride All </Directory> You can also add it to your .htaccess file. Thanks
2006 Jan 27
Samba 3.0.21 +solaris 8 +xdm +pam +2003 AD
We have recently upgraded to : samba-3.0.21 openssl-0.9.7g krb5-1.4.3 openldap-2.3.11 db-4.4.16 cyrus-sasl-2.1.21 m4-1.4.4flex-2.5.31 autoconf-2.59 libiconv-1.9.1 gcc-3.4.2 bison-2.1 automake-1.9 libtool-1.5.22 and have got samba authenticating against our 2003 AD servers, however we now discovered that someone has setup xdm to use pam authentication to the old NT4 domain using xdm.pam and
2006 Mar 13
nsswitch segfaults with Samba 3.0.21 on Solaris 9
I've built Samba 3.0.21 with Kerb ADS, NSS, Winbind and PAM support on Solaris 9 using gcc 3.3.2. I'm able to compile and install and authentication works fine - I can query and authenticate with AD, but when I su, passwd or some other local auth Solaris command the command segfaults. This even happens if a valid user is in any of the databases previous in the search pattern to
2008 Jul 25
cpu frequency scaling in domUs
Hi, I''ve recently installed xen-3.2.1 on my AMD Sempron(tm) machine. It runs gentoo 2.6.21 as dom0 and cpu frequency scaling works in dom0. But inside a domU, cpu frequency scaling is not working. By checking the boot log in domU I found that domU is unable to load the powernow driver: "powernow-k8: BIOS error - no PSB or ACPI _PSS objects" I wonder if it is possible to have
2008 Jun 04
Support for CPU frequency scaling in Xen
Hi, Does Xen provide support for CPU frequency scaling? If there exists such support, from which version they support it? Otherwise what problems do exist in support frequency scaling in Xen? Thanks, Vahid _______________________________________________ Xen-devel mailing list
2002 Jun 13
saving a global workspace?
hi all, i can't call my custom R function. i'm using R 1.3.1 on Solaris with the SJava pkg from This package let's me call R functions from Java, and it works great. i wrote a custom R function and saved it in the workspace. in my homedir, i noticed the file named .RData was created. i also noticed my workspace is ONLY restored if the current working dir (when i
2008 Jul 10
Boot fails unless "noacpi" option is present.
Hello, I am using Xen 3.2.1 and I cannot boot it on my machine unless I use the noacpi option. As far as I know noacpi option is incompatible with SMP, so I must not use it, because my machine is SMP. I am describing the problem in more detail below. If you could point me in the right direction, I''d greatly appreciate it. I downloaded Xen 3.2.1 official source distribution tarball from
2006 Jan 06
Forced group inherit with object move
Hello, This matter seems to be asked every now and then, but I couldn't find if there is a solution today: I had a need (due to compatibily reasons with old Netware server) provide a way to get access rights and _group_ownership_ for a file / directory / whole directory tree, based on the group ownership of the parent directory where the object is *moved* to. By default, the group ownership
2005 Dec 29
SAMBA 3.0.21 - Compile error on SOLARIS 7 & SOLARIS 2.5.1
Hi, Compilation fails on Solaris 7 + GCC and Solaris 2.5.1 + SUN CC. Each time the problem is on winbind. I have no idea about what's going wrong. I didn't have any trouble with SAMBA 3.0.21rc1. Can you help me ? Thank you, Pierre --------- SOLARIS 7 --------- Configure ./configure --with-acl-support --with-ldap=no --disable-cups --enable-static=yes --with-included-popt --------
2010 Feb 23
directory synchronization
Hi all, I can?t seem to get this working. I need synchronize the files from a remote directory to a local, and then delete the files on the remote after getting them to local. This is what I did that does not delete anything on any of the servers: rsync --rsync-path=/usr/local/bin/rsync -v -t ?r ?delete -e /bin/ssh /report/today user at server01:/report/*.rpt I also used --delete-before,
2008 Sep 30
ads authentication and Solaris
We have a number of Solaris servers that we run samba shares off of. So far, even using ads for authentication, we have to set up accounts so an entry is in the passwd file for the user. Is there any way to bypass passwd completely and just authenticate via the domain?