similar to: Windows98 recibe, pero no imprime

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 140 matches similar to: "Windows98 recibe, pero no imprime"

2005 Nov 23
lexmark USB no print in windows98 from linux
hello all..., I using samba 2.2.5 on linux suse 8.1. I have windows98 called w98 on my network sharing printer lexmark Z25-Z35 as lexz35w98. I using following command for print in windows98 through samba: smbclient //w98/lexz35w98 -N -c "print /tmp/o" but the printer no print. the printer lexz35w98 is connected way USB in client w98, and recive the file, move de headers, but no print.
2000 Jul 17
Consulta! Impresión con Samba
Buenos d?as. Lamento interrumpirlo pero tengo el siguiente inconveniente y quisiera saber si se puede solucionar: Estoy conectando una red Local, una m?quina con Windows NT y otra con SuSE Linux 6.1, el problema lo tengo cuando quiero instalar la impresora en Linux, ya he configurado samba pero no puedo imprimir desde la m?quina de Windows NT, desde Linux imprime correcto. Por favor, si
2023 Jun 15
Buenas tardes, no se si pudo recibir mi ultimo mensaje, pero dejo nuevamente la invitación
Para m? es un gusto saludarle, me complace invitarle foralmente este 27 de junio al Taller Aire Acondicionado y Refrigeraci?n Industrial, un curso para t?cnicos de mantenimiento, gerentes de edificios, t?cnicos de HVAC o cualquier persona que busque desarrollar y mejorar sus habilidades (y algunos trucos de oficio) de la operaci?n general y el mantenimiento de sistemas de AC&R. GU?A DE TEMAS
2023 Aug 04
no se si ya estaban enterados, pero les dejo copia de esta invitación
Buenas tardes, no s? si ya estaban enterados, pero el 24 y 25 de este mes se estar?n reuniendo en el hotel fiesta americana CDMX decenas empresas para el CONGRESO NACIONAL de COMPRAS en la Industria. Este evento sirve para capacitarse con profesionales de nivel internacional y dar soluci?n a los problemas m?s concurrentes en el ?rea de compras, y adem?s de esto, aprovechar el evento para crear
2000 Nov 22
Fw: Session logging in Windows98?
Does anyone have a function such as tee() described below? It would be nice not to have to go to Emacs and have to deal with yet another editor. ----- Original Message ----- From: "BXC (Bendix Carstensen)" <bxc at> To: <r-help at> Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 10:05 PM Subject: RE: [R] Session logging in Windows98? Further to W. T.
1998 Aug 18
Windows98 fails with MDB and DBF files on Samba share
A big hello to the list! I've installed since two years and since version 1.9.17 a Samba Server on a Linux Box running Slakware 3.0 with kernel patched up to 2.0.34. This box runs on the same network as a Netware 4.01 server and a NT server. All the clients are Windoze95 and, unfortunately, now there are some Windoze98 systems as well. I'm saying unfortunately because up to now
2000 Aug 25
Beginner question: share a printer in Windows98
Dear all, I have a samba in my RedHat and want the Linux to use a printer in another pc of windows98, I tried to configure that following "using samba", I created a file 'printcap', 'smbprint', '.configure', what else I should do to print? Do I have to configure 'smb.conf'? How to do that? Can I do all this from SWAT? Can anybody tell me in detail? I
2001 Apr 06
Samba Problem with Windows98 client
Dear Samba Team I use samba-2.0.5a-1mdk on my linux server.i can use my PC with windows95 to share files and printers from the server,but for my PC with windows98 I can't do that . They shows "You must supply a password to make this connection:" and I tried to enter any password , but it didn't work. How can I do ?
2008 Apr 27
File & Printer Sharing With Windows98
I have been looking for clear guidance on setting up Samba on home network to share files and printers for nearly a year and just don't understand how to apply the information. Here is what I have: A Linksys router is hardwired to 3 computers and a DSL modem. One computer is running Debian Etch v2 with Samba installed. The other two computers are running Windows 98SE. The files and
2001 Apr 09
samba 2.0.7 and windows98
Hi all, I installed samba 2.0.7 on a PC running Linux Debian 2.2rev2 and the kernel 2.4.3 in smb.conf I put [global] netbios name=pippo security =user workgroup=pippo domain logons=yes encrypt passwords=yes wins support=yes os level=34 domain master=yes local master= yes preferred master =yes ... [netlogon] comment = the domain logon service path=/export/samba/logon public=no writable=no
1998 Jun 30
Windows98 & SMB
I have a question about Win98 and Samba. Is there a registry fix similar to the WinNT plaintext passwd that needs to be performed? Win95, and WinNT can see Linux via Netbios, but the same machine, running Win98 cannot see the Linux box. I am running the most current version of Samba. The WinNT box can see the 98 machine fine. Does anyone have any experience with this? Please let me know if
2020 Mar 24
raster/brick abre imagen pero reescala valores pixeles
Hola, No tengo mucha idea de esto y hace tiempo que no lo uso. Unas ideas: - ¿Puedes hacer un summary(prueba) para ver si los datos que tienes dentro del raster son los que te está representado? Eso te permitirá saber si el problema esta en raster() o en plot() - Puede que al hacer plot() te haga categorías en lugar de asignar un color para cada valor, igual el parámetro col de plot() te ayuda. -
2000 Aug 24
Problem with Samba-windows98
Hi all I have a linux(susse) running samba and am trying to connect from windows98. I have no problem seeing the linux computer in the network neigbourhood. I can also see the folders shared from it. When Im accessing a folder I get prompted for password (my login on windows98 is the same as for linux). But it doesnt accept the password "Bad password". When I log in from other
2001 Nov 18
samba under Mandrake 7.2 with Windows98
Hi , I am using Mandrake 7.2 and trying to install samba to share my linux hard disk with Windows 98 ... Herewith my config and diagonstics : bigserver <------------> aclient runing : mandrake 7.2 Win98 Ip Addr.: password encrypted activated activated - ping commands work fine on both ways, so my Tcp/ip
2010 Dec 16
Samba printer management commands
Hi I am trying to setup remote printer management commands, so the users could add and delete printers from "Printers" share of Samba in Windows. I have this script, that is launched using an administrator account, when I add a printer from there, using a new TCP/IP port: ================================================================ #!/bin/bash {
2015 Jul 13
Conservar el nombre de la variable entre varias funciones
Hola: Con esto del R me da la impresión que avanzo un paso y retrocedo dos! El caso es que tengo una "cascada de funciones", para realizar un análisis descriptivo "automático" en función del tipo de variable. Y en los resultados, en lugar de aparecer el nombre de la variable, aparece el nombre del argumento. Esto ocurre tanto si utilizo o no la función get(). Un ejemplo
2013 Feb 13
Equivalente a paper="a4", pero en pantalla gráfica
Buenas tardes: Quería lograr el efecto "expansivo" que se consigue con la opción paper="a4" de la función pdf, pero sin volcar en pdf; es decir, yo quiero enviar mi gráfico (luego definiré sus propiedades) a la salida gráfica (RGui) de modo que quede con verticalidad, como en un A4, y luego el usuario final es libre de guardar en pdf o no, con el propio RGui. Ahora voy a
2000 Nov 21
Session logging in Windows98?
I'd like to log all console I/O for an entire session while maintaining normal console I/O. I'm working in Windows98, RGui, R1.1.1. The sink() function is not the answer since it diverts output from the console. In the RFAQ I see references to " the contents of the interaction buffer to a file..." and in the R-Help Archive "...just save the console output...". I
2018 Oct 05
Cómo conseguir salida normal en RMarkdown HTML de numeros de 5 dígitos (o más)
Hola, colegas, compañeros y maestros. Es una tontería... que no atino a preguntarsela bien a Google. Tengo unos datos a los que si en consola les digo: > sum(dtk$V9) [1] 37790 devuelve. Pero si eso mismo se lo digo en RMarkdown con código on line, lease `r sum(dtk$V9)` me devuelve un numero horroroso: 3.77910^{4} entre el texto Qué, para colmo, ocupa más carácteres que el que no me imprime.
1999 Apr 11
troubles printing from windows98 to a samba printer
Hello I have this problem with printing to a HP Laser Jet 4L set up on my linux box which is the local samba server for the intranet. I can only print as root or as a user admin user = thatuser. I need to be able to set a password for the printer and only those users to use the printer who know the password. Or a similar solution. As ordinary user Windows98 says: