similar to: 2 TB Limit and Windows XP Pro?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "2 TB Limit and Windows XP Pro?"

2004 Oct 29
MAC OS X and Samba Shares > 2 TB
Does somebody know if the Samba Client in MAC OS X (10.3.4 and 10.3.5) has problems looking at Linux-based Samba shares that are larger than 2 TB? I have Samba 3.0.2 running on my Linux box. I have never had any difficulty with the Mac seeing a 2 TB RAID array on the Linux box, but when the Mac looks at the 4 TB array, it can see all the contents and create folders but it can't create
2006 Jan 09
2TB Limit for Windows Shares?
I have noticed recently that Windows XP seems to stop writing into Linux/Samba shares once there is 2 TB of data in the share. Windows Explorer is happy to report that a share has 4.8 or 8 or 10 TB of space available, but Windows seems to cease writing into the share once there are 2 TB in it. Is this a known limitation of a) Windows or b) Samba or c) both? It certainly isn't a
2005 Jan 23
Samba PDC and Windows XP not executing logon.bat
I have spent most of the past 24 hours reading various samba docs and searching google for help -- but can't find a solution. Suggestions and solutions would be appreciated. I have set up a Linux Box (Samba 3.02) as a PDC with roaming profiles. (I haven't upgraded, because this box is a model for over 100 other boxes in the field). I can add XP users to the domain and their roaming
2009 Nov 06
2 TB limit on a samba share
I'm running a server with Centos 3 that I have set up a smbfs share to a Buffalo LinkStation. The LS has 4 drives configured with RAID 5. Each disk has 1 TB capacity, so the resulting drive is approximately 2.7 TB. When doing a df, the result shows 2 TB, and no used blocks. Is there some setting I can change so that Centos sees and uses all 2.7 TB or does Centos 3 not support this? Steve
2008 Feb 06
Is Samba Shadowcopying can be used in Production Environement with more than 20 TB of data
Hi Friends, I am currently using Samba on Centos 4.4 as a domain member of AD 2003 with each user having a quota of 2GB(no of users is around 2,000). Now the management wants to increase the quota to 10GB with this there will be more than 20TB of data to be backup weekly which will take lots of hours. Currently Veritas backup software is used to backup data on tapes. There is a concept of
2005 Mar 16
CUPS error with 3.0.11
I recently upgraded from Samba 3.0.2a to Samba 3.0.11. I didn't change anything in my smb.conf file. But Now, when a user logs on to my Linux server and access a Samba share, in the log file for that machine there is always a message repeated twice: [2005/03/16 05:40:23, 0] printing/print_cups.c:cups_cache_reload(85) Unable to connect to CUPS server localhost - Connection refused As
2005 Apr 06
10 Gigabit Ethernet and Samba
Do anyone have any experience using 10 Gigabit Ethernet connections with Samba? Specifically, if you have had such an experience, can you share what sorts of optimizations you made to get the maximum data transfer between server and workstation? I am just experimenting with this kind of setup myself and I see a huge GULF between the raw TCP/IP transfers that I can make between two
2007 May 11
Writing files > 2GB from Windows
Can anybody explain why SOME Windows XP applications have trouble writing files larger than 2 GB (or sometimes larger than 4 GB) to Linux Samba shares, when OTHER Windows applications on the same machine do not have difficulty writing large files to the same Samba share? And when the underlying Linux filesystem supports very large files? I have sometimes even found that a SINGLE Windows
2004 Apr 27
Making shares invisible to unauthorized users
Hi, Is there a simple way to set up Samba so that users ONLY see the shares that belong to them? I'm not talking about the user's HOME directory. But lets say I have 60 shares in my smb.conf file. To make it less confusing for users when they access the Samba server from Windows, I want the users to ONLY see the shares that belong to them. So, I want to set up each share so that
2009 Nov 16
2 TB limit on USB drive
Hallo I submitted this as a bug several weeks ago, but I wanted to ask around & see if anyone else has come across this.... I have a USB Buffalo Drivestation Quattro, with 4 1TB disks configured in raid5 as one 2.8TB (or so) disk, attached to a Cent 5.4 64 bit server (completely yum'd up to date) The disk is labeled as GPT, and formatted as a 2.8 TB ext3 partition (this issue also
2004 Sep 27
Getting Samba to ask for Username and Password
Can somebody tell me how to get samba to ask me for a username and password when I click on my Samba server in Windows XP Explorer? When I click on another computer on the network (Workstation A) from a workstation (Workstation B) where I'm NOT logged in with a username:password that Workstation A recognizes as having an account, I get a dialog box asking me for a username and password.
2003 Dec 22
Problem Restarting Samba3
I have Samba 3.0.0 installed on Mandrake 9.2. I also have Samba 2.8.8a installed per instructions from Mandrake -- but I do NOT start Samba 2.8.8a automatically. In fact, I don't use it at all. Maybe I should uninstall the Samba 2.8.8a rpm??? I will update to 3.0.1 as soon as an rpm is available from Mandrake. Anyway, I have a problem when I try to add a new share to my smb.conf file. I
2004 Nov 15
Problem with "include=smb.%U.conf"
Hi, Does anybody know why Windows clients can see shares that are defined by the "include=/etc/samba/smb.%U.conf" option in but Mac OS X and Linux Samba clients cannot see those shares? In other words, I have a bunch of users. Each user has a set of his/her own unique shares on my Linux server that are defined in files called: /etc/samba/smb.User1.conf /etc/samba/smb.User2.conf
2005 Apr 15
aggregate slow with variables of type 'dates' - how to solve
Dear all I use aggregate with variables of type numeric and dates. For type numeric functions, such as sum() are very fast, but similar simple functions, such as min() are much slower for the variables of type 'dates'. The difference gets bigger the larger the 'id' var is - but see this sample code: dts <- dates(c("02/27/92", "02/27/92",
2005 Mar 08
Roaming Profiles and Mapped Drives
Hi, I have a weird problem with a Linux Server acting as a PDC with Samba 3.02. If I map a particular Samba share as the "Z" drive -- and I use roaming profiles with a logon.bat script -- the share will NEVER automatically reconnect when logging on again. This happens 100 percent of the time. And now the same thing seems to be happening for any shared mapped as the
2012 Nov 02
can not read table in dbReadTable
> tbs<-dbListTables(con) > > tbs [1] "lowend" "time" "week30" "week33" "week39" "week42" > <- dbReadTable(tbs, "week42") Error in function (classes, fdef, mtable) : unable to find an inherited method for function "dbReadTable", for signature "character",
2005 Jan 24
Roaming Profiles -- Problem Rapidly Switching Users
Does anybody have any insight into what could be causing this strange problem? I have Samba 3.02 (sorry, can't upgrade right now). My Linux box is running Mandrake 10 Official. I have Samba configured as a PDC. I can successfully add machines to my Domain -- and log on as ANY user from ANY machine. However on a SINGLE MACHINE, when I log on as USER_1 and access that user's roaming
2005 Mar 15
Samba and Preallocated Files
A question about capturing videos to a Samba share... When Apple's Final Cut Pro captures video files, it pre-allocates file space on the destination volume. If you capture to a local volume that's physically attached to a Macintosh, or if you capture to a network volume via AFP (Apple File Sharing Protocol), you can see that Final Cut instantly creates a file of the
2004 Sep 29
Puzzle -- Logon/Login from Windows XP
I hope somebody can help me with this. I posed this question a week ago and got several well-meaning answers that were not very helpful. I have 10 Windows XP workstations and 100 users. Each of the 100 users has an account on my Samba server (running Samba 3.03 on Mandrake Linux 10). Each user has several shares on the Samba server which are unique to that user. In other words, only THAT
2003 Nov 20
"Inherited Permissions" vs "Force/Create Mask"
I have written to this list several times. I purchased the Officia SAMBA 3 How-To and Reference Guide (and read much of it). But I can't get a good answer to my question. I'm trying to figure out the difference between "inherited permissions" and "force/create mask/directory", and other actions like "force user" and "force group" (it seems I