similar to: RSVP: Informatica Webinar Featuring Pieter Mimno

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "RSVP: Informatica Webinar Featuring Pieter Mimno"

2003 Aug 13
Sun and Informatica invite you to a Web seminar
Sun and Informatica Present "Metadata Solutions: Enabling the Intelligent Enterprise" Date: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 Time: 11:00amPDT/1:00pmCDT/2:00pmEDT Duration: One hour In today's economy, having in-depth and accurate data is key to getting visibility across your enterprise. Metadata management is required to access the impact of change and improve operational performance.
2005 May 31
Special Report from DM Direct: May 31, 2005
======================================================================= Special Report May 31, 2005 Special Report is an extension of DMReview magazine online. ======================================================================= Industry Standards Can Help Pave the Road to Compliance by Brian Sennett Service-oriented architectures can aid in
2005 Jun 10
DM Direct Newsletter: June 10, 2005
======================================================================= DM Direct June 10, 2005 DM Direct is an extension of DMReview magazine online. ======================================================================= A Scoop on Scope: A Process-Driven Approach to Avoiding Challenged Projects by Rudolf Melik This article discusses the focus
2005 Jun 03
DM Direct Newsletter: June 3, 2005
======================================================================= DM Direct June 3, 2005 DM Direct is an extension of DMReview magazine online. ======================================================================= The Microsoft .NET Model by Rex Brooks and Russell Ruggiero This is the second of a four-part series on J2EE and .NET
2005 Jun 07
Special Report from DM Direct: June 7, 2005
======================================================================= Special Report June 7, 2005 Special Report is an extension of DMReview magazine online. ======================================================================= Data Auditing Creates a Foundation for Good Governance and Risk Management by Murray S. Mazer This article looks
2007 Apr 17
RSVP questions?
Have a few generic questions about Kom-RSVP 1.) 11:00:05.175 WARNING: timer system overloaded, deviation is 30.080 sec - what timer is this referring to? System time? 2.) What is the relationship between the CBQ class created for RSVP traffic and the CBQ parameter that is in RSVP.conf? - ex. ### cbq qdisc ### tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: cbq bandwidth 10mbit avpkt 1000 mpu 64
2007 May 03
Hello mailing list, i´m writing a documentation about what the linux traffic control system can do, and I don’t know if TC provides a support of the RSVP protocol. I know, there is a filter with the same name, but is this the RSVP protocol, which defined in the RFC2205 and RFC2209?? Can you help me please Thanks Simo
2007 Jun 07
Does anyone on hear have any thoughts on the changes that would be nessary for KOM RSVP to use HTB rather than just CBQ and HFSC? Jon Flechsenhaar Boeing WNW Team Network Services (714)-762-1231 202-E7
2007 Jan 10
RSVP source code
All: I''m trying to get RSVP running on a Linux machine. The machine is currently Fedora. I have read rfc 2205. Does anyone know where I can get the RSVP source code to install on the machine. Or does anyone know of some documentation that might help in doing this? Thanks, Jon Flechsenhaar Boeing WNW Team Network Services (714)-762-1231 202-E7
2006 Dec 26
RSVP/RSVP6 Enabling a linux box is not working: Why ?
Hi. I just went thru reading all of the howto and have a working implementation of RSVP over UDP encapsulation that i would linke to test, made in Java. For this, I would like to use a Linux Box as a RSVP enabled router. However, I have tried and tried to make RSVP work on linux and failed. So I wonder what I am doing wrong. Basically, on the linux box what I am doing is turning
2005 May 03
which RSVP implementation do you guys use?
Hi guys, I was looking on the net for a version of RSVP to play with, and I seem to have come across 2 dominant ones: 1. ISI one, last release year 1999? 2. KOM one, last relase year 2004 So, what''s your favourite RSVP implementation? What do people on the list usually use? Thanks, Kelv
2005 May 24
RSVP Filter
Greetings. I am trying to use ISI RSVP to make some layer3 reservations. My problem is that RSVP refuses to configure the queues with an "RNETLINK answers: invalid argument" error. Even if I try to setup the filter with tc command, I get the same error. I already tried to load all the modules necessary, rsvp and rsvp6 included, but I still got the same error. Can someone help me? Is the
2005 Dec 25
SF Bay Area Beer and Pizza SIG (RSVP request)
Although I don''t _need_ RSVPs for this event 12/28 8:00 pm The Beer & Pizza SIG will meet at Wild Pepper (3601 26th. St.; SF, CA). For details, see http://cfcl/rdm/beer_and_pizza. I''d like to be able to give the restaurant some idea of the size of table we''ll be needing. So, if you are planning to attend, please drop
2013 Apr 05
90-minute Ruby 2.0 Webinar?
I work for a technology company (PBTech.) and am looking to run a 90-minute overview webinar on the new release of Ruby 2.0 ... Anyone have thoughts on whether there would be interest in this topic / potential instructors to teach it / what it should cover ... etc. Any and all help is appreciated! You can send me an e-mail at klundstrom-Eyk8cPK/ if you are interested in
2011 Aug 30
FREE webinar video about Auto-Dialer Business Model (Telemarketing)
Hello, We would like to share our webinar about Auto-Dialer Business Model (Telemarketing). It is educational video which we made for our clients and now we are sharing it with you. Enjoy. NOTE: This is not attempt to sell you anything. No product or service is sold/marketed in the video. Regards, Kolmisoft Team
2013 May 14
apcluster webinar: Thursday, June 13, 2013, 7:00pm CEST
Dear colleagues, This is to inform you that I will be giving a webinar on the apcluster package on Thursday, June 13, 2013, 7:00pm CEST (10:00am PDT). The outline of the one-hour webinar is as follows: - Introduction to affinity propagation (AP) clustering - The apcluster package, its algorithms, and visualization tools - Live apcluster demonstration - Question and Answer period To register
2012 Nov 26
Webinar signup: Advances in Gradient Boosting: the Power of Post-Processing. December 14, 10-11 a.m., PST
Webinar signup: Advances in Gradient Boosting: the Power of Post-Processing December 14, 10-11 a.m., PST Webinar Registration: Course Outline: * Gradient Boosting and Post-Processing: o What is missing from Gradient Boosting? o Why post-processing techniques are used? * Applications Benefiting from
2013 Mar 07
Webinar server, installable on CentOS6
Hi all, I'm looking for an opensource solution for hosting webinars on a remote dedicated server running CentOS6. I would like to use FOSS, and it would be perfect if it's packaged, or at least easealy packageable. Please let me know if you have some suggestion. -- RMA.
2012 Dec 13
Webinar: Advances in Gradient Boosting: the Power of Post-Processing. TOMORROW, 10-11 a.m., PST
Webinar: Advances in Gradient Boosting: the Power of Post-Processing TOMORROW: December 14, 10-11 a.m., PST Webinar Registration: Course Outline: I. Gradient Boosting and Post-Processing: o What is missing from Gradient Boosting? o Why post-processing techniques are used? II. Applications Benefiting from Post-Processing:
2011 Jul 18
Reminder: Monitoring GlusterFS Webinar is Tomorrow
Greetings - if you're curious about monitoring GlusterFS performance, be sure and sign up for tomorrow's webinar. We will also post the recording online should you not be able to make it. Introducing Gluster for Geeks Technical Webinar Series In this Gluster for Geeks technical webinar, Craig Carl, Senior Systems Engineer, will explain and demonstrate how to monitor your Gluster