similar to: Files stop transferring after 2 GB.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Files stop transferring after 2 GB."

2002 Sep 21
Samba Very Slow When Using AFS and MS Office (is this a Bug?)
Hi All, I am having a problem with Samba that seems to be a bug. I say this because I read the archives and they described a problem similar to mine and were told that it was a bug in older version of Samba and the latest version should have it fixed. I am running what is essentially a RH 7.3 on a 1.4GHz Athon with 1GB or RAM. I compiled Samba 2.2.5 in /opt/samba-2.2.5 and am using the following
2003 Nov 11
lock problem on 32 bit mounted nfs with 64 bit lock offsets
Hello list, I've got a problem concerning locking of files with a share on a nfs mounted NAS. samba server is 2.2.8a installed from SuSE-RPMs the NAS is mounted with following line in fstab: <IP-Number>:/vgroup00/data02/data /mnt/nas01 nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,soft 0 0 I tried to save a file from word which lead to a aprox. 1 minute hang of my Win2k/SP3. The log of the
2004 Feb 16
Suse 9.0 2.2.8a smbd issue
Sorry if this issue has come up before. I have been using samba on a NetApp filer successfully for some time but I recently upgraded my samba server to Suse 9.0 Professional. I am trying to use the 'classic samba' version (since I don't know any better) and am having problems with file locking on my shares. Here is a transcript of the log.smbd that shows some incompatibility between
2004 Jun 02
freebsd 5.2.1 and Samba 3.0.4 on fat32
Hi, Is there a known issue with FreeBSD 5.2.1 and Samba 3.0.4? I am getting file corruption when copying to a local FAT32 drive (mounted under FBSD) from a Windows XP Pro workstation. There doesn't seem to be any pattern in the corruption. If I mount an UFS drive, everthing is fine. I'd also like to find out if the corruption would also have affected file updates, and not just new file
2005 Aug 10
lock request at offset?
I was trying to copy swf file (35MB) from a windows machine to my samba share. It told me "There is not enough disk space". However, it lets me copy it in another share. I didn't notice anything different with the share I am having problem with. I noticed the following messages in the log: [2005/08/10 13:56:47, 0] locking/posix.c:posix_fcntl_lock(657) posix_fcntl_lock: WARNING:
2004 Feb 12
More Info: Mac permission problems after Debian update
There seems to be a few people having this problem, but not much response. I've dug into the logs, and while I don't know exactly what I am looking at, I think I may have found something that may make sense to someone. A short recap. Samba was working fine, until I did a Debian security update, which upgraded my Samba to 2.2.8a. Now, I can create files on a mounted Samba share in a
2005 Apr 11
3.0.13 - word cannot complete the save due to a file permission error. for smb/NFS mounted dirs
I am using 3.0.13 and have temporarily run out of disk space on the main samba server, so I have NFS mounted some space from another machine. into a directory that is accessible under samba. When I try to save directly from ms word 2003 sp1 (and same from word 2000) it tells me: on the win98se and win xp pro sp2 clients: "Microsoft Office Word" Word cannot complete the save due to
2005 Feb 08
nfs, 64 / 32 bit, locking problem
Well, next problem. Because of samba isn't running on alphaserver 1200 with gentoo linux and kernel 2.6.9-ac12 i've simply exported my smbroot (on alpha, it is my fileserver) and have samba running on an intel pentium4 box, also gentoo, kernel 2.6.0-ac12. Seems to work, eccept some locking problems. smbd[9450]: [2005/02/08 17:29:51, 0] locking/posix.c:posix_fcntl_lock(657) smbd[9450]:
2004 Feb 11
Writing to a ReExported NFS Share With A MAC
I ran into this problem and was unable to find a solution here or in google. Thought I'd post it to the list so maybe it'll help someone out in the future. Gentoo Linux running 2.4.22 and Samba 2.2.8a. ReExporting an NFS mounted share on a NetAPP fileserver connected to eth1 via samba out eth0. All PCs are able to write fine but when writing to the share via a mac using OSX the
2004 Jan 23
NFS re-export 64bit / 32bit locking issue?
Hi all, I've got kind of strange setup, wherein all of my data is on a big NFS server (RH linux 8.0 running the 2.4.18 kernel and nfs-utils 1.0.1-2.80) and my Samba 3.0.0 PDC server (RH linux 7.3 w/ 2.4.18 kernel, nfs-utils 0.3.3-6.73) mounts the NFS export with the following options: rw,vers=3,wsize=8192,rsize=8192,hard,intr This mounted partition is then re-exported to the windows users
2005 Mar 18
32/64bit Locking Problems
We are receiving the following in our logs: Mar 18 13:41:37 athena smbd[24222]: [2005/03/18 13:41:37, 0] locking/posix.c:posix_fcntl_lock(658) Mar 18 13:41:37 athena smbd[24222]: an Invalid argument error. This can happen when using 64 bit lock offsets Mar 18 13:41:37 athena smbd[24222]: [2005/03/18 13:41:37, 0] locking/posix.c:posix_fcntl_lock(659) Mar 18 13:41:37 athena smbd[24222]: on 32
2004 Jan 12
Slowness problems with Samba 3.0.1, Solaris, and Clearcase
Hello -- I recently installed Samba 3.0.1 on our Solaris 8 servers (as well as our RedHat servers) and I wanted to see if I could get some feedback on a few things. We are using Samba in conjunction with Clearcase for our software developers and because of that, we have oplocks turned off (also level2 oplocks = no as well). We are authenticating to our ADS server, but joining the domain with
2001 Nov 05
32/64bit locking problem with 2.2.2
Hi there, I have a quite ugly problem with a Samba server. The server is running Linux 2.4.13 and Samba 2.2.2. The NFS-client is running Linux 2.4.5. The windows homedirs are on \\server\username, the UNIX homedirs are NFS mounted by the server. So, whenever I access \\server\username this actually NFS-mounts /nfs/client/home/username. I now have one client machine that causes the following
2004 Apr 20
samba locking problem
Hi, we have a strange samba locking problem with version 3.0. Sometimes user only get a read only access to files. This happens with different users on different clients. Unix permissions are OK. I have realy no idea. Can you help ? Thanx Peter Huber -------------- next part -------------- [2004/03/02 15:03:56, 5] smbd/uid.c:change_to_root_user(217) change_to_root_user: now uid=(0,0)
2006 Oct 30
Samba locking fails over NFS
Good day, Our Windows users aren't able to edit their MS Office files over our Samba shares (Samba 3.0.10, CentOS4 w/ their i386 RPM). It looks like the clients' attempts to lock the files fails. When their client attempts to open such a file, Samba reports: ----------8<----------------------- [2006/10/27 15:55:57, 0] locking/posix.c:posix_fcntl_lock(657) posix_fcntl_lock:
2004 Jan 28
configure incorrectly assumes my linux system is 64 bit capable
Hi all, I've dug into a problem I've been having with Samba-3.0.0 (trying out 3.0.1 right now) on a linux system (2.4.18-3 kernel) with glibc 2.2.5 ... when I run a ./configure (with or without --with-spinlocks) it tests out my fcntl.h, and it fails the first fcntl.h test, the following one (where it tests for a broken glibc 2.1), but then passes the 64 bit fcntl test!? Now when it
2001 Dec 13
samba 32/64 bit locking error
On Nov. 5, Juergen Bock wrote (in a message titled "32/64bit locking problem with 2.2.2") that he was seeing a 32/64bit locking error in his logs. I have also seen this problem. I have a little more information that indicates that this behavior started after samba version 2.2.0a. Here are the samba versions I have tested: Samba 2.2.0a (compiled on rh7.1 system with kernel 2.4.5)
2004 Dec 26
Help with error log entry and terrible performance
When an XP box is reading a file from the Samba server performance is what you would expect with 100 mbs ethernet. When uploading a large file (>1 meg) performance is very slow. 1/20th what I would expect. The Samba server log has these entries: posix_fcntl_lock: WARNING: lock request at offset 12226560, length 61440 returned [2004/12/24 17:28:52, 0] locking/posix.c:posix_fcntl_lock(658)
2004 Aug 30
cannot access files after update samba 3.0.5 -> 3.0.6 (Redhat 6.2)
Redhat 6.2 kernel 2.2.14-12 Samba 3.0.6 compiled with ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/samba --localstatedir=/var/log/samba --with-lockdir=/var/lock/samba --with-privatedir=/etc/rc-abas.d --with-configdir=/etc/rc-abas.d --enable-debug I can list directories and write files on a samba share but cannot read files. This happens with Windows XP client or smbclient. After downgrading to 3.0.5 samba
2002 Nov 28
samba & nfs...
Hi, I'm having problems with M$ Office files on an samba mounted fs. Here's the deal. Server A is an NFS server holding the homes. (Irix 6.5.14) Server B is the Samba server (Samba 2.2.2, kernel oplocks = no, Irix 6.5.14) The homes are nfs-mounted on the Samba server (autofs), and all is well until someone tries to open or create an Microsoft Office Document. I suppose it has something