similar to: smbldap-tools patch - careful string handling

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "smbldap-tools patch - careful string handling"

2004 Jun 21
Idealx script prerequisites?
I'm trying to setup a PDC (and later on a BDC as well) using samba 3.02a and openLDAP 2.2.13 and I'm having some trouble with the idealx scripts. When I run the command /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-useradd alex I get the message: Can't locate object method "new" via package "Net::LDAP" (perhaps you forgot to load "Net::LDAP"?) at
2007 May 25
[new script] smbldap-userlist
Hi, for those who are using ldap for managing Samba, here's a quick script I wrote to make it simple to list users or machines on the commandline. I use it to delete old machine entries that are not in use anymore. For usage, read the perldoc in the script. Place the script in the same directory as you have your other smbldap-tools scripts. The script is based on smbldap-usershow. Kind
2003 Oct 22
modprobe ztdummy failed
Hello- I've been trying to scour both * and linux user group archives for a solution to this particular problem, but I am just plan stuck. I got the latest zaptel sources from cvs, uncommented ztdummy.o in Makefile, ran make; make install then, did depmod -a. All is well up until now. When i do modprobe ztdummy, i get this error: dv@sidetrack:/usr/local/src/zaptel# depmod -a
2004 Dec 07
Problems with samba password file
Hi, On a Fedora box we installed Samba 3.0.8pre1-0.pre1.3 Accidently we've removed the samba password file. Now, we can't get access to Samba anymore. Is there a way to re-create it ? Or do we have to reinstall Samba ? BTW: We have no backup .... cheers, Andy
2004 Aug 12
Can't locate Net/ in @INC
Hi guys, I am trying to migrate my NT 4 users to samba and these are the steps that I used for installing samba. BerkeleyDB ../dist/configure --prefix=/usr make make install MIT Kerberos ./configure --prefix=/usr make make install make check OpenSSL ./config --openssldir=/usr make make install Cyrus SASL cd cyrus-sasl-2.1.19 ./configure --prefix=/usr
2005 Mar 02
Hi Jerry/Samba Team I have Samba 3.0.10 installed on Solaris8 server and Samba-client-2.2.10 installed on Linux Red Hat2.1AS servers The Linux servers use Samba to mount filesystems from Solaris8 server. My question is how to find out on the Solaris8 server which Linux servers are using Samba to mount from. Because it is hideous to go to every Linux server and see which Solaris8 server they are
2005 Mar 27
BDC problem!? user can't get profile/map drive
Hello: I have set up a PDC using Samba 3.0.11 with openldap 2.2.23. I have set up a BDC as well (the smb.conf is same as those on PDC except the nebios name as "BDC" and the domain master is set as "no"). Then I try to shut down my PDC to check whether the client login through the BDC. I found that my client (on Window NT) are able to authenticated by BDC, but it keeps
2005 May 11
Hi, Did this issue get resolved? Can someone tell me how it was resolved and what needs to be done? I am running into the same issue. Thanks, Prakash
2004 Nov 01
users in multiple groups?
Hi, I have setup samba 3.0.7 with LDAP and NetApps Filers as our file store. We are going to lots of departmental shares, firstly we want only people from their own dept to have access to their department share, but users from other departments may need access to other dept shares, i would like to set up permissions on each dept share so a group is applied, then every user is added to the
2006 Jul 24
impossible to join domain - smbldap-useradd -w "%u" is buggy
Hello all! I have spent a lot of time chasing down what I think is a bug in smbldap-tools. It seems like many other people have experienced the same problem too. It was pretty hard to triage so I'm writing it down here. The symptom of the problem is that Windows machines cannot join your Samba+LDAP PDC. When you try to change the domain Windows pops up a dialog box saying "no such
2004 Jul 15
SWAT works with Webmin but not via localhost:901
I have tried everything that I know of. I have reviewed the services file and the swat file in xinetd.d a tun of times. It appears, via netstat that swat is listening on port 901. However when I attempt to access it via the Mozilla browser on my Fedora server (with or localhost:901) nothing happens. It just sits there. However, if I access it via webmin (which has swat stored
2004 Sep 27
Problems with the IdealX scripts
Not sure if this is where I should ask about this, but if I try to run any of the smbldap-* scripts, I get the following kind of output: oink:/usr/local/sbin # ./smbldap-populate Using builtin directory structure erreur LDAP: Can't contact master ldap server (IO::Socket::INET: Bad protocol 'tcp') at /usr/local/sbin// line 153. I feel like this must be from a typo
2002 May 14
Bugfix for idealx smbldap-tools
Hi. When I tried to setup my LDAP I used the smbldap-tools from idealx. I discovered some errors which made the tools unusable for me. Here's a fix for the bugs I discovered: a) I decided to use a suffix in the LDAP which contains spaces, ie. I used something like "o=My Org,c=DE". Because the suffix wasn't quoted in the various calls in the tools, this didn't work. b) It
2004 Sep 28
Authenticateing DC's on an ldap backend... nobody knows how?
Doesn't anyone here know how to authenticate hosts in the group 'Domain Controllers' such that you don't have to set 'ldap admin dn' to the ldap server's root dn? What's the big deal? Why is this such a secret? Everytime I ask about it I get dead silence. It doesn't seem to matter what list I am on either. Jim C. --
2005 Apr 27
winbind and NTLM authentication problems - NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
Hello, Specifications of the environment: Samba 3.0.13 running on Solaris 8. This is configured as a domain member of a NT4 style PDC. The smb.conf file is provided for details. Problem definition: When trying to access the Samba server from a windows machine through network neighborhood, the system challenges the user for their credentials. On providing the username/password the system rejects
2005 Jan 11
smbldap-useradd error looking for next uid
/usr/local/sbin/smbldap-useradd -w computername Error looking for next uid at /usr/local/sbin/// line 879, <DATA> line 283. I cannot add machines to the samba pdc because of this... everything else with samba/ldap seems to work, I have the feeling it is related to this # Where are stored Idmap entries (used if samba is a domain member server) # Ex
2005 Mar 03
Can't see my Samba server into the A.D. Domain
Samba server: SUN/Solaris 8 Samba version 3.0.10 Domain: Active Directory with a W2K PDC My Samba server is a Domain Member Server, connected to the Active Directory Domain with the "net rpc join" unix command. All the MS-Windows SMB client from the Domain can connect an use, without any problem, the shares of the Samba server. When I use, on an MS-Windows client or the PDC, the
2004 Jul 13
posixAccount for Machines in LDAP?
Hello, I have a question about machine accounts. I using Samba 3.0, OpenLDAP 2.1.30 and Berkeley 4.2.52 on backend on RedHat machines. I also have 3 slave/BDC's and 1 master/PDC Right now all of my users and groups exist entirely in the LDAP directory. I have a few accounts in addition to the normal system accounts that are used for emergency access. All authention and group enumeration uses
2004 Aug 19
Active Directory Migration Tools - breaks samba 2.x.x?
Hi, We are migrating from an NT domain to a 2003 AD and using the migration tools to nicely move the users across. However, we have just realized that a user created manually can see a samba 2.0.6 server no worries, but a user that has been migrated using the Migration Tools gets an access denied. Anybody come across this one before? It's probably some bodj work around from
2011 Jul 09
Storing and managing custom R functions for re-use
Dear all, sorry if this is a bit on the sidetrack for R-help. As a regular R user I have developed quite a lot of custom R functions, to the point of not always remembering what I have already programmed, where the file is and so on. I was wondering what other people do in this regards. A basic file with all your functions, or a custom R package, or directly integrated into a profile file