Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Windows Filesharing Limitations"
2006 Feb 17
Switchtower (0.10.0), ssh and environment confusion
Seems like my day for Rails posts... :)
OK. I''ve started using Swtichtower to help with deploying changes to my
production rails apps. Unfortunately I''ve come accros an inconsistency that I
can''t quite figure out. It''s about the PATH env var under Bash. I''ve created a
task that just does a: run "env", to show what I''m seeing:
2010 Sep 28
cochran Q test
Dear all,
I am trying to look for a built in function that performs the cochran Q
that is, cochranq.test(X)
where X is a contingency table (maybe a matrix or data.frame).
The output will naturally be the test statisitcs, p-value, etc.
A quick search on Google gives me the cochran.test in the 'outlier' package,
but I had a look at the description of the test and it doesn't look
2007 Nov 05
Help with cochran.test
I have been trying to use the function cochran.test from the Outliers
package to test for homogeneity of variance. This works well except when
I use transformed data. Would anyone have an idea why it doesn't work
and how I could do the cochran test on transformed data?
> set.seed(1234)
> x=rnorm(100)
2010 Sep 15
cochran-grubbs tests results
I'm new in this R world and I don't know much about statistics, but now I
have to analize some data and I've got some first queries yet:
I have 5 sets of area mesures and each set has 5 repetitions.
My first step is to check data looking for outliers. I've used the outliers
package. I have to use the cochran test and the grubbs test in case I find
any outlier. The problem
2012 Sep 18
Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test
I have some satellite tag time-at-depth (TAD) frequency data that I
would like some help with.
The data was transmitted via satellite as percent time spent in each of
7 depth bins (0m, 0-1m, 1-10m, 10-50m etc.), binned over 6-hour
intervals. I categorized each row of data corresponding to a date and
time into summer vs. winter, and day vs. night, and then summed and
averaged the given
2009 Jun 01
using "cochran.test()" as a "mcnemar.test()" ?
Hello all
I wish to perform a mcnemar.test() for a 5X5 matrix.
Wikipedia tells me (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cochran_test) I should turn
to cochran.test.
The only place I found it was in the "outliers" package, but the command
cochran.test() acts differently then mcnemar.test() , and doesn't take a
table as input.
Any ideas on how to use it ?
#Example code:
aa =
2011 Apr 23
[LLVMdev] copy instructions
The mem2reg pass will rewrite allocas and loads and stores to SSA
virtual registers. Essentially it's a transformation from non-SSA to
SSA form. That said, I don't know if you want your students to
implement their own SSA transformation.
On Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 1:57 PM, Cochran, Wayne Owen
<wcochran at vancouver.wsu.edu> wrote:
> It is my understanding, the alloca memory
2011 Apr 23
[LLVMdev] copy instructions
It is my understanding, the alloca memory routines are used
for forcing variables to be allocated on the stack frame -- which
you would want for source level debugging.
When SSA registers are used, LLVM will decide what goes into
registers and what will spill over to the stack frame.
I want the latter.
Wayne O. Cochran
Assistant Professor Computer Science
wcochran at vancouver.wsu.edu
2013 Mar 02
print method like print.anova()
I have a print method for a set of statistical tests, vcdExtra::CMHtest,
for which I'd like to
have more sensible printing of pvalues, as in print.anova().
[Testing this requires the latest version of vcdExtra, from R-Forge
**|install.packages("vcdExtra", repos="http://R-Forge.R-project.org")|**
With my current print method, I get results like this, but all Prob
2010 Mar 14
likelihood ratio test between glmer and glm
I am currently running a generalized linear mixed effect model using glmer and I want to estimate how much of the variance is explained by my random factor.
summary(glmer(cbind(female,male)~date+(1|dam),family=binomial,data= liz3"))
Generalized linear mixed model fit by the Laplace approximation
Formula: cbind(female, male) ~ date + (1 | dam)
Data: liz3
AIC BIC logLik deviance
2007 Mar 06
Quick question on Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test
Dear List,
I am looking for what B.S.Everitt refers to as Cochrane Method for testing
independence in combined 2x2 contingency tables. Is it the same method as
the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Chi-Squared Test for Count Data in R?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Nov 01
Help me in Cochran armitage trend test Coding
Dear sir,
I am Shibu John from Thrombosis Research Institute India. It is a
multidisciplinary organisation concerned with the interrelated problems of
thrombosis and atherosclerosis.
I was searching for Cochran armitage trend test program in R. Then I had
seen your R coding for C-A trend test. I tried that in the R software.
But I can?t run the program due the [Error: could not find function
2009 Feb 09
R equivalent of SAS Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel tests?
In SAS, for a two-way (or 3-way, stratified) table, the CMH option in
3 tests that take ordinality of the factors into account, for both
variables, just the column variable
or neither. Is there an equivalent in R?
The mantelhaen.test in stats gives something quite different (a test of
conditional independence for
*nominal* factors in a 3-way table).
e.g. I'd like to
2006 Sep 18
Cochrans Q Test
I would like to conduct a Cochran`s Q Test in R, but have not found any
suitable function.
My first idea was: J <- as.table(matrix(c(6,16,2,4),ncol=2, dimnames =
list("C" = c("Favorable","Unfavorable"),"Drug A Favorable"=c("B
Favorable","B Unfavorable"))))
L <- as.table(matrix(c(2,4,6,6),ncol=2, dimnames =
2005 Jul 28
I am searching for the Cochran-Armitage-trend-test. Is it included in an
Thank you!
2009 May 29
Why change data type when dropping to one-dimension?
First, let me say I'm an avid fan of R--it's incredibly powerful and I
use it all the time. I appreciate all the hard work that the many
developers have undergone.
My question is: why does the paradigm of changing the type of a 1D
return value to an unlisted array exist? This introduces boundary
conditions where none need exist, thus making the coding harder and
2004 May 12
3.8p1 on Solaris 8
I am running into some strange (to me) behavior trying to upgrade
from 3.6.1p2 to 3.8p1 on Solaris 8.
All of my machines are running 3.6.1p2 (Linux boxes have had RH
errata applied). When I ssh with my AFS account name from any of them
to the Solaris 8 box running 3.6.1p2, it responds with
"afsuser at machine's password:". Once the password is given, I am
logged in just
2012 May 12
getting files and ACLs from a fileshare in Python
I am weighing Python for an application which needs to connect to a
fileshare, to index the documents and also to retrieve the ACLs.
Is there an equivalent of the Java libjcifs in Python?
Given that the application will be running on Windows, what is the
best way to use the win32 API from Python?
If the application is running on Linux, I might be better off simply
mounting the share. Do
2007 Mar 23
distribution graph
I am looking for a way to produce a "distribution graph" as in the example:
Anybody who can help?
Christian von Plessen
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Haukeland university hospital
2011 Apr 23
[LLVMdev] copy instructions
On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 10:40 AM, Wayne Cochran
<wcochran at vancouver.wsu.edu> wrote:
> This is a simple SSA code generation 101 question.
> If I follow the IR code generation techniques in the Dragon book the
> statement
> x = y + z
> would translate into something like this in SSA/LLVM
> %0 = add %y, %z
> %x = %0
> Obviously "copy instructions"