Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "reload configuration without a stop ?"
2002 Aug 29
Need Help: Sometimes Stop during smbd start
during Startup of SuSE-Linux 7.2 Prof. the PC is sometimes
( 1 of 10 times) stopping by start smbd. Reset knop the help
only. I have this problem with the samba version in SuSE
package and version 2.2.5 too. In the file ../rc3.d/S12smb I
added 2 lines to see if nmbd and smbd are startet.
I see nmbd is starting always, the text "SAMBA smbd
gestartet" is in case of fault not printing.
2006 Jun 21
startup script for icecast
I was wondering about the feasibility of including a startup script for
icecast for redhat/fedora installs? I've had to do an rpm install on an fc4
box, and a source install, rpms couldn't be found for an rh9 machine, yah i
know that's old. And in both cases i had to drop in a custom-made startup
script, see below. I was wondering esepcially in the case of the rpm, and
2002 Jan 18
contrib/solaris/opensshd.in patch
This patch adds the seatbelts which _only_ kill parent sshd procs... -RMallory
(eg: when you ssh into a machine and pkgadd the new openssh, it will not
kill your current (or anyone else's sshd session)
onanother_note: the buildpkg.sh could use some exec_prefix functionality...
to deal with ./configure --prefix= --exec_prefix=/usr
*** bak/opensshd.in Fri Oct 19 13:36:24 2001
1998 Sep 23
Start and stop the samba server
Is there a good way to stop and restart the samba server...
for example to have it re read the smb.conf, without rebooting the
actual pc?
if I should kill a process should I kill them all ??? if so is there an
efficent way to do this?
thanks in advance
2001 Oct 17
Again: bugs in contrib/solaris/opensshd.in and buildpkg.sh
(Shame on me: wrong filename in last posting, now here are correct
in contrib/solaris/ (openssh-SNAP-20011017.tar.gz)
1) buildpkg.sh makes wrong link for /etc/init.d/opensshd
2) /etc/init.d/opensshd has not-working killproc
here my version tested on Solaris 2.4 and 8
(no pgrep with solaris 2.4, XARGS was undefined, simpler
--- contrib/solaris/buildpkg.sh Fri Oct 12
2002 Jul 16
I've had the wrong sshd daemon killed by "killing using alternate method"
too many times.
Would this cause anyone any grief?
--- opensshd.in.old Sun Oct 21 16:42:02 2001
+++ opensshd.in Mon Jul 15 19:34:16 2002
@@ -3,11 +3,8 @@
# Stripped PRNGd out of it for the time being.
2010 Jun 03
auth socket goes away on reload
We're using the SQLite backend for authentication of Postfix SASL. When
the db is replaced we HUP dovecot to close and reopen its connection.
During this time it appears the socket file is removed and Postfix
rejects the authentication attempt. From the logs:
Jun 3 00:23:02 xxx dovecot: dovecot: SIGHUP received - reloading
Jun 3 00:23:02 xxx postfix/smtpd[14746]: warning:
2017 May 29
Proper way to start multiple icecast services through bash script?
Good afternoon,
On Mon, 2017-05-29 at 17:35 +0300, Yahav Shasha wrote:
> try this:
> /usr/bin/icecast -c /etc/icecast.xml -b > /dev/null 2>&1 &
> as for killing them, don't overcomplicate things, killall icecast -KILL
You should never kill process with SIGKILL if not really, really needed.
Using SIGKILL will not give them a chance to clean up. E.g. no flushing
2018 Jun 21
hosts allow option is not applaying without restart smbd
On Thu, 21 Jun 2018 19:17:14 +0700
Vladimir Eltsov via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
> Hello.
> I have read man smbcontrol.
> I wrote in start message:
> > I have tried:
> > systemctl reload smbd.service
> > killall -1 smbd
> > pkill -HUP smbd
Forget 'systemctl reload'
Forget 'killall'
Forget 'pkill'
2008 Aug 29
When to restart samba
If I understand correctly, in order to have the smb.conf file applied
you need to restart smbd.
Is "service smbd reload" sufficient (which does a "killproc smbd -HUP")?
Will this kill any active connections to samba resources causing user
disruption? Or is this a seamless process that can be carried out
I ask because if I need to kill all user connections to
2003 Jun 06
I'm having problems when I restart the smb server with it not coming back
up. As near as I can tell it's actually NMBD that's having the issue. I'm
running RedHat 9.0 on a Compaq ML-370 with Dual 1.2GHz P3s and I just
upgraded Samba to 2.2.8a-1 after having this same problem with 2.2.7a
When I issue:
#service smb restart
It says that it shut down and restarted ok, but then nobody
2003 Mar 03
Samba 2.2.7 problem
I am running Samba 2.2.7 on a Red Hat 7.3 box.
1. I have some windows xp computer on my network.
With the following settings the Samab can not able to win the election.
local master = No
preferred master = Yes
domain master = No
changing to
local master = Yes
It can. How these settings should work?
2. When samba is running (ps -ax)
1828 ? S 0:00
2006 Mar 29
FOP flash panel: how to reload config files when running
is it possible to force FOP to reload its configuration files
(op_buttons.cfg and op_style.cfg) while it is working? I tried to click
on the refresh icon but nothing happens.
Giorgio Incantalupo
1998 Aug 07
SMB printing server problem... HELP ME !!!
-------------- next part --------------
Hello everybody!!!
First of all I must say that I'm not an English speaker, so this text may sound
a little extrange. I apollogize.....
Well, I'm having problems with the SMB printing system. I have spent a lot of time
(nearly 15 hours and a houndred of configurations) in it but I could not use it as
a printing server.
System Configuration:
2015 Apr 02
systemctl (again)
Hash: SHA1
I've been trying to get the timidity system running as a daemon. I
wrote the following init script:
# timidity
# Provides: timidity
# Required-Start:
# Required-Stop:
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Add and remove timidity
# Description:
2017 May 29
Proper way to start multiple icecast services through bash script?
Yes, the web players I've tested have a hard time parsing meta properly using only one instance with separate streams. Tested at least 6 of them looking for reliable meta and cross browser/OS compatibility.
On May 29, 2017, at 10:23 AM, Marvin Scholz <epirat07 at gmail.com<mailto:epirat07 at gmail.com>> wrote:
Any specific reason to run 4 Icecasts?
On 29 May 2017, at 16:21,
2019 Oct 13
After upgrading samba 4.5.10 to 4.9.13
Good time!
After upgrading samba 4.5.10 to 4.9.13, name resolution in AD hangs.
# /etc/init.d/samba status
?* status: crashed
But the domain itself works, but hangs when resolving user names.
What can be done?
[2019/10/13 12:24:52.896473, 10, pid=17379, effective(0, 0), real(0, 0),
class=ldb] ../lib/ldb-samba/ldb_wrap.c:77(ldb_wrap_debug)
? ldb: Added timed event
1999 Jul 10
2.0.4b: logrotate problems with rh60
The 2.04b rpm for rh60 ships with and installs a config file for logrotate
(the samba.log file in the packaging/RedHat section).
/var/log/samba/log.nmb {
/usr/bin/killall -HUP nmbd
/var/log/samba/log.smb {
/usr/bin/killall -HUP smbd
I think that the use of "endrotate" is wrong.
There is no
2002 Feb 12
smb.conf question
While the Samba server is running, does it ever refresh the contents of the smb.conf file, or do you have to restart the server for it to see changes to the smb.conf file? Thanks in advance.
Jeff Rasnick
Software Technologies, Inc.
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2013 Jul 16
reload without shutting imap connections down
we have some problems with users who report connectionproblems to dovecot
sometimes. According to the logs there are dovecot reloads at this times.
Seems that a reload also causes dovecot to shut all imapconnections down:
Jul 16 13:31:40 myhostname dovecot: master: Warning: SIGHUP received -
reloading configuration
Jul 16 13:31:40 myhostname dovecot: imap: Server shutting down.