similar to: New Batch API method

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "New Batch API method"

2008 Jan 04
Nested Routes + Facebook Resources
Does anyone have nested routes working with the facebook_resources method? My routes.rb has: map.facebook_resources :users do |users| users.facebook_resources :images users.facebook_resources :connections end but user_connections_url won''t generate. "rake routes" gives me: new_user POST /users/new {:action=>"new",
2008 Jan 29
Off Loading tasks to Background.rb
Didn''t someone mention that they were using background.rb to move some of the api calls to a background process? Can they explain what they are doing a little further? I think it was Mike, but I can''t find the message in my archives. Thanks, ----- BJ Clark the science department bjclark at
2008 Apr 10
Custom Form Builder Help
Hello All, We use a different custom form builder for our app, but I wanted to use facebooker''s typeahead widget in side the other form builder. I don''t know much about form builders, but I created a file in lib/ doing this: It works great, except that the id''s and class names get messed up. Instead of school_name, I get
2008 Jan 25
ajax with facebooker?
So if I am using fbml,canvas & facebooker, can I do ajax calls? if so how? From reading it seems they support some sort of mock ajax, but I don''t really understand, can somone explain to me? If I cant do ajax, can I still do javascript? Can I use 3rd party libs like prototype & scriptaculous? thanks Joel
2008 Jan 10
A best practices question
Hey everyone. I''ve got a best practices question. How are you guys rendering newsfeeds? We have a couple of apps where we send newsfeed items from a backend process. As such, we aren''t in the context of a controller and can''t use the rails template rendering. We''ve tried about 3 different ways to make that bearable, but aren''t having much
2008 Jan 16
Towards a 1.0 release
Hey everybody. I''ve been using Facebooker on several projects over the last few months and feel like it is really starting to mature. I''d like to push towards a 1.0 release within the next month. I''d really like everybody''s input on what still needs to be done, as well as some help in wrapping things up. I''ve created a list of things that still
2008 Jan 25
simple routing & linking question
So I have an existing app & facebook app in same rails application, for now I have decided to go the route of creating a controller for facebook stuff (called FaceController). (setup is canvas, fbml) So I have: facebook config http://myurl:myport/face/ My controllers name is face, so I dont even need a manual route, for the landing page it works like a charm. but, when I try to make
2006 Nov 04
undefined method `load_paths=' for Dependencies:Module
I''ve been working on an app, and had a friend check it out to his machine. I''ve got rails and all my plugins set up with svn:externals, so when he svn ups it he gets all the latest stuff. I''ve just svn up''d both machines so we''re running the same versions of everything. We''re also running the same version of ruby (1.8.4). As far as I can
2008 Dec 16
Hi There, I was wondering what the appropriate way to use the applicationproperties.rb model was. I was hoping to query it to find out which users are developers for my app and then grant special permissions to them ... I tried creating something like this: class ApplicationProperties < ActiveRecord::Base def facebook_session @facebook_session ||= returning
2008 Jan 23
Accessing the current session
I''m trying to fetch a session (and other fb user variables from the session) at the start of my controller, so that all the actions in that controller can make use of it. Here''s the code: class FacebookController < ApplicationController ensure_application_is_installed_by_facebook_user fb_session = session[:facebook_session] # ... action functions here ... end
2008 Aug 19
redirect with application add
There are groups within our app that people can be invited too. If a user recieves an invite to a group and hasn''t yet added the application the filter chain ends up redirecting them to the main canvas page instead of the the group page directly. Is there a way to handle this if the user hasn''t installed the app, I tried redirect_back_or_default in one of my controllers but it
2008 Jun 12
Session Best Practices
Hi All- I am still trying to figure out the best way to handle facebook session for my users. Here is my current flow: in my "external accounts controller" 1) before_filter :ensure_authenticated_to_facebook, :only =&gt; [:authenticate_facebook, :edit_facebook] 2) when the user links into facebook, facebooker authenticates and redirects back to my application 3) i detect the
2008 Mar 25
Facebooker::Session::SessionExpired (Session key invalid or no longer valid)
Hi All, I''m having horrible problems with this exception, which seems to happen as soon as I access the session object. Does anyone know what the path is to recover from this? This post looked to be the most promising: And I followed all of the steps except switching my session store, and modifying the default
2008 May 06
check_friendship method only returning value of last pair
Hello, I''m new to facebooker and ruby, so not sure if the issue I am having is due to my misunderstanding or a bug in facebooker plugin. Here is what I have: def show @current_user ||= facebook_session.user @member ||= params[:id] ? @current_user :[:id]) #for each of current_user''s friends, check if they are
2008 Jun 03
Order of authentication methods is causing unnecessary call to API?
Hey Guys, I am wondering if I am missing something here. I am noticing that after a user installs my app I get a request that not only contains an auth_key but also contains a valid session key. Occasionally I am seeing that Facebook server is occasionally sending a connection reset during the auth key authentication method, this caused me to notice that secure_with_token is given precedence in
2008 Mar 12
a way to restrict who can install your app, for private testing
This is something I just cooked up to allow me to restrict temporarily who can access my app, based on an array of UIDs. It''s messy but works. Put at the top of your controller, at the end of your filters. # This filter is only until we open everything up before_filter do |c| acceptable_uids = [''594180515'', ''122612996''] unless
2008 May 15
Facebooker support for iframe apps
Hi facebooker-ers, It looks to me like facebooker does not currently support iframe facebook apps - or am I missing something? My first problem as I understand it is as follows - When you are logged into facebook, and access a facebook application, facebook tacks on a whole lot of extra fb_sig parameters to the request (including fb_sig_user) that the application can then validate to
2008 May 28
Mocking objects to test Rails Controllers
Hi all, I''m currently considering the use of Mocha to aid in writing my Rails unit/functional tests. I currently have a Rails model which mixes in a series of methods to allow it to talk to an external service. The code is roughly of this form: class Person < ActiveRecord::Base include SMSNotifier def send_notification(message) send_sms(number,message) #
2007 Dec 22
upgraded to rails 2.0.1 and borked sessions
I just pushed my facebook app up to 2.0.1 and noticed that I am now getting these errors: ActionView::TemplateError (Session key invalid or no longer valid) on line #3 of users/index.fbml.erb: It appears that I get the facebook_session object back but when i introspect and try and get the user''s name or something i get the session error. Has anyone else had these problems?
2008 Apr 08
Session Expired for Profile Publishing
Ok. I''m not having any success with publishing profile FBML. Example code: class WelcomeController < ApplicationController layout "facebook" ensure_application_is_installed_by_facebook_user def index @user = facebook_session.user ... @user.profile_fbml = render_to_string( :template => ''welcome/profile'' ) end end Results in