similar to: change password AS_ROOT=FALSE

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "change password AS_ROOT=FALSE"

2004 Sep 16
My smb.conf file contains in the general section. max print jobs = 50 And i disabled the print queue using this command : disable PrintQueueName Therefore i would expect SAMBA to reject print jobs after the 50th. But in real life it does not, it continues to spool indefinitely. If i run a batch file from a client workstation to print continuously. It means the request to print is made
2007 Mar 05
Linear programming with sparse matrix input format?
Hi. I am aware of three different R packages for linear programming: glpk, linprog, lpSolve. From what I can tell, if there are N variables and M constraints, all these solvers require the full NxM constraint matrix. Some linear solvers I know of (not in R) have a sparse matrix input format. Are there any linear solvers in R that have a sparse matrix input format? (including the
2013 Aug 12
Multiple return values / bug in rpart?
In the recommended package rpart (version 4.1-1), the file rpartpl.R contains the following line: return(x = x[!erase], y = y[!erase]) AFAIK, returning multiple values like this is not valid R. Is that correct? I can't seem to make it work in my own code. It doesn't appear that rpartpl.R is used anywhere, so this may have never caused an issue. But it's tripping up my R compiler.
2007 Dec 10
Reading through a group of .RData files
Hi. I have a procedure that reads a directory, loops through a set of particular .RData files, loading each one, and feeding its object(s) into a function, as follows: cvListFiles<-list.files(fnDir); for(i in grep(paste("^",pfnStub,".*\\.RData$",sep=""),cvListFiles)){ load(paste(fnDir,cvListFiles[i],sep="/")); myFunction(rliObject); rm(rliObject); };
2006 Dec 29
Failure loading library into second R 2.3.1 session on Windows XP
Hi. I am using R 2.3.1 on Windows XP. I had installed a library package into my first session and wanted the same package in my second session, so I went out to the CRAN mirror and tried to install the package, and got the following message: ********************************************************************* >utils:::menuInstallPkgs() trying URL
2001 Jun 08
Problem with TC
Hi, I am not sure if this problem has been discussed already. I am running red-hat LINUX 2.2.14 and the version of iproute that comes with it. The problem is that whatever I give as a command it tells me RTNETLINK answers : Invalid argument Example : tc qdisc add dev eth2 handle 10: root estimator 1sec 8sec prio bands 3 priomap 0 1 2 I have tried all kinds of combinations and it refuses to
2007 Feb 28
Efficient way to repeat rows (or columns) of a matrix?
Hi. If I have a vector, v_1, and another vector of positive integers, i_1, the same length as v_1, then rep(v_1,i_1) will repeat v_i[j] exactly i_1[j] times, like so: >rep(c(1,2,3),c(3,2,1)) [1] 1 1 1 2 2 3 > I'd like to do the same sort of thing where I replace v_1 with a matrix, and the jth row of the matrix is repeated i_1 times. Obviously, I could do this with for loops, like
2007 Jan 11
rank function and NA in 2.3.1
Hi. I am using R 2.3.1 on WIndows XP, and I am having trouble with the rank function in the presence of numerical NA data. I want the NA's all to get the same rank, but they don't. Here is an example from my session: >ct_align_rets_f2$liq[6851:6859] [1] 115396 NA 362595 NA 242986 340805 NA 692905 251533
2007 Jul 27
Matrix Multiplication, Floating-Point, etc.
Hi. I recently tried the following in R 2.5.1 on Windows XP: >ev2<-c(0.8,-0.6) >ev1<-c(0.6,0.8) >ev1%*%ev2 [,1] [1,] -2.664427e-17 >sum(ev1*ev2) [1] 0 > (I got the same result with R 2.4.1 on a different Windows XP machine.) I expect this issue is very familiar and probably has been discussed in this forum before. Can someone please point me to some
2007 May 15
Testing for existence inside a function
Hi. I'm having trouble testing for existence of an object inside a function. Suppose I have a function: f<-function(x){ ... } and I call it with argument y: f(y) I'd like to check inside the function whether argument y exists. Is this possible, or do I have to either check outside the function or pass the name of the argument as a separate argument? If I do exists(x) or
2007 Feb 02
Another loop - deloop question
Hi. You folks are so clever, I thought perhaps you could help me make another procedure more efficient. Right now I have the following setup: p is a vector of length m g is a list of length n, g[[i]] is a vector whose elements are indices of p, i.e., integers between 1 and m inclusive); the g[[i]] cover the full set 1:m, but they don't have to constitute an exact partition, theycan
2008 Jan 07
Seeking a more efficient way to find partition maxima
Hi. Suppose I have a vector that I partition into disjoint, contiguous subvectors. For example, let v = c(1,4,2,6,7,5), partition it into three subvectors, v1 = v[1:3], v2 = v[4], v3 = v[5:6]. I want to find the maximum element of each subvector. In this example, max(v1) is 4, max(v2) is 6, max(v3) is 7. If I knew that the successive subvector maxima would never decrease, as in the example,
2004 Sep 23
Help, Phantom directories-missing data
I have documented this problems 3 times now am am currently experiencing the worst one yet. I have samba shares that come up missing after a machine reboot while clients are connected to some shares. It seems to only be those directories that are mapped to samba, the share's still show up via a windows client but no data. (like missing 20 gigs) Even from teh Linux machine, I cant see the
2009 Feb 06
RecordNotFound bubbling thru to cucumber
Hello, I have a controller action that raises a RecordNotFound exception if you''re not allowed to see something. In my global application controller (application.rb), I catch these and render the 404 template. But when I run cucumber (using webrat), it''s getting the full stacktrace (the step blows up). Any ideas why? I have consider_all_requests_local turned off in my test.rb.
2013 Jan 09
Bug in list subset assignment due to NAMED optimization
In R version 2.15.2 (2012-10-26) i386-apple-darwin9.8.0/i386 (32-bit) I get the following: > a <- list(1) > (a[[1]] <- a) [[1]] [[1]][[1]] [1] 1 but > a <- list(1) > b <- a > (a[[1]] <- a) [[1]] [1] 1 And similarly: > a <- list(x=1) > (a$x <- a) $x $x$x [1] 1 but > a <- list(x=1) > b <- a > (a$x <- a) $x [1] 1 In both cases the
2007 Sep 12
"Save to File..." option on File menu
Hi. There was an interesting thread about a year ago, called 'Command equivalent of rgui "File, Save to File"?' ( started by Michael Prager, and contributed to by Duncan Murdoch (I didn't notice anything beyond the four entries they posted). The question was how to replicate programmatically the "Save to
2007 Sep 21
Is it solve.QP or is it me?
Hi. Here are three successive examples of simple quadratic programming problems with the same structure. Each problem has 2*N variables, and should have a solution of the form (1/N,0,1/N,0,...,1/N,0). In these cases, N=4,5,6. As you will see, the N=4 and 6 cases give the expected solution, but the N=5 case breaks down. >cm8 [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [1,] 1 0
2008 Jan 02
Seeking a more efficient way to read in a file
Hi. I have a matrix stored in a large, tab-delimited flat file. The first row contains column names. Because the matrix is symmetric, the file has lower triangular format, so the second row contains one number, the third row two numbers, etc. In general, row k+1 contains k numbers; the matrix has 3000 rows, so the file has 3001 rows. The file has variable length records, so each row ends
2012 Nov 14
accented charatchers in a package manual
Dear list, I am writing an R package manual and there is still a warning when I run "R CMD check" about "NON-ASCII contents without declared encoding". I do get the warning comes from an accent in the name of one of the author (Geneviève), but I can't find what I am supposed to do about it. I know there is a section about encoding in the "Writing R extension"
2011 Sep 30
Language definition question - order of argument side effects
I'm interested in the difference between these two intuitively equivalent sequences that produce different results (in R version 2.13.1 (2011-07-08) 32-bit). I think R's reference counting optimization is causing this difference in behavior. > a <- 1 > a+{a[1] <- 20} [1] 21 > a <- 1 > a[1] <- 1 > a+{a[1] <- 20} [1] 40 Is one of these the "correct"