similar to: RSpec 1.1.2, --colour and Windows

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "RSpec 1.1.2, --colour and Windows"

2008 Jan 21
Rspec 1.1.2 on Windows
I am using Rspec 1.1.2 on Windows XP SP2 I am receiving the following error when I run ''rake spec'' from a brand new project: C:/SVN_Projects/rspec/vendor/plugins/rspec/lib/spec/runner/options.rb:107:in `colour='': You must gem install win32console to use colour on Windows (RuntimeError) I have the win32console gem installed and the error still occurs. It seems that the
2008 Jan 31
DRb does not activate using options file
Hello List, For a small project I''ve been using ''ruby script/spec -X spec'' to execute my specs. Now that I added ZenTest on it, found that the test takes longer to run due the complete load of test environment. Since autotest uses ''script/spec -O spec/spec.opts'' as the command, I decided to add --drb to spec.opts Using --drb or -X, spec_server is
2007 Dec 07
help please
Hey all, Rails just got tagged 2.0.0, and then 2.0.1. Unfortunately, it includes a changeset from yesterday that breaks rspec''s pre_commit task. I do not have cycles to address this until tonight, and I suspect that everyone is going to be grabbing the 2.0.1 release and become sad when RSpec won''t work with it. If any of you (especially Josh Knowles, who added the feature to
2008 Jan 31
RSpec-1.1.3 has been released. If you''re using RSpec and autotest, you''ll have to upgrade to RSpec-1.1.3 and ZenTest-3.9.0 at the same time. == Version 1.1.3 Maintenance release. * Tightened up exceptions list in autotest/rails_spec. Closes #264. * Applied patch from Ryan Davis for ZenTest-3.9.0 compatibility * Applied patch from Kero to add step_upcoming to story listeners.
2008 Jan 02
mongrel_service 0.3.4 released.
Hello Guys, A quick and not so dirty release of mongrel_service. Main issues got fixed: * Strict Gem dependencies for mongrel_service. This version is compatible only with mongrel 1.0.x, 1.1.x and with win32-service 0.5.x. * Fixed issues realted to Win32::Service and gem_plugin being registered with different names due win32-service changes. Also this gem is build with
2007 Dec 13
constants_rewrite branch, Merb.root and Dir.pwd?
Hello Guys, Doing some svn up and some looking at the code in the repo, found that MERB_ROOT and the replacement Merb.root constant based heavily on Dir.pwd (on trunk: Dir.pwd present a problem when you try to run something "outside" the root of your app, let say inside app directory it will wrongly assing MERB_ROOT to Dir.pwd and
2008 Jan 22
Trying to spec ExceptionNotifiable behavior
Hello List. I''m trying to overwrite part of ExceptionNotifiable (ExceptionNotification plugin) to render customized error 500 pages based on browser agents. For this, I''ve created a fake controller that inherits directly from ActionController::Base: class FooExceptionController < ActionController::Base include ExceptionNotifiable # this action should not fail, used for
2007 Dec 08
Small updates and release plan
Hello Guys, I''ll like to suggest a small release fix before we start doing big changes: platform fixes. Current we''re setting MSWIN32 (mswin32) as platform for Windows gem, but we should be using Gem::Platform::CURRENT instead (i386-mswin32 as current Ruby windows implementation). Also, the jruby/java platform need to be defined. That change will ease the compatibility path
2007 Dec 18
First Shoot, many more to appear: Rails on Ruby 1.9
Guys, Subject says everything: Even ActionView uses Proc.binding (which isn''t correctly supported in 1.9) it appears that lot of folks will try to put their hands in Ruby 1.9 when it comes out, and of course, try to get Rails with Mongrel running in it. Zed, Wayne, Evan and ry: maybe we
2007 Apr 28
[ rspec-Patches-9605 ] Patch for ER 9472, shared behaviour
Hi all - I''ve applied (to trunk) Bob Cotton''s patch which supports shared behaviours (link to tracker below). I''m still toying w/ names, so please be aware that until this is released w/ 0.9 it should be considered experimental and there will NOT be translation support for it. It will definitely be included in some form - just the names (specifically
2007 Jun 11
hpricot as dependency for building rspec?
It looks to me that hpricot is a dependency to building rspec: euclid% rake pre_commit (in /Users/smtlaissezfaire/ruby/projects/rspec/hpricot) rake aborted! Could not find RubyGem hpricot (>= 0.0.0) /Users/smtlaissezfaire/ruby/projects/rspec/hpricot/rakefile:9 (See full trace by running task with --trace) Let me know if I''m wrong. Otherwise, I''ll submit a patch in the docs.
2007 Dec 27
RSpec on Ruby 1.9: before(:all) (Not Yet Implemented) pending messages instead of tests
On Dec 27, 2007 3:18 PM, Shot (Piotr Szotkowski) <shot at> wrote: > Shot (Piotr Szotkowski): > > > I happily hand-compiled Ruby 1.9.0-0 into /home/shot/opt/ruby today > > and I''m running into a strange error with RSpec ? all my examples work > > perfectly with Ruby 1.8 but are considered peding on Ruby 1.9. > > FWIW, I get the same result with
2007 Jul 26
Coding standards and whitespace
Recently as a result of using Git I''ve noticed a number of inconsistencies in the RSpec codebase with respect to whitespace (mixed line endings, mixed use of spaces and tabs for indentation, and trailing whitespace at the end of lines). I never would have noticed, but Git produces nice colorized diff output which highlights these kinds of inconsistencies. I wanted to ask if the
2007 Dec 31
"mongrel_rails --version" reporting 1.1.2 instead of 1.1.3
FYI. -- - Brian Gupta
2010 Nov 25
Can't run tests...illegal switch in RUBYOPT: -F (RuntimeError)
Does anyone have any insight into why this is happening? C:\Users\Family\workspace\myapp>rake test (in C:/Users/Family/workspace/myapp) C:/Program Files/Ruby187/bin/ruby.exe: illegal switch in RUBYOPT: -F (RuntimeError) C:/Program Files/Ruby187/bin/ruby.exe: illegal switch in RUBYOPT: -F (RuntimeError) C:/Program Files/Ruby187/bin/ruby.exe: illegal switch in RUBYOPT: -F (RuntimeError) Errors
2007 Dec 25
Review of Code for 1.9
Hello Guys, I''m reviewing the code for 1.9, and forgot about this when we first spoke on this subject. The current way we stop threads is using Thread#raise to spread StopServer exception, which will not work as expected in 1.9. 1.9 will treat raised exceptions as #kill, like JRuby does, so the worker threads will not finish serving the client and _then_ exiting, but will be
2012 May 16
Announce: Puppet 2.7.15rc1 Available
Puppet 2.7.15rc1 is a maintenance release candidate for Puppet in the 2.7.x series. Downloads are available at: * Source RPMs are available at or /fedora Debs are available at Mac packages are available at See the
2011 May 05
jruby PATH and RUBYOPTS integration
Hi, I download the last jruby version and install the rspec gem using jgem to install. After it, I export RUBYOPTS=rubygems to guarantee that the spec can be found. Trying to run the spec by normal mode I got: jonatas at branco:~/jruby-1.6.1$ jruby -S spec LoadError: no such file to load -- spec/autorun require at org/jruby/ (root) at /usr/bin/spec:2 Trying to execute
2007 Apr 17
problem with rspec_on_rails and @controller.should_receive(:render) in trunk
Hey guys! I am using rspec trunk, and I am having a little problem with the latest version. (I am quite sure this worked with an older version about a week ago) heres the spec: it "should render the new user form without layout for a xhr request" do @controller.should_receive(:render).with(:layout=>false) xhr :get,:new end and the controller: def new render
2007 Aug 18
RSpec: "--color" not working in spec.opts when combined with "--drb"
Windows XP SP 2 ruby 1.8.5 gems: rails 1.2.3 rake 0.7.3 win32console 1.0.8 plugins: rspec 1.0.8 rspec_rails 1.0.8 spec.opts: --colour --format progress --loadby mtime --reverse --drb When I run "rake spec" or "ruby script/spec spec --color" this is the output: D:\dev\project>rake spec (in D:/dev/project)