similar to: autotest hanging

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "autotest hanging"

2009 Mar 22
Problem running autotest in rails 2.3
People, I''m trying to run autotest on rails 2.3 I get a NoMethodError. Here is what I see: Sat Mar 21 20:47 /b/tmp/myfc23 maco$ Sat Mar 21 20:47 /b/tmp/myfc23 maco$ autotest loading autotest/rails_rspec ./vendor/plugins/rspec/lib/autotest/rspec.rb:24:in `initialize'': undefined method `failed_results_re='' for #<Autotest::RailsRspec:0x1205b88> (NoMethodError)
2007 Nov 26
autotest problem, can you possibly help me ?
Hi, Im running windows xp and configured autotest with: when i do autotest --rails i get following error: D:/servers/InstantRails/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ZenTest-3.6.1/lib/unit_diff. rb:187:in ``'': No such file or directory - diff.exe -u C:/DOCUME~1/Piotrek/USTAW I~1/Temp/expect.5412.0 C:/DOCUME~1/Piotrek/USTAWI~1/Temp/butwas.5412.0
2007 Jul 26
autotest loosing RAILS_ROOT Constant?
I am having a weird error that I have not had before... I''m bouncing it off the list to see if anyone else has had it, or to give me some pointers about how to find it. Basically, AUTOTEST will run (RSpec mode), fine, then suddenly, will complain that RAILS_ROOT is undefined. Then I stop and restart it, with no code change... no problem. It happens on different specs where I use
2008 Jul 03
Error on Autotest start
I have been using autotest/zentest 3.5.0 with my rails 2.0.2 and rspec. I upgraded my gems and got 3.9.3 and had a problem. I went back to 3.5.0 and it worked. I stayed there until moving to rails 2.1. I again updated my gems and got 3.10. This one had the same problem. This time I need to figure out what is wrong. Here is what I get:
2011 Jan 14
Rspec autotest error
Hi all, I tried testing with Rspec for first time, following a tutorial. "rspec spec/" works fine but when I try ''autotest'' it gives me the error message below. I also made a gist about it: It seems like a redgreen or ZenTest error. I''m using Ubuntu10, Rails3, Ruby 1.9 and RVM. Any help is appriciated, thanks in advance, gezope
2007 Nov 20
Autotest rspec issues
I''m having trouble getting autotest to run "out of the box" with rspec. I''ve got a Leopard setup with Zentest 3.5.0, rspec on trunk, and rails 2.0PR. No ".autotest" file. There are a couple of issues: 1. Running ''autotest'' inititally yields a command not found for "spec --diff unified etc etc". This seems to be an old issue but
2011 Dec 23
/gems/ZenTest-4.6.2/lib/autotest.rb:315:in `load': /Users/jayparteek/.autotest:7: invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII) (SyntaxError)
I am using latest version for rspec-rails, ZenTest. I am getting following error, when ever I try to run autotest. Please help -head at mhart6/gems/ZenTest-4.6.2/lib/autotest.rb:315:in `load'': /Users/ jayparteek/.autotest:7: invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII) (SyntaxError)
2007 Aug 08
rspec with autotest on a windows machine
Hello all, I''m new to rSpec but after reading a couple of tutorials I''ve become enamored. Anyway, I am at minute 42 of the rSpec basics screencast ( and I''m having the following error running autotest w/rSpec: D:\ruby\projects\forecaster>autotest loading autotest/rails_rspec c:\ruby\bin\ruby -rrubygems -e "require ''redgreen''"
2007 Jun 16
BackgrounDRB and Sqlite3 / Autotest / Memory_test_fix Issues
Hello all. I am using BackgrounDRB with "great happiness and joy", however, I am running into one problem in that when I am running my tests with autotest using Sqlite3 3.3.17 I am getting "ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid" exception inside of the sqlite_adapter.rb:360 which is checking for an empty structure. I thought it might be the version of Sqlite, so I upgraded to 3.3.17
2007 May 30
autotest and rspec_on_rails not happy
Hi, I''ve been using the rspec and rspec_on_rails plugins quite happily on my Rails project for a while now. Today I noticed the autotest support in RSpec-1.0.3 and decided to give that a spin. Oh tragedy! $ autotest loading autotest/rails_rspec ./vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails/lib/autotest/rails_rspec.rb:33:in `initialize'': undefined method `singularize''
2008 Jun 04
Why has the --color gone from my life?
Hi all, Running on OSX 10.5.3, Latest Rspec trunk, Rspec rails trunk, latest autotest gem and rails 2.1 I''ve lost my colour output in autotest. rake spec gives colour output, but autotest gives me black and white. It was working a little bit before, I think I upgraded to the latest versions of everything to get all the textmate snippets talking and being friendly to one another again
2006 Aug 15
How to run autotest(Zentest)
Hi, When I start the "autotest" it gives me the following error...not sure what HOME path I have to set...all Ruby/Rails related components are in path! --- C:\>autotest -rails C:/Tools/InstantRails/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ZenTest-3.3.0/lib/autotest.rb:285:in `expand_path'': couldn''t find HOME environment -- expanding `~/.autotest'' (ArgumentError) ---
2008 Feb 01
Autotest just sits there
I have had this problem for a while. autotest has never worked properly for me. I have tried different versions of rspec with different versions of ZenTest. I have tried it with .autotest files and without. When I run autotest from my rails app root, it says: loading autotest/rails_rspec and then it just sits there. If I look at the output from autotest -v, it is traversing the tree and it
2008 Jan 11
changes in rspec''s trunk and autotest
This applies to anyone using rspec''s trunk from >= 3220 with ZenTest <= 3.7.2. Anyone else, feel free to move on.... The next release of ZenTest, coming soon, includes some changes that improve the relationship between Autotest, it''s subclasses (like those in rspec) and .autotest, the file that you can use to plug into autotest''s hooks to extend/modify
2007 Oct 31
autotest displays no output
Hey, I''m trying to configure autotest with rspec on cygwin but something is going wrong. I made a very simple testing environment with a user.rb and user_spec.rb file. Rspec works fine, but autotest outputs nothing - it just stays here, idle. ^C doesn''t display anything more. I can see it''s running because I added require ''autotest/snarl'' in my
2007 May 01
rspec and autotest
If you want to use rspec-0.9.2 with autotest (ZenTest-3.5.2), you''ll want to read this blog: Enjoy! David
2007 Dec 19
Using autotest + rspec for plain ruby (not rails)
autotest (zentest 3.5.0) + rspec 1.1.1 ask for "spec_autotest.rb", nowhere to be found... -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2011 Mar 27
Autotest, cucumber, spork and the wrong file
Running: Rails 3.0.5 ZenTest 4.5.0 autotest (4.4.6, 4.3.2) autotest-fsevent (0.2.5, 0.2.2) autotest-growl (0.2.9, 0.2.4) autotest-rails (4.1.0) autotest-rails-pure (4.1.2, 4.1.0) cucumber (0.10.2) cucumber-rails (0.4.0) spork (0.9.0.rc4) Gives me a truly bizarre situation. When I touch my features file, autotest runs a single, unrelated rspec test. Cucumber alone or with spork gives me the
2008 Mar 20
Combining autotest, rspec, rspec_on_rails and spec-server
Hello, I''ve been trying to google the definitive way to combine autotest, rspec, and spec-server, but to no avail. It seems like there are lots of suggestions from old versions. Furthermore, some commands such as rake:autotest don''t seem to be around anymore. So, is it required to install ZenTest as a gem? I have version 3.9.1. I believe this gets me the autotest
2007 Jul 18
Rails - Mock going out of scope?
Hello list, I think I have a rails related RSpec problem with a mock going out of scope on a recursive call to a model. The code is at: if you want to see it highlighted. I have pasted it below as well. Basically, I have an acts_as_nested_set model called "Node", which works fine. I have a function which finds the language name of the node instance.