similar to: Need your help in troubleshooting..

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Need your help in troubleshooting.."

2004 Nov 18
segmentation fault
Dear sir, I have configured samba with ads integration and it was working perfectly in RedHat Linux 9.0. But Yesterday I changed that configuration as simple user level security. But my problem was when I run 'smbpasswd' command I am getting one error as 'Segmentation fault'. What I can do to trouble shoot this problem. Kindly reply me as soon as possible.. Thanks & Rgds
2004 Aug 30
Rpcclient : cmd_set "getprintprocdir" defined twice
Hi, In rpcclient/cmd_spoolss.c line 1715 & 1718 struct cmd_set spoolss_commands[] = { { "SPOOLSS" }, . . { "getprintprocdir", cmd_spoolss_getprintprocdir, PIPE_SPOOLSS, "Get print processor directory", "" }, . . { "getprintprocdir", cmd_spoolss_getprintprocdir, PIPE_SPOOLSS, "Get print processor directory",
2005 Mar 23
Reg Asterisk
hi, Is asterisk a registrar server. thanks, satish Confidentiality Notice The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to this message are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender at Wipro or immediately and
2005 Jun 16
rsync error: some files could not be transferred -- How to ignore
Hello all, I'm using rsync client in Linux box and cygwin rsync daemon in Win 2k machine. When i do transfer of directory contents "C:/Documents And Settings/Administrator/Local Settings/Application Data/Microsoft/Windows" using rsync, i'm getting the following error through stderr. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2005 Nov 09
File transfer from/to mapped drive with cygwin rsync
Hello all, When we tried the rsync of files from a network mapped drive (Windows) to Linux host, we are getting the following error. rsync -av <User Name>@<Rsync Server IP>::<Mapped Network Module Name> <Destination> where <Mapped Network Module Name> is the rsync module name defined in rsyncd.conf file for mapped drive. Error :- @ERROR: chdir
2004 Aug 10
ADS membership with Samba 3.0.4
Hi, We are in the process of evaluating the possibility of porting Samba 3.0.4 to VxWorks. Features wise we don't see any problems. But our main concern is on the security. Since we do not have the concept of Users and Groups on VxWorks, we cannot have any authentications as such. So, the other possibility is to pass on the authentication to another Server on the network, typically a AD
2004 Sep 05
'point-and-print' general questions
I have gotten 'point-and-print' working, but there are a couple small issues/questions I am trying to get my grasp around: - rpcclient print-1201 -U root%secret -c 'enumdrivers' this lists the drivers twice (I saw one other post about this, without any followup) - When adding drivers via the Windows APW, after uploading the drivers and the APW closing - are you supposed to
2004 Jan 01
installation problem
hi, when i install the openssh rpm ["rpm -i --excludedocs openssh-3.4p1-105.i586.rpm"] i get an error saying cat: .//usr/share/doc/packages/openssh/README.SuSE: No such file or directory when i install the same with the --noscripts option, the installation goes through fine. That means one of the postinstall scripts of the openssh package expects a document to be installed by the
2004 Dec 16
Qyery on bark equation in floor0 code
Hi All, I need some clarifications regarding the mismatch I found in the code and the specification. (a) In the specification, the bark(x) equation is given as: bark(x) = 13.1 atan(.00074x) + 2.24 atan(.0000000158(x^2)) + .0001x whereas in the code it is given as: #define toBARK(n) (13.1f*atan(.00074f*(n))+2.24f*atan((n)*(n)*1.85e-8f)+1e-4f*(n)) Which one of these is the proper one ? (b)
2005 Mar 01
Streams with block sizes 4096 and 8192
Hello, I am looking for Ogg-vorbis streams with block sizes 4096 and 8192. Please let me how do generate these streams. This is to test our fixed-point implementation... Best regards Kiran Confidentiality Notice The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to this message are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain confidential
2004 Aug 22
get_specific_param, what is the equivalent in latest Samba 3.0.x
Hi, I am upgrading my samba spooler to samba 3.0.1, I was using the following functions to update my devmode data in the printer server. get_specific_param convert_specific_param unlink_specific_param_if_exist add_a_specific_param Could you please help me with the alternative / equivalent functions of the above. Thanks, Karthik Confidentiality Notice The information contained in this
2005 Feb 14
Any option in rsync to get the list of new files
Hi, Is there any option in rsync to get the list of new files when we use rsync to perform the backup from the source to destination? We've used the option "-b" and "--backup-dir" options to get the list of deleted/modified files in a separate directory. Your reply will be very helpful, Thanks and Best Regards Sanal Confidentiality Notice The information
2004 Oct 14
(no subject)
Hi, In case if I come up with my own implementation of the vorbis code, what is the way to certify the same ? Is there any conformance testing as in the case of MP3 ?? If so, who will be certifying the same ? Best regards, Nags.. Confidentiality Notice The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to this message are intended for the exclusive use of the
2004 Dec 21
Hi, I need another clarification regarding the standard. In floor0 header decode (setup), the point no.7 says that if any of [floor0_order], [floor0_rate], [floor0_bark_map_size], floor0_amplitude_bits], [floor0_amplitude_offset] or [floor0_number_of_books] are less than zero, the stream is not decodable But as we see, all those values are read as unsigned integers. Now I'm not able to
2005 Mar 30
Query on Codewords length
Hi, We are porting the Ogg Vorbis fixed point decoder to a 24 bit fixed point precision processor. We are trying to reduce the number of cycles for MIPS optimization. In this process we observed that most of the songs do not have "maximum codeword length" greater than 24 bits. We are planning to reduce most of the double word operations (in our case 32 bit data is stored as double
2005 Feb 06
Query on Tremor-lowmem version
Hi, While following the developer mailing list, I came across "tremor-lowmem" version. I did some search of it in and "tremor" source code but wasn't able to find it. I would like to know if there is any separate thread for the "tremor-lowmem" version as we are working on the fixed point implementation of Vorbis code and we are looking forward for
2005 Jan 02
Configuration details for Asterisk interaction with Vocal
I have seen a number of people in this newsgroup asking for information regarding asterisk interworking with Vocal. I was able to configure Vocal and Asterisk so that calls originating from vocal can land on an extension in Asterisk. I would like to share this info with the group The scenario that I tested was as follows. A call was originated from extn. 1001 on Vocal and the call was made to
2004 Sep 16
ADS membership with Samba 3.0.4
Hi, Thanks for that information. So, now if I am to include Winbind, I would like to know what other system libraries (Linux based) winbind uses. The deciding factor now would be on how easy or tough it would be to get these libraries running on some thing like VxWorks. As far as I remember, in the 2.2.x series, if Samba was configured with security = DOMAIN, then smbd would connect to the
2004 Sep 24
[BULK] - Compilation error
Hi Folks, I compared the makefile for samba 3.0.6 and 3.0.7. I found XML_LIBS= MYSQL_LIBS= PGSQL_LIBS= these 3 lines and then the use of these variables missing in the 3.0.7 makefile. Thats the only change I found in 3.0.6 makefile and 3.0.7 makefile. So when I compiled samba 3.0.7 using the samba 3.0.6 makefile. It got compiled properly without any warnings of dlopen. I am not sure if
2012 Dec 05
Windows 7 adding printer
Hello Team, I am unable to add/upload Windows 7 64 bit print driver from Windows 7 64 bit laptop. It is giving me following error. The folder you specified doesn't contain a compatible software driver for your device. If the folder contains a driver,make sure it is designed to work with Windows for x64-based system. Is there any work around ? Thanks & Regards, Arun Sasi Venmalassery