similar to: A domain controller for the domain could not by contacted (2.2.3a-12.3 for Debian)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "A domain controller for the domain could not by contacted (2.2.3a-12.3 for Debian)"

2003 Nov 03
FW: XP joining domain - problem
-----Original Message----- From: Mike [] Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 1:23 AM To: rruegner Subject: RE: [Samba] XP joining domain - problem Hi, Thanks for the quick reply. Here are the smbd and nmbd logs. I'm not sure if you need the nmbd, but I wanted to include it just in case. Sorry I did not include them in the initial email. Sincerely, Mike ====START OF
2018 Jun 28
Sending election packet . . .
Hello Community, i have a fileserver as domain member. today i found some weird log entries in log.nmbd: [2018/06/28 09:25:53.700507,  2] ../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:41(send_election_dgram)   send_election_dgram: Sending election packet for workgroup DOMAINNAME on subnet [2018/06/28 09:25:53.700618,  2] ../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:41(send_election_dgram)  
2004 Jun 09
Windows rejects name registration
Dear people of samba, my problem seems to be a firewalled WinXP in our net. Our Samba is the Debian testing (Samba 3.x). It is configured to hold the browsing list and to become master. The nmbd.log shows: [2004/06/09 08:17:38, 0] nmbd/nmbd_incomingdgrams.c:process_local_master_announce(311) process_local_master_announce: Server PRAEPLAB at IP is announcing itself as a local
2012 Oct 14
wins: no nmblookup on but
Hi, here is a client computer and a server computer (Debian Wheezy, armel, samba Version 3.6.6, IP address:, Name: xyz). Problem: wins doesn't answer nmblookups by the client on the broadcast address: client$ nmblookup -S xyz querying xyz on name_query failed to find name xyz Why is that so? How to fix this? When I specify the the server IP I do get an answer:
2003 May 13
PDC problem
Hello all, I'm running slackware linux 8.0 and tries to configure samba 2.2.8a as PDC. I succeded configuring network shares i.e. netlogon, profiles, etc. Everything is OK, but when i tries to make a domain logon using windows 98 apears an error "Wrong parameter". When i tries to join my samba domain under Windows 2000 it says "domain does not exists ....". what am i
2004 Jan 04
XP can browse samba by IP, but not by name - NMB issues?
I have an XP home (falcon) and an XP pro (tatooine) machine, both behind a rh9 box (hoth) acting as firewall. I've been trying to get samba set up on the linux box. I think I have it mostly working except that the XP boxes won't list hoth under "My Network Places - Microsoft Windows Network - MSHOME", and I cannot access hoth by name at all from the XP-pro box (by IP, I can
2020 Jul 13
Problem with network browsing
I'm trying to diagnose why my windows 10 clients can't do network browsing. The network neighborhood doesn't show any of my machines running samba. I've verified that all of my samba hosts are running nmbd! I've reached the end of my ability to debug this, so I could really use some help from the list to figure out why this isn't working. I've isolated the situation
2013 Sep 07
Help troubleshooting "find_domain_master_name_query_fail" on SMB v4?
I'm running smbd -V Version 4.1.0rc2-3.1-3075-SUSE-oS12.3-x86_64 This is a standalone server, and the only SMB/CIFS instance on my LAN. On launch, I see the following "find_domain_master_name_query_fail" error in logs. I can't track down what I've managed to do wrong; pointers appreciated. ==> log.nmbd <== [2013/09/07 16:21:41, 2]
2005 May 06
Samba BDC in the same subnet not getting connection requests
Hi, I have a Samba 3 PDC running with around 20 Windows XP/2K clients. The PDC and the clients are in different subnets. I recently decided to add a Samba 3 BDC in the same subnet as the clients, to give some failover and also to reduce across-switch traffic. After creating the BDC, I restarted one of the clients but don't see it establishing connection with the BDC, instead it connects as
2018 Feb 01
Upgrading a ctdb cluster: samba not listening on TCP port 445
Hi all, I try to update two clustered samba file servers. Right now samba 4.7.0 with ctdb is running on both of them. To update samba I stopped ctdb on one of the servers, and compiled and installed samba 4.7.1 with: ./configure --with-cluster-support --with-shared-modules=idmap_tdb2,idmap_ad,vfs_glusterfs --with-systemd Trying to start ctdb on the updated server fails with "
1999 Mar 24
name_query failed: Samba 2.0.3
I'm stumped on getting Samba to work again on our small network. I've got one Windows 95 machine that started to refuse to talk to Samba last week. I *was* running one of the 1.9.18 releases, but when it stopped working, I figured I would delete the old release and do a clean install of 2.0.3. I've done that, and used SWAT to configure the smb.conf file (which can be seen below).
2003 Dec 17
help: samba server don't work in embeded linux
hi all, I want to use samba as a file server in some embeded enviroment, becase I have only 8M flash to hold file system of linux, so I have to put samba files into harddisk. we mount the harddisk as /mnt/c,mkdir samba in /mnt/c, and mkdir bin,lib,log,pid,codepage in /mnt/c/samba. we put smbd,nmbd in /mnt/c/samba/bin we put all the lib files needed in /mnt/c/samba/lib and make all the
2020 Jul 13
Problem with network browsing
SMBv1 (the anonymous thing behind network neighborhood) because of the massive security problems it caused was decprecated. Microsoft came up with network neighborhood and they've shut it down due to their bad implementation. Samba, likewise, doesn't support SMBv1 by default. On 7/12/20 10:29 PM, Michael Jones via samba wrote: > I'm trying to diagnose why my windows 10 clients
2020 Jul 13
Problem with network browsing
A reasonable alternative is to run Christgau's excellent Web Service Discovery host daemon (wsdd) on the samba server and make sure the Function Discovery Provider Host and Function Discovery Resource Publication services are running on the Windows 10 machines. Get wsdd from here: You can then stop and disable the nmbd on the samba machines as it's
2020 Jul 13
Problem with network browsing
If you have 1 member server, you could enabe nmbd in that server. Or install : llmnrd on linux and/or avahi-deamon if you dont have a member. And make sure you can use "proxy dns" as in, The primary DNS domain on linux should match (see in windows) CMD: ipconfig /all The : - primay dns suffix - DNS Suffix search order Then you are able to use \\hostname or \\hostname.FQ.DN.TLD
2009 Jun 05
I am so frustrated - Samba ports not opening and no error message
Okay - I've been plugging away and it got to the point that running smbclient was returning information about an Alfresco install that I never used, so I went ahead and deleted everything I could find on my machine that said "alfresco". I then removed samba using apt-get from the machine by typing apt-get remove --purge samba I deleted the /etc/samba directory and re-installed
1999 Jun 30
nmbd Problem
Hello, I am using samba 2.0.4b on Linux 2.0.36. Since I changed some of the parameters in my smb.conf I have a very strange Problem. Everytime my Samba-Box wins the browselist election process two nmbds are started and my WinXX-Clients do not get access to samba (I could see the server but not access the shares nor login to the domain). smbclient -L server from server works fine. From another
2004 Feb 10
samba, RedHat and Windows XP Home
Howdy. I'm running samba-3.0.2-2 (from the binaries on on a RedHat 9 box with kernel 2.4.20-28.9. I can access shares from my Windows XP Home box, but the performance isn't very good. When I looked into this, I discovered that apparently the connections are getting dropped, over and over again, which causes a lot more work, I'm sure. Here's a snippet from my main
2008 Feb 19
Problem connecting to Samba server
Hi Clients cannot connect to the Samba server (Version 3.0.25b OpenBSD/amd64), first attempt gives Access denied, second attempt gives The network name request is no longer available. Can someone please help in finding out what is wrong? I've been going through the logs and configuration the past week, but can't seem to find out what's the issue. Any pointers would be appreciated.
1999 Dec 21
Loss of browsing with Samba 2.0.6
Hi, I recently upgraded from Samba 2.0.4 to Samba 2.0.6, and have had a problem with browsing. My Sun Ultra450 (Solaris7) is controlling all aspects of network browsing, and I had no problems before. Occasionally, all of Network Neighbourhood will disappear. This message appears in log.UNKNOWN in my samba logs: [1999/12/14 15:55:27, 2] nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:send_election_dgram(47)