similar to: Samba 3.0.0: option admin user not working in smb.conf?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "Samba 3.0.0: option admin user not working in smb.conf?"

2008 Apr 28
Strange behaviour of winbind on solaris 8
Dear All, I came across a really strange behaviour when using winbind on solaris 8. Normally "nscd" should be turned off because it's causing problems in the username resolution etc. When I turn it off I can login e.g. using ssh as an AD users but when i start a command like "ls" it gets put in the background immediately? When "nscd" is turn on and login again I
2010 Jul 06
wbinfo -g gives no output , ndr_pull_error
Hello, after upgrade Samba from 3.4.3 to 3.5.4 "wbinfo -g" gives no output. Log Entry: [2010/07/06 14:48:49.086377, 3] winbindd/winbindd_list_groups.c:58(winbindd_list_groups_send) list_groups [2010/07/06 14:48:49.086504, 1] ../librpc/ndr/ndr.c:395(ndr_pull_error) ndr_pull_error(1): String terminator not present or outside string boundaries "wbinfo -u" is working
2006 Jul 12
samba-3.0.22 -> samba-3.0.23 pam_winbind issue(s)
Previously had samba-3.0.22 on RedHat Enterprise 4 functioning happily, using pam_winbind to authenticate against our campus active directory (currently only doing password authentication, account info is still retrieved via NIS). /etc/pam.d/system-auth attached After upgrading to 3.0.23 * I needed to add idmap options (I used idmap backend = rid), else winbind would only start in "netlogon
2006 Jul 14
Samba 3.0.23 winbind use default domain = yes behaviour
Hello list, I encountered a problem in Samba 3.0.23 regarding the winbind use default domain = yes behaviour. It only works for the users an NOT anymore for the Group. So this make getent group to show NETBIOSDOMAINNAME/group which course mail squid configuration to fail. My squid configuration allowed access based on the AD groups, which are provided by Winbindd. Tested distribution: SuSE
2011 Feb 10
rjdbc identifier.quote
Dear all Backend is Ingres DBMS I use RJDBC with Ingres JDBC driver I have this csv file "","Strategy","par1","m.1997.09.01" "1","ALF",2,0.1244 which I try to load it RJDBC require (RJDBC) drv <- JDBC("com.ingres.jdbc.IngresDriver","/home/ingres/ingresv1/ingres/lib/iijdbc.jar") conn <- dbConnect(drv,
2008 Jun 24
ActiveRecord 2.1 Migration support
Hi all, I am in the process of adding Migration support to the Ingres ActiveRecord adapter and have run in to a problem. During the call to create_table the Ingres adapter some how causes ruby to blow the stack and coredump/segv. I have tracked down the problem down to "add_column_options!" in "lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/schema_statements.rb".
2008 Jun 24
ActiveRecord 2.1 Migration support
Hi all, I am in the process of adding Migration support to the Ingres ActiveRecord adapter and have run in to a problem. During the call to create_table the Ingres adapter some how causes ruby to blow the stack and coredump/segv. I have tracked down the problem down to "add_column_options!" in "lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/schema_statements.rb".
2010 Oct 29
samba 3.4 and 3.5 bug or misconfig: why is idmap uid and idmap gid needed for an AD only idmap config?
Hello list, I'm currently struggling in creating a running config for samba 3.4.9 and 3.5.6 on solaris 9 (active directory on windows 2003 R2 SP2 with rfc2307 schema extension, openssl 0.9.8o, libiconv 1.13.1, heimdal 1.4, cyrus-sasl 2.1.23, openldap 2.4.23) The relevant part in smb.conf is in [global] winbind enum users = Yes winbind enum groups = Yes winbind
2006 Apr 22
Rails db adapter problem - "-- statement #0"
Hi all, I''m working on a database adapter for the Ingres database and I''m having a problem with the Rails tests. The first SQL statement from each of the four SQL files (ingres.sql, etc), is sent to the database with this line first: -- statement #0 and extra blank lines. So the database is getting "sql" that looks like this: " -- statement #0 DROP TABLE
2008 Jun 06
GenericDirCtrl problem
I am having a problem getting any event to happen when I activate a selection on GenericDirCtrl i.e. double click on it. Could anyone help me out. thanks in advance. Joe Attachments: -- Posted via
2010 Feb 18
NFS client firewall config?
Hi all, Which ports do I need to have open on an NFS client's firewall to allow it to connect to a remote NFS servers? When I disable iptables (using ConfigServerFirewall), it connects fine, but as soon as I enable it, NFS gives me this error: root at saturn:[~]$ mount /bck mount: mount to NFS server '' failed: RPC Error: Unable to
2005 Jan 27
negative tokens
I have this: class htb 1:29 parent 1:1 prio 0 rate 3000bit ceil 100000bit burst 1599b cburst 1611b Sent 33233 bytes 772 pkts (dropped 0, overlimits 0) lended: 415 borrowed: 357 giants: 0 tokens: -3756376 ctokens: 128779 or this: class htb 1:21 parent 1:1 prio 0 rate 3000bit ceil 100000bit burst 1599b cburst 1611b Sent 57554 bytes 618 pkts (dropped 0, overlimits 0) lended: 193 borrowed: 425
2015 Mar 08
[LLVMdev] Inspecting target-specific opcodes in machine function pass
Hello, thank you very much for answering. I am trying to do the following: get the encoding for each instruction and if that encoding contains a C3 byte, insert a NOP instruction (or multiple NOP instructions, or any other instructions) before that instruction. The idea behind this is to protect against ROP (Return Oriented Programming) attacks. By inserting a NOP the attacker can no longer abuse
2008 Jun 13
Rubyscript2exe undefined ''run'' method
After I ran my program through Rubyscript2exe, the Random.exe file that it created is causing the following error: D:\Ruby projects>random.exe C:\DOCUME~1\JEDELS~1\eee\eee.Random.exe.2\app\Random.rb:59: undefined method ''ru n'' for Wxruby2::App (NoMethodError) from C:\DOCUME~1\JEDELS~1\eee\eee.Random.exe.2\bootstrap.rb:77:in `load'' from
2001 Nov 18
Shaping incoming traffic?
I would like to differentiate incoming traffic streams to guarantee minimum bandwidth to some services. However, as per the Adv-Routing-HOWTO it appears that only outgoing traffic can be shaped. Is this correct or is there a way of shaping incoming traffic? The problem could possibly be overcome if there is a way of routing traffic through a virtual host. Any tips on how to go about that? --
2010 Dec 12
Crash with XEN 4.0 on Suse 11.3
Hello, I get a VM crash while trying to load a database. The "smaller" tables are loading OK, but When I try a bigger one (#3 000 000 rows) the ASCII dump file is #766 MB. When I try to load that table the machine crash and I find always the same message in the "qemu....log'' file : xc_map_foreign_batch: mmap failed: Cannot allocate memory xc_map_foreign_bulk error 12 I
2010 Jun 10
Using the Ingres SQL database with R
Dear R Forum members, I am wondering of anyone has used R to pull data from an Ingres SQL database? My initial thoughts would be to use the RJDBC package and Ingres's JDBC driver. Before I get this thing together, has anyone used this combination and can verify that it works, or can forewarn me of any "gotchas" that may be lurking in the shadows? One uncomfortable feature with
2002 Mar 21
How does ingres work ?
What happens if I mark only some type of traffic for beeing shaped ? Is it put on a separate queue, so the traffinc not marked has some priority ?? -- __o _ \<_ (_)/(_) Saludos de Julián EA4ACL -.- Foro Wireless Madrid
2006 Apr 12
Do you guys know if anyone is working in Ingres adapter for Rails? thanks, -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2004 Oct 12
Classful Queuing
OK, I''m stumped. I''ve read through most of the LARTC HOWTO and have yet to find a basis for what I need to accomplish. I have a Linux box that controls access to and from the Internet at my workplace. We have a number of remote employees that connect via PPTP and IPSEC to the office''s internal network. Some of these remote employees are currently using SIP phones.