similar to: ldap passwd sync

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "ldap passwd sync"

2003 Oct 26
Automatic Windows Patch Deployment (OS Agnostic)
A month ago I mentioned on this list work on a automated package deployment tool for Windows systems, which is server agnostic. At the time, I didn't have the time to put it up in a place for public consumption. I do now. The utility is named wpkg (punny isn't it?) It's nothing more than a simple .js (jscript) file which needs to be run on Windows, from a directory containing three
2003 Nov 19
Just wondering if anybody out there actually downloaded and got my Wpkg utility working. I'd like to hear what people think about it. Not having a progect page for it and all doesn't make that easy. Hmm. Maybe i'll set up a sourceforge page. Anyways, anybody using it? (for those not aware, it's a utility to automatically install software on windows computers, without any specific
2003 Nov 11
Samba Success Story
I'd like to thank the Samba team for making our switch off of Active Directory amazingly smooth. We're a small company, only 30 desktops, but things went great for us. Actually, nobody even notices the Windows DC is even gone! The Exchange migration that went along with this wasn't as hassle free though. =( It's really refreshing to be able to SSH into our file server and see
2003 Nov 18
Failing Authentication
I am running Samba on a box serving a network of 30 clients, and 2 MS SQL 2000 servers. The SQL servers are members of the domain, and use NT authentication for connections and such. For the most part, this works fine. However, it seems that every now and then, pretty randomlly, NT authentication is failing for these services. Errors returned are pretty typical of DC-not-working problems: Login
2003 Dec 08
Machine password change failed: stub received bad data
One of our workstations spit out the following error: Could not change machine account password: the stub received bad data. This sounds to me like a Samba problem... but it's a bit beyond me to come up with an answer to. Any ideas where I should start? -- Jerry Haltom <> Feedback Plus, Inc. -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was
2004 Jan 19
SQL 2000 Failed Authentication
I am runnign a Samba 3.0.1 PDC, serving a domain named FEEDBACK. Joined to this domain we have about 30 workstations and 2 Windows 2000 Servers. These servers run MS SQL Server 2000. SQL Server is using Windows authentication. This allows users/applications on our LAN to connect to the server using Windows authentication. This process has been "flakey" for the last month, with
2003 Oct 30
Add Printer Wizard
I'm having a bit of trouble getting a Samba printer set up. What I have is a postscript capable HP laserjet. It actually has IPP/HTTP and stuff on it. I need queueing to work, so my clients can't print to it directly, so what I want to do is: Get the printer set up on a central CUPs server: done. Printing quality is perfect from Unix machines. Thank you postscript! Have samba print to
2004 Jan 13
3.0.0, password switching on it's own
This morning one of our employees came into us noting that W2K said their password was invalid. It seemed to have changed on it's own. At that time LM/NT passwords in LDAP were the following: EE899DB29A5F1658AAD3B435B51404EE 62D7C4362BDB83A95BB28244BD9AF321 I made a note of them, and then changed the password using smbpasswd, to the same thing that it should have already been. At this point
2004 Feb 04
Signal 11 in smbd 3.0.2rc2 on printer operation!
Our computers in our office ceased being able to print to a shared cups printer today. Could not find the cause. Seems the smbd processes are dying. Below is the stack trace produced by gdb bt full. The Samba 'panic action' script, /usr/share/samba/panic-action, was called for pid 5839 (/usr/opt/samba-3.0.2rc2/sbin/smbd). 0x40150a59 in wait4 () from /lib/ #0 0x40150a59 in
2008 Apr 01
Samba PDC, OpenLDAP, and passwd chat
Hey List, I'm using Samba 3.0.24 and OpenLDAP 2.3.30 (with the ppolicy and smbk5pwd overlays). While testing Samba as a PDC with an OpenLDAP backend, I've hit a snag on password change. I currently have the following in my smb.conf related to password changes: passwd program = /usr/bin/ldappasswd -x -W -S -D uid=%u,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com passwd chat = "*Enter
2002 May 21
Samba+PDC+LDAP (add user script + unix passwd sync) Can't call perl script
Hi, i've compiled samba 2.2.4 on a Redhat 7.1 machine, working with openldap 2.0.23. I also downloaded smbldap-tools from IDEALX which i fixed myself to fit my needs. Everything work very fine when running the scripts in shell mode... but! In smb.conf : ============= add user script = /usr/local/sbin/ -w %u This line don't work and it should, because when running
2003 Oct 27
PDC and concurrent logins
Hello! I am using samba running as a PDC at our school. I have read many docs and howtos but I can't find anything about Concurrent logins. I would be a nice feature becouse I don't want my users to login more than one time. Is there anyone that does have a clue? Greetings from Sweden --- Mikael Karlsson Skoldataenheten, Tibro Kommun Sweden +4650414783
2003 Oct 30
Dfs - Load Balancing
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with using the Dfs functionality within Samba. I've been searching for any performance information and or documentation regarding Dfs in particular load balancing i.e. 1) How does it load balance? Is it some sort of round robin? 2) Is there a limit to the number of servers that can used in the load balance? 3) How many requests per
2002 Jun 14
with ldap - samba - password sync - domain group map
> my solution (found in some ldap-samba-pdc-howto) was to set the > pwdMustChange to 2147483647 (which is far in the future: 2030 or > something) thank you very much! your solution solved this problem. >> 2. the unix password sync doesn't work. but i think there are two >> different problems, but let me describe: if i activated the password >> sync, i got on >
2013 Feb 04
Internal LDAP problem
Hi! I'm trying to use the internal LDAP provided by Samba4 to store mail domains used by SOGo. I have two sets of users. Those used by Samba and created through samba-tool and those created under some "ou" I have made up. A few days ago I was able to change the latter users passwords using "ldapadmin" (a windows LDAP client) but today I am not. When I try to change a
2004 Mar 03
Trying to put a MS SQL 7.0 database on a samba share
Hi, I have a linux box set up with Samba 3.0 and have configured my shared drives. What I am trying to do is store a MS SQL data base on my Samba share. I can see the drive from my SQL machine but when I try create the database there I get errors like inconsistent file names etc. Fist can this be done and if so how? Thanx Warren
2009 Nov 03
ldap passwd sync old password
Hi, I want, that the unix password ( stored on LDAP ) gets changed when a user changes his samba password ( stored on LDAP ). So I set ldap passwd sync = yes, but the unix password does not get changed. The samba password is updated. Smbpasswd shows this error machine rejected the (anonymous) password change: Error was : Wrong Password. Failed to change password for user1. After
2007 Aug 13
ldap passwd sync on 3.0.25a
I have an strange issue with ldap passwd sync = only on FreeBSD 6.1 with Samba 3.0.25a + OpenLDAP 2.3.37 I have the OpenLDAP smbk5pwd overlay which successfuly synchronizes LM and NT passwords: $ ldappasswd -D 'cn=sambamgr,ou=managers,o=stars' -w sambapass -s secret1 'uid=lacoste,ou=Users,ou=Accounts,o=stars' Result: Success (0) My OpenLDAP auditlog file confirms that smbk5pwd
2002 Sep 08
sambaldap tools
Hi samba admins, I don?t know is this the right place for my question, but I can?t find a list for my problem. I have some trobble to configure the smbldap-tools. I have download and copy the scripts to /usr/local/sbin. But a /usr/local/sbin/ testuser breaks with this error message: get_user_dn2: error in ldapsearch : /usr/bin/ldapsearch -x -h _SLAVELDAP_ -D '_BINDDN_'
2011 Sep 22
reseting password and policy; /etc/passwd; /var/lib/samba/
Hi all, this is my setup OS: Debian Squeeze (6.0.2) Samba: 3.5.6 LDAP: 2.4.23 and I have few questions about things I dont really understand and havent found clear answer using google and searching mailng list till now: 1) is there a way to get some password changing tool (smbpasswd, ldappasswd, smbldap-passwd, etc.) obey account policy, which I set using pdbedit (and works fine when I try to