similar to: Administrative Share

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Administrative Share"

2003 Jul 10
Hi all, working on the problem that I cannot log in from my NT4 box I noticed that: - Test 8 from DIAGNOSIS.TXT fails: from the NT machine I try: "net view \\server" and I have: "System error 5 has occurred. Access denied" I don't know how to handle this... Could you please help me? Regards, -- Benilton Carvalho DE / IMECC / UNICAMP Red Hat Linux i18n Team
2003 Jun 18
Slow windows -> cups print (Facts discovered)
Hi there, Some days ago I've sent a mail talking about some problems printing from a Windows machine to a printer installed on a Linux server (running CUPS 1.1.19 and SAMBA 2.2.7) What was happening is when I send a page to be printed, I way 15/20 secs per page. I've installed the network printer with the correct HP drivers. After trying a LOT of stuff, I've installed the
1998 Sep 15
Samba and NIS
Dear All, I am attempting to set up Samba 1.9.18p8 on a Sun E450 running Solaris 2.6. The Sun is configured as a NIS master serving a number of other Unix machines. It is our primary development platform acting as a NIS client and also has auto mounted home directories for users. Samba has been built using GCC 2.8.1 with the following options set: FLAGSM = -DSUNOS5 -DSHADOW_PWD -DAUTOMOUNT
2003 Sep 19
Locate first index
Hi, all. I'd like to know if exists a manner to get the first index where a condition is attained in a vector. For example, There is a better solution than first.index <- table(subject[corretor==27])[1] (give me the subject for the first time that corretor is 27)? Thanks, ======================================== Cezar Freitas (ICQ 109128967) IMECC - UNICAMP Campinas, SP - Brasil
2003 Nov 18
multiple domains
G'day, Is it possible to have a windows XP-Pro Computer to be a member of more than 1 domain at a time. So a user could go to log on and get to local computer or a couple of domains rather than a single domain? I cann't find anything in the docs. WHen I tried it the second domain replaced the first :-( Just an idea I had to make life a bit easier but looks like a looser. If anybody
2001 Oct 24
logon home
Hello! I don't want to use server home dir's for windows users can I complete disable it usage? -- Best regards, Denis
2003 Nov 27
I am a relative new user of samba (well not to new), but I would like to authenticate samba through ldap, and ldap only. I don;t want to have to manage the /etc/passwd file aswell. Can this be accomplished all on 1 machine (for example running samba and openldap on the same machine), with the openldap db being the only user/group db I need to maintain. If so, can anyone point me towards some
2002 Nov 29
Hi there.. during an installation of Samba (don't recall the version, maybe 2.2.6) on RH 7.2 recently it automatically created the smb.conf file and this contained basic [global] and [homes] shares. I've just installed the latest Samba 2.2.7 and it does not create smb.conf (it says in the instructions that it won't so I'm not surprised) but... the [homes] entry in the smb.conf
2004 Jun 20
hidden markov models in R?
Hi, friends! Has R estimation (library, for example) to do estimation in HMM? Thanks in advance, ======================================== Cezar Freitas Estatistico - Comissao Permanente para os Vestibulares / UNICAMP Probabilidade e Estatistica Aplicadas - IME / USP | IMECC / UNICAMP Campinas | Sao Paulo, SP - Brasil
2006 Nov 29
tests for NULL objects
Hi Everyone, After searching the subject and not being successful, I was wondering if any you could explain me the idea behind the following fact: all(NULL == 2) ## TRUE any(NULL == 2) ## FALSE Thanks a lot, Benilton -- Benilton Carvalho PhD Candidate Department of Biostatistics Johns Hopkins University
2007 May 11
names of objects in .rda
Hi everyone, sorry if this was discussed before (and in this situation, could you please point me to the discussion in the archive? My search didn't seem to be effective). Is there a way of getting the names of objects in a .rda file without having to load it? Thank you very much, benilton -- PhD Candidate Department of Biostatistics Bloomberg School of Public Health Johns Hopkins
2007 Jun 06
name of the variable that will contain the result of a function
Hi everyone, say I have a function called 'foo', which takes the argument arg1. Is there any mechanism that I can use to "learn" about the variable where foo(arg1) is going to be stored? For example: x <- foo(arg1) so, inside foo() I'd like to be able to get the string "x". if, foo(arg1) was used insted, I'd like to get NA. thank you very much, b
2012 Feb 18
assigning NULL to a list element
Hi everyone, For reasons beyond the scope of this message, I'd like to append a NULL element to the end of a list. tmp0 <- list(a=1, b=NULL, c=3) append(tmp0, c(d=4)) ## works as expected append(tmp0, c(d=NULL)) ## list with a/b/c only Given that I could use tmp0$a <- NULL to remove 'a', I seem to understand why appending NULL returns me the original list... But how should I
2007 Jan 19
Suggestion on how to improve efficiency when using MASS:::hubers on high-dimensional arrays
Hi Everyone, Given the scenario I have, I was wondering if anyone would be able to give me a hind on how to get the results from hubers() in a more efficient way. I have an outcome on an array [N x S x D]. I also have a factor (levels 1,2,3) stored on a matrix N x S. My objective is to get "mu" and "sigma" for each of the N rows (outcome) stratified by the factor
2003 Jul 11
Changing passwd as ordinary user
Dear all, when I try to change my password as ordinary user using "smbpasswd", I get the following error message: machine rejected the password change: Error was : RAP86: The specified password is invalid. I'm sure my old password is correct and the new password also. If I change the ordinary user password as root, everything works fine... I would appreciate your help,
2003 May 19
XP Joining Samba Domain
I have successfully joined the XP machine to the domain. The strange part is, that it only wanted to be joined if it connected to the PDC and not the BDC. The way it is set-up is that the XP machine and a BDC is in one branch and the PDC is in another. Every time I would try to connect via the BDC, it would return a value ACCESS DENIED I stopped the smb service on the BDC, and got it to
2003 Jul 08
Samba PDC and Passwords
Hi everybody, I have a dilemma here about the user accounts. We have all the accounts at a NIS server. My samba PDC is another machine (different from the NIS server). What are my options for managing the accounts? 1) Central management (LDAP) 2) Keep different password files (passwd/smbpasswd) Are there any different options?? If I use the second option (2 - keep different password files),
2012 Mar 26
read.csv and field containing single quotes
I need to read in csv files, created by 3rd party, with fields containing single quotes (as shown below). "header1","header2","header3","header4" "field1r1","field2r1","field3r1","field4r1" "field1r2","field2r2","field3r2PartA), field3r2PartB Very" Long","field4r2"
2003 Jun 17
Rsync Performance In Windows
Has anyone else experienced high CPU usage when using RSYNC in windows 2000 server? I am using the rsync.exe (and applicable DLL's) from the cygwin installation (I am not however running cygwin on this machine). The linux machine connecting to the windows rsync daemon has a very low performance hit when the session is running (see below). However, the windows machine, which has a much
2003 Aug 06
evaluating and walking in names
Hi, all. Suppose I have an object with names (like a data.frame) and I want to walk in a loop with your names. How can I do this? The idea is like this:<-data.frame(matrix(runif(6),ncol=2)) names( [1] "X1" "X2" for(i in names({ my.variable <- cat(paste("$", i, "\n", sep="")) print(mean(my.variable)) } #it