similar to: My Samba 3.0beta1 stopped working as ADS member

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "My Samba 3.0beta1 stopped working as ADS member"

2003 Aug 12
Got strange message when using wbinfo/winbind on Samba-3 beta3
Hi, I have joined a ADS (W2003 server) with success. Started winbindd. When I run any wbinfo commands I recieve the following message in the logfile and the command fails: cli_negprot: SMB signing is mandatory and we have disabled it. I am using the same smb.conf as for beta1 and beta2. What have changed or what have missed ? I am running on Solaris 9. My smb.conf file [global]
2003 Jun 23
Strange UID/GID mapping in Samba-3beta1 and Win2003 server
I have strange uid/gid problem. I am testing Samba 3-beta1 and Samba is ADS member to W2003 server. Everythings work, wbinfo, getent passwd and so on. Now to the problem: When I list the users with getent passwd I get: Administrator:x:10000:10000:Administrator:/global/mnt1/SAMBA/home/TEST.SE/administrator:/bin/sh Guest:x:10001:10002:Guest:/global/mnt1/SAMBA/home/TEST.SE/guest:/bin/sh
2003 Jun 10
Problem to get winbind working for Samba3-beta1 on Solaris 9 against W2003 PDC
My smb.conf global] workgroup = SAMBA-NET password server = * ;ads server = w2000server netbios name = SAMBA server string = Samba (%v) domain (%h) interfaces = hahostix1/ bind interfaces only = Yes client use spnego = no ;use spnego = no security = domain private dir = /global/mnt1/SAMBA/private log
2003 Sep 04
smbclient is broken and W2k can't connect to Samba3.0-rc2
Hi, I have done the same test since Samba-3 alfa. - Compiled the source - Joined the W2003 server - Winbind works - wbinfo tests passed - Connect to samba using smbclient fails with session setup failed: NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER - W2K client can't brows or connect to Samba. I have attached the debugging info from smbclient. I have also bug-reported this. /Patrik My smb.conf file: #
2003 Jun 05
Problems joining W2003 PDC with Samba 3.0 alpha 24
I know the Q has been asked, but I havn't seen the answer. I have PDC in native mode The ADS name is The domain-name is SAMBA-NET The name of the pdc is W2003SERVER ( In smb.conf have the following settings workgroup = SAMBA-NET ; ads server = password server = W2003SERVER netbios name = SAMBA server string = Samba (%v)
2003 Jul 04
Is it sombody who has a working pam.conf for Solaris 9 ?
Hi, I am trying to setup PAM for telnet on my solaris 9 box and the pam_winbind grant me access but I recieve a acount failure: Jul 4 13:29:59 clusterix1 pam_winbind[9688]: user 'patrikg' granted acces Jul 4 13:29:59 clusterix1 login[9688]: login account failure: Permission denied The values in pam.conf for winbind is: login auth required /usr/lib/security/ other
2003 Sep 02
Something is broken in Samba3.0-rc2 compared to Samba3.0-rc1
Hi, After the bug 380 was fixed I recompiled Samba3.0-rc2 using Sun One Studio 8 on my Solaris 9 box. I joind my Windows 2003 Server. net ADS JOIN -U Administrator Started winbindd and did wbinfo tests and all worked. Run smbclient locally to connect to the samba-server and it failed with session setup failed: NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER. My W2000 client can't access the samba server any
2004 Jan 29
A samba locking question
Hi, Maybe this is a stupid question, but any way Will samba use fcntl locking if level 1 and 2 oplocks is disabled and samba is not compiled with spin-locks enabled ? I am using Samba on solaris /Patrik -- "In a world without fences who needs Gates" Patrik Gustavsson, Senior Technical Consultant Telephone: +46 60 671540 http://glen.sweden
2003 Jun 24
Samba3-beta1 as a PDC and using tdbsam as passdb backend it takes the home-directory info from /etc/passwd
I didn't get any answers so I try again: I am using tdbsam as passdb backand. I have added root user with pdbedit. The machine trust account was added on the fly. I have added the user with pdbedit. I have created the user in /etc/passwd. When the user logs in from a W2k and mounts the home-directory I noticed that Samba didn't take the home-directory information from tdbsam, it
2003 Aug 19
Problem with iconv for Samba-3.0.0-rc1 on Solaris
Hi, I have dowloaded and installed iconv (1.9.1) from I have used default-settings for iconv, meaning: # configure # make # make install I tried then run configure for Samba-3.0.0-rc1 and configure couldn't find sufficient support for iconv. I tried using --with-libiconv, but it didn't help. Did I miss something when installing iconv on my
2003 Jul 04
Winbind in samba3-beta2 is broken compered to samba3-beta1 on solaris
I compiled samba3-beta2 with the same argument, kerberos- and ldap libraries as for samba3-beta1. The ADS join worked as it should. I am using the same smb.conf file as before: # Samba config file created using SWAT # from ( # Date: 2003/06/03 15:37:08 # Global parameters [global] workgroup = SAMBA-NET password server = * ads server = w2003server
2002 Aug 30
Enhancement of wbinfo in samba2.2.6pre2
Hi, Most of the samba-commands takes a option for smb.conf file exept for wbinfo. It should be nice to have that functionallity in wbinfo also. /Patrik -- "In a world without fences who needs Gates" Patrik Gustavsson, Senior Technical Consultant Telephone: +46 60 671540 http://glen.sweden Mobile: +46 70 3551040 SUN MICROSYSTEMS
2015 May 21
second DC behavior when first switched off
Hello all, I'm always trying to migrate from W2000 server to Samba 4. For doing this, I tried this : - install a W2003 server with AD and DNS services, join it to W2000, transfer roles and after demote the old W2000 -> done - install a Sernet Samba4 with Bind9, join W2003, transfer all 7 roles -> done ( thanks to Rowland ) the sync process is working well in two way, I can manage
2015 May 15
How to properly demote a W2003 from Samba4?
Hello all, I'm always trying to migrate from W2000 server to Samba 4. For doing this, I tried this : - install a W2003 server with AD and DNS services, join it to W2000, transfer roles and after demote the old W2000 -> done - install a Sernet Samba4 with Bind9, join W2003, transfer roles -> done At this point the sync process is working in two way, I can manage DNS and AD with rsat
2015 May 15
How to properly demote a W2003 from Samba4?
Hello Andrey, Yes, I transfered all the available roles with the Ntdsutil command. and samba-tool fsmo show return all roles. regards Le 15/05/2015 17:26, Andrey Repin a ?crit : > Greetings, Sam! > >> Hello all, >> I'm always trying to migrate from W2000 server to Samba 4. >> For doing this, I tried this : >> - install a W2003 server with AD and DNS services,
2015 May 18
How to properly demote a W2003 from Samba4?
Disturbing... Every where I read I see only 5 roles to transfer in windows 2003 server : * /transfer PDC/ * /transfer RID master/ * /transfer infrastructure master/ * /transfer naming master/ * /transfer schema master/ How to transfer the 2 other "roles"? Thanks. Le 15/05/2015 18:03, Andrey Repin a ?crit : > Greetings, Sam! > >>>> Hello all,
2009 Jan 29
Samba 3.2.7 and XP authentication error
List, Long and confusing message follows... I'm facing a frustrating problem. XP clients can use resoures on the samba server by IP-address, but not by name. So, "net view \\servername" gives "access denied" but "net view \\ipaddress" gives list of shared resources. Samba server (3.2.7 sernet rpm) is a member server in W2003 domain. I emphasise that with
2003 Jun 24
Has anybody used the mysql passdb backend in samba3-beta1 ?
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 > Message: 13 > Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 13:12:45 +0200 > From: Patrik Gustavsson PS Sweden Senior Technical Consultant > <Patrik.Gustavsson@Sun.COM> > Subject: [Samba] Has anybody used the mysql passdb backend in samba > 3-beta1 ? > To: > Message-ID: <> >
2004 Feb 10
Rejoining domain after cluster failover
Hello. We're having issues running Samba 2.2.8-a1, on Solaris 8 (SPARC) under Veritas VCS 3.5 clustering (HA active-passive). Every time we have a cluster failover (we're testing), we have to re-join the domain [ADS not NT] (e.g., 'smbpasswd -j XYZ -r XYZPDC -UAdminRightsUser%password'). Otherwise, we cannot connect to the shares, and 'wbinfo -t' returns 'Secret is
2003 Jun 23
Hi need some understanding
Hi guys, (sorry for my typos, i'm dutch :-) ) First I would like to congratulate you all for a job wel done, the samba 3.0 looks and works great. I have got a question neverteless, I want to use the user manager for winnt for my users and group admin. but i also want to stay off the linux accounts since i don't want everyone to be able to login to various programs i am using the