similar to: password syncronization

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "password syncronization"

2003 Jan 29
Hi friends We want communciate our windows 2000 computers with samba. We want use samba as domain controller. Before we had NT computers. Now we want install windows 2000 computers. For that reason we do all things again. At first step we have a problem. We want to add the computers to a domain. But when we try to do that it displays a message to enter the username and password. We do not
2012 May 23
Special characters in an R package manual
Dear all, I have some trouble with special characters while building my R package. I tried to follow the usual LATEX format, but could not fix the problem: For instance, for "greater than or equal", I tried "\geq", but R says that this is an unknown macro. Could anyone direct me how to solve this issue? Best Ozgur ----- ************************************ Ozgur ASAR
2012 May 31
Warning message: numerical expression has 1000 elements: only the first used
Hi, Your mistake seems to be in sum(v[1:x]) You create "x" as a vector but your treat it as a single number. v[1:x] expects "x" to be a single number and only considers its first element which is 1. If I understand your query correctly, the following might handle your problem: sum.vec <-NULL for (x in 1:1000){ t <- rbinom(1000, 1, 0.5) v <- replace(t,t==0,-1)
2008 May 21
howto sync unix passwd & samba passwd?
Hi, I'm using samba-3.0.28-0.fc8. I'm trying to build a file server for 100 users. I created a perl script that automatically adds the 100 users plus their passwords with success. Now I'm having difficulty creating a script using the smbpasswd command because passwords must be entered in stdin. I also tried smbpasswd -s option but it asks passwd in stdin. Is there a way that I can use
2005 Mar 18
2 possible bugs in function validObject (PR#7735)
Hi, > R.version.string [1] "R version 2.0.1, 2004-11-15" I have found two possible bugs in function validObject. Details below. Cheers, Scott ================================== Scott D. Chasalow Principal Statistician Statistical Genetics and Biomarkers Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Email: scott.chasalow <AT> ================================== ------ BEGIN R
2005 Mar 01
Authentication via both domain controller and local Sambapassword file
Try setting auth methods = sam winbind. IIRC when in domain authentication auth methods does not include users in the local sam, but my knowledge could be based upon an older version of samba, so you'll have to try it out. -Marc > -----Original Message----- > From: [mailto:samba- >
2010 Nov 27
Combind two different vector
Hi I'm trying two combine two vectors that have different lengths. This without recursive the shorter one. E.g., a <- seq(1:3) b <- seq(1:6) Thanks in advance Serdar [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Dec 11
Hi I'm trying to utilize the break command for breaking the loop when the p-value is less than 10 per cent using the urca package. But it does not break the loop, anyone that can help me? library(urca) set.seed(1) a1 <- runif(100) lag.max <- function(object, n = 12){ matris <- matrix(NA, nrow = n) for(i in 1:n) { matris[i] <- ur.df(object, lags = i,
2007 Sep 13
handle dates in R?
Dear Rusers, I have some data in .csv file like "2004-8-1" and "2004-10-1", and i need to convert them into days from the origin (January 1, 1960). I have tried the function date.mmddyyyy(), but cannot get it. Anybody can show me how to handle the date data? Thanks very much! My dataset like: time 2004-8-1 2004-10-1 2001-9-1 2002-9-1 -- With Kind Regards,
2006 Nov 19
questions on adding reference line?
Dear Ruser, I use abline() function to add the reference line successfully, but i can't display the values corresponding to the reference line on the x/y axis, anybody knows how to display it? *My simulated programs:* y<-rnorm(50) plot(x,y) abline(v=0.5) *#my question is how to display x=0.5 in the x axis?* Thanks in advance. -- With Kind Regards, oooO::::::::: (..):::::::::
2007 Apr 03
MediaTemple Image upload
Hi All, I''m hosting with MediaTemple who are currently using 0.3.3 of mongrel on their GridServer. My rails app has an image upload facility whereby if you upload a large image (e.g. 5Mb) mongrel crashes. I''ve requested an upgrade to the latest version of mongrel but don''t believe that''s going to happen too soon. I''m not getting too much
2000 May 29
Syslog facility in Linux
Hi ! While browsing Linux manpages (man 3 syslog) I noticed that the manual says that the LOG_AUTH facility is deprecated use LOG_AUTHPRIV instead. Is there a good reason why OpenSSH doesn't have an option to use LOG_AUTHPRIV facility ? (Looks like that tcpd/telnet etc. use the AUTHPRIV facility (in RH6.2)). Shouldn't be too hard to add the AUTH_PRIV facility ? Cheers, -Jarno --
2007 Oct 02
How to add legend for image()?
Dear friends, The following is an example to explain my question. I want to get a legend which will show the z-values according to different colors in image() function. x<-sort(runif(10)) #x-coordinates y<-sort(runif(10)) #y-coordinates z<-matrix(runif(100),nrow=10) #attributes values image(x,y,z,col=gray((6:3)/6)) # legend(x,y,legend=z,col=gray((6:3)/6)) #error. the colors should
2008 Sep 23
Generating series of distributions with the same skewness and different kurtosis or with same kurtosis and different skewness?
Dear R users, I hope to explain the concepts of skewness and kurtosis by generating series of distributions with same skewness and different kurtosis or with same kurtosis and different skewness, but it seems that i cannot find the right functions. I have searched the mailing list, but no answers were found. Is it possible to do that in R? Which function could be used? Thanks a lot. --
2006 Oct 12
how to get the variance-covariance matrix/information of alpha and beta after fitting a GLMs?
Dear friends, After fitting a generalized linear models ,i hope to get the variance of alpha,variance of beta and their covariance, that is , the variance-covariance matrix/information of alpha and beta , suppose *B* is the object of GLMs, i use attributes(B) to look for the options ,but can't find it, anybody knows how to get it? > attributes(B) $names [1] "coefficients"
2007 Nov 08
question on image() function?
Dear friends, My dataset is like the following: x y mcpvalue 0.4603578 0.6247629 1.001 0.4603715 0.6247788 1.001 0.4603852 0.6247948 1.001 0.4110561 0.5664841 0.995 The x and y variables are unsorted. I use the function image(x,y,mcpvalue) to generate a plot, but the error is that "increasing 'x' and
2007 Dec 13
Probelms on using gam(mgcv)
Dear all, Following the help from gam(mgcv) help page, i tried to analyze my dataset with all the default arguments. Unfortunately, it can't be run successfully. I list the errors below. #m.gam<-gam(mark~s(x,y)+s(lstday2004)+s(slope)+s(ndvi2004)+s(elevation)+s(disbinary),family=binomial(logit),data=point)
2007 Sep 17
What's the corresponding function in R for lo() function in S-PLUS?
Dear friends, In S-PLUS, we can use the following argument, but not in R. mode12 <- gam(score1 ~ lo(latitude) + lo(longitude)) I searched the help in S-PLUS, it says lo() Allows the user to specify a Loess fit in a GAM formula, but i didn't find the correponding function in R. Anybody knows how to do the similar task in R? Thanks very much. -- With Kind Regards, oooO:::::::::
2007 Aug 17
Is there any good tools to facilitate us to create R functions?
Dear R users, We have some programs for the specific task in our research, but they were very commonly used. We want to make some functions for them, anybody can recommend any good tools to facilitate us to create R functions even without going deep into the theories of R functions ? Any suggestions or help are greatly appreciated. -- With Kind Regards, oooO::::::::: (..):::::::::
2008 Jan 01
Specify a correct formula in R for Piecewise Linear Functions?
Dear all, I have two variables, y and x. It seems that the relationship between them is Piecewise Linear Functions. The cutpoint is 20. That is, when x<20, there is a linear relationship between y and x; while x>=20, there is another different linear relationship between them. How can i specify their relationships in R correctly? # glm(y~I(x<20)+I(x>=20),family = binomial, data =