Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Multiple Domains/Workgroups (again sigh)"
2002 Nov 22
SAMBA doesn't like me anymore :(
Hi All,
Okay, SAMBA officially doesn't like me or something.
Here's the poop:
- Brand-new FreeBSD 4.7 box
- SAMBA 2.2.6pre2 (built from the ports tree)
- I have dual NICs, one on 192.168.1 (students) the other on 192.168.2 (staff)
- I need two operational workgroups "STUDENTS" & "STAFF" each tied to their
own interface.
- This machine needs to do all the
2002 Nov 22
RE:swat in samba-2.2.7
I have installed samba 2.2.7 and cannot get swat to work. I have entry in
/etc/services file and alo in /etc/xinetd.d/swat.
I'm logging in as root/rootpassword from local or other machine. i'm
getting error
401 Bad Authorization
username or password incorrect
What am i doing wrong???
-----Original Message-----
From: samba-request@lists.samba.org
2002 Jul 10
multiple domains?
Just another question...
I've an Samba-PDC (2.2.5 --with-ldapsam) - and of course a BDC (at least I hope
that I get this running soon) with an LDAP-backend (users/machins/groups). If I
want to create something like a "Subdomain" with some - but not all - of the
LDAP-users, can this be done, and if how? for example if we have a domain EDU
(for educational users - students
2009 Mar 09
Data Restructuring Question
I think I am overlooking a call or concept in R to help me easily and quickly restructure my data.frame:
Sometimes the data I receive looks like:
VariableName, Run1, Run2, Run3, Location
temp, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0, There
And other times it looks like:
VariableName, Run, Location
temp, 17.0, There
I would like to use the header information in order to be able to
2017 Oct 21
Help_urgent_how to calculate mean and sd in biomod 2
I am new in R. I am trying to implement Biomod 2 package.
However, I have a doubt. I want to calculate the mean and sd of
(ROC and TSS)
> # let's print the ROC scores of all selected models
> myBiomodModelEval_55["ROC","Testing.data",,,]
0.938 0.938 0.926 0.931 0.939
2011 Jul 18
Migrate KVM Guest OS failed
Dear All
I used Virsh live Migrate KVM Guest OS failed
error: unable to set user and group to '104:106' on
'/mnt/run2/N2-WINDOWS-XP-1':Invalid argument
/mnt/run2/ is a directory of local nfs server
another host using nfs client share this directory
2007 Dec 18
[LLVMdev] Broken makefile dependencies?
> make -d -C dir all >run1
> cd dir; make -d all >../run2
cd ..
diff -udb run1 run2 | less
But maybe you don't have GNU make, but some Apple (BSD-derived)
make which doesn't have the "-d" switch ...
2004 Mar 16
Documentation on how to put classes and methods in packages with namespace?
Documentation on how to put classes and methods in packages with namespace?
How should I define my classes and methods in "dynamicGraph"???
(That is - Can some one point me to the documentation on
how to put classes and methods in packages with a namespace? )
Currently it is done by the code below.
This gives problems, when a workspace with a "dynmaicGraph" is
2007 Mar 28
nlsystemfit: Errors with reproducing the manual example
Hi everybody, I'm a newbye with lots of problems :). I'm trying to use
nlsystemfit, but I recieve two error messages whose origin that I don't
1) When I try to reproduce the example reported in the systemfit package
manual, that is
library( systemfit )
data( ppine )
hg.formula <- hg ~ exp( h0 + h1*log(tht) + h2*tht^2 + h3*elev + h4*cr)
dg.formula <- dg ~ exp( d0
2017 Oct 26
Help_urgent_how to calculate mean and sd in biomod 2
Please keep this in the list, I'm cc-ing r-help at r-project.org. And yes,
I am Portuguese but R-Help is a mailing list in the English language.
As for your new question, I believe that you should start a new thread.
This is completely different from the question on computing mean and sd.
Ask a new question.
Font "arial" is a Microsoft font and as far as I know is not
2005 Jun 06
don't want xtab sorting "numeric" factors...
I couldn't find an answer to this and after an hour or so of trying all
types or ways to do this, I've given up for now.
I'm having trouble getting the results from xtabs to generate
"unsorted" factors. I've generated a sample data.frame I want to
create a table from, using xtabs, and the results are presented below,
> temp
treatment itpa qmd
2003 Nov 06
created data doesn't remain when split...
I've been trying to figure out why the following is happening....
I've got some data I'll load in from a file...
trees <- read.table( "c:/cruisepak/data.txt", header=T)
trees$ct <- 1
And when I create some temp variable, then split the data to perform further
processing, the additional column doesn't maintain the data correctly....
2004 Dec 13
lists within a list / data-structure problem
Dear all,
this is a rather basic question; i am not sure how to structure my data
I want to extraxt various measures from my raw-data. These measures are
of different sizes, so I decided to store them in a list, like:
run1 <- list(Dom = (my_vector), mean = (my_single_number))
I can do that in a for loop for 40 runs, ending up with 40 lists: run1,
run2, ..., run40.
To have all the
2009 May 20
Plot data from table with column and row names
Dear All
Sorry for what appears a trivial matter - I'm new to R and am stumbling
I have a table of numerical data (36 rows by 12 columns) such as below:
GM1 GM2 GM3 GM4 GM5 ...etc GM12
Run1 1 2 1 2 3 ...
Run2 2 1 3 2 1 ...
Run36 2 1 1 1 1
I would like to plot simple line graphs of some of the runs or
2003 Mar 19
not able to browse other domains/workgroups
I have the following situation: is my local network. .1 is my PDC (samba 2.2.6) workgroup
is vanheusden is an intranet somewhere else to which I'm connected
through a vpn. workgroup is enderman
ip-forwarding is enabled on (my default gateway and endpoint
for the vpn)
on I've set hosts allow to 192.168. and 127.
hosts allow =
1998 Jun 22
NT Domains and Workgroups
Is this situation a gotcha? Or it may be that I'm looking at the
problem wrongly . .
We have NT servers as PDCs in many regional centres and our head office.
Each local area is a domain. Each local area is also a workgroup, of
the same name.
Now we have been having problems when someone goes from a regional
office with their portable and plugs into head office. Suddenly the
WINS server
2008 Jun 26
Samba + LDAP server and many domains and workgroups clients
Hi Everyone ,
I'm planning to mount na OpenLDAP+Samba server to authenticate windows
machines, but I have a not so common situation. I have windows machines that
does not belong either to some windows domain or workgroup, machines that
belongs to some workgroup and meny machines that belongs to some specific
and different domains, whitout trusted relantionship among them, including
2000 Feb 08
domains & workgroups & multiple networks!?
I've got a Linux box sitting here that connects to two networks - our
main work token ring network and a private ethernet segment with 4 test
machines connected. The Linux box is acting as a link between the two
networks only; it isn't doing any routing / NAT but just provides a
'shared' ftp area (it's also running other services for the private
ethernet - DNS, SMTP relay,
1998 Jul 03
Cross-subnet browsing with multiple domains/workgroups
I'm trying to set up browsing across subnets to provide an
'enterprise'-wide (sorry for the MS term ;-) browse list / Network
I've read BROWSING.TXT, but I can't see how machines on different subnets
in different domains/workgroups sync up (using Samba, anyway).
On my local subnet, I've set up a clunky old Linux 386 (Samba 1.9.18p8)
as the browse
2010 Jul 02
merging plot labels in a lattice plot
Hi, I have a lattice lot conditioned on two variables. Example code is:
x <- data.frame(d=runif(100),
f1=sample(c('yes', 'no'),100,replace=TRUE),
histogram(~d | f1 + f2, x)
In the plot, for a given value of f2, there are two panels, one for