similar to: [OT}

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "[OT}"

2008 Mar 03
Barplot with grouping x axis and count data
Hello, I am trying to make a barplot with nested count data which is build like this: first there are several birds (n)laying 3 clutches composed of 2 eggs half of the second and third clutch received treatment and this treatment was tested to influence sex of offspring. I want a barplot showing counts for male and female for every egg of every clutch. can someone tell me what to do? I drew a
2008 Jul 31
Phone and Modem Options...
Apparently there are some applications *cough*healthscreen*cough* which NEED to have a modem set up under the "Phone and Modem" options using the control panel (which IMHO is just silly). The COM port is there, terminals see it and can talk to the EXTERNAL modem connected to it with no trouble, but the application won't talk to the COM port directly. As a result the application
2006 Mar 12
Speakeasy VOIP + Asterisk?
Has anyone tried getting Speakeasy VOIP to work with Asterisk? I just got Speakeasy DSL and am thinking of trying out their VOIP [1] with the hope that the quality/stability will be better than broadvoice. I searched in the usual places (, the asterisk users mailing list archives [2], and couldn't find anything. Any other places I should look? Thanks, Simon
2008 Sep 10
job posting - Senior Engineer @
Put your love of puppet to work with us at Speakeasy. We need Engineers who want to use puppet in conjunction with re-architecting our infrastructure. We are based in downtown Seattle, overlooking Elliot Bay. Please send your resume or any questions directly to me and off-list. Thanks, -g Company summary: Speakeasy, one of the nation’s leading broadband voice (VoIP), data and IT service
2009 Apr 01
repeated measures ANOVA - among group differences
I have data on the proportion of clutches experiencing different fates (e.g., 4 different sources of mortality) for 5 months . I need to test 1) if the overall proportion of these different fates is different over the entire study and 2) to see if there are monthly differences within (and among) fate types. Thus, I am pretty sure this is an RM analysis -( I measure the same quadrats each month).
2003 Oct 01
wxXRC library
Hi, I started developing with wxRuby with the 0.1.0 release, and have been very pleased. As a ruby and wxWindows fan, I was happy to see the wxruby project, and have been very impresed with the implementation. I''ve been working on supporting the XML resources (wxXRC), and have an issue I''d like some advice on. XRC plugged in very nicely, and I was able to query resources.
2011 Sep 12
nested anova<-R chrashing
Hi, I tried to do a nested Anova with the attached Data. My response variable is "survivors" and I would like to know the effect of (insect-egg clutch) "size", "position" (of clutch on twig) and "clone" (/plant genotype) on the survival of eggs (due to predation). Each plant was provided with three different sizes of clutches (45,15,5) and had
2003 Jan 20
bug desc.
hello. i am running samba-2.2.7 on a RH7.2 Kernel 2.4.7-10. i am using the left side (the folders tree section) of the windows explorer on WinNT4 SP6 station, and I move folders arround. most of the times after i move a folder there is no change in the presentation, in order to see the new folders tree i have to refresh the screen (F5). i will be gratefull for any advice / replay. tx.
2000 Aug 24
Force pseudo-tty allocation option "-t"
Please Cc: me on the reply as I am not on the list. >From the ssh(1) man page: -t Force pseudo-tty allocation. This can be used to execute arbi trary screen-based programs on a remote machine, which can be very useful, e.g., when implementing menu services. This is similiar to what I am trying to do, use "-t" flag to ssh from my application,
2005 Oct 19
rsync through multiple ssh hops with password authentication prompt
Hi, I have searched the whole internet and mailing list and I was unable to find a clear answer to this. The method described in the FAQ [1] are not useful for me. Three machines source, middle, target. ssh into middle from source requires password pass_middle. ssh into target from middle requires password pass_target. One cannot reach target from source. So I can do: source $ ssh middle
2006 Apr 16
[S] Problems with lme and 2 levels of nesting:Summary
I have taken the liberty of including the R-help mailing list on this reply as that is the appropriate place to discuss lmer results. On 4/5/06, Andreas Svensson <andreas.svensson at> wrote: > Hello again > I have now recieved some helpful hints in this matter and will summarize them but first let me reiterate the problem: > > I had two treatments: 2 types of food
2002 Sep 23
DNS server and printing.
Good afternoon, This is my first post, so please be gentle ;) Anyway, here's my question....I've recently put together a Linux Server for our company, replacing an old Novel server. I have the box set up with Samba, as a PDC on our network. So far, just about everything is working correctly. One issue I'm coming up against, though, is printing from DOS. I have Samba
2007 Oct 18
phone as control interface(was99bottlesofbeer)
Hi All, sorry if I post again this e-mail but I think the first one was lost. I don't know if this is OT but I'm working in my spare time at a small hardware project that match to what's requested below. It's a board with Input/Output capabilities and 10Mbps ethernet interface. It has Microchip software TCP/IP stack on it. Being at a very beginning stage, you can see a little
2002 Nov 06
PDC and logon script - try 2
Hi everyone, I have a question about the logon script command. I've read and read and read the man page for smb.conf. In essence, I've duplicated the settings on the PDC how-to document to create a PDC with a logon script. However, when I log in, the scrips doesn't run. The only thing I don't have enabled, like the how-to, is roaming profiles. I'll include my smb.conf for
2002 Nov 18
Samba printing and CUPS
Well, I have a strange one again. Using samba version 2.2.5 and cups version 1.1.15. We have 2 printers over the network, both TCP/IP-based Jetdirect printers. on is on x.x.x.32, the other on x.x.x.38. I can print to the laserjet on IP 32 all day long. However, both on Windows clients, print jobs are not even seen in the que (either windows print que or CUPS web interface). When I try to
2003 Jan 30
Use client driver
Good day everyone, Just a quick question. When using Samba 2.2.7a and Cups 1.17 or 1.18, is it good or bad to use "Use client driver" as a share setting on the Printers share? I used it with LPD, but I'm not real sure it's necessary with cups. Thanks in advance Darin Bawden TeamDME! Technical Support (615) 333-1900
2004 Dec 16
My Boss wants background music!!!!
Dear Members, I am searching for a new PBX for the company. My choice is Astrisk. My Boss wants background music via all the telephones. This is done in a conventional PBX that he wants, but I can use the Asterisk PBX if it can do this also. As I said he needs background music on every telephone this is not to be mistaken with music on hold. The bit stream is an MP3 file of 8 Kbs. At the server
2004 Jan 30
Call quality questions
Our basic system is as follows: P4 3.0 Ghz w/ HT, 1GB PC3200 RAM, 120 GB HDD, RH 9.0 OS, * from CVS several weeks ago, working OK for routing, VM, and AA, calls in on separate PSTN lines to Adtran TSU 600, into * server through T100P card. The hardware is not taxed at all with little over 20% proc utilization ever, low mem use, etc. All Phones are SNOM 200's with various firmware revisions
2004 Nov 29
Gentoo and Asterisk - any experiences?
Hi, In constant search for optimization, a friend told us about his experience with Gentoo Linux-distro. He claimed that he doubled the performance of his server by changing to Gentoo from Debian. Does anyone have any experience with running Asterisk on a Gentoo linux? /Niels --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.801
2002 Nov 03
PDC and logon script
Hi everyone, I have a question about the logon script command. I've read and read and read the man page for smb.conf. In essence, I've duplicated the settings on the PDC how-to document to create a PDC with a logon script. However, when I log in, the scrips doesn't run. The only thing I don't have enabled, like the how-to, is roaming profiles. I'll include my smb.conf for