similar to: Linux permissions vs Samba permissions

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Linux permissions vs Samba permissions"

2002 Dec 20
Delayed Write failures with Windows XP
We have users who have their desktop folders on a Samba share. Some of them have been getting "Delayed Write Failure" messages recently on the "cookies/index.dat" file. At first I thought it was a fluke related to a network outage we experienced, but now I'm finding out it had been happening previously. This is Samba 2.2.5 on SuSE Linux SLES7 on S/390. Does anyone have
2013 Sep 25
Thunderbird 24.0 for Windows seems to ignore Samba4.0.9 permissions settings
Hi, I have a CentOS 6.4 fileserver running SerNet Samba 4.0.9 with these global settings (not overridden): read only = No force create mode = 0777 force directory mode = 0777 inherit acls = yes inherit owner = yes inherit permissions = yes On a Windows client, I have Thunderbird 24.0 storing its profile and mail on the Samba share. The
2003 Sep 26
a. crossing branches with hclust, b. plot.dendrogram
Hello, a. when I use hclust with the methods media, centroid, and mcquitty, and plot the results, the dendrograms have lines that are crossing each other. Is this ok? b. My next question refers to plot.dendrogram: How can I use parameters as "hang" or "cex" here? E.g. for st <- as.dendrogram(subtreeshc[[x]]) I would like to have something like this, where cex and hang
2003 Jan 16
[Fwd: Re: Exporting a samba mount]]
Christopher and the list: Gee... I wish it would! My probelm currently is the fact that if I add this line to /etc/exports: /mnt/MountedSambaShare somebox(nohide) I get: somebox:/mnt/MountesSambaShare: Invalid argument This happens whether /etc/exports says "somebox(nohide)" or "somebox(ro)" or "somebox()". Note that /mnt/MounteSambaShare is in fact
2002 Mar 26
comparing row by row in matrix
I don't know the Russell-Rao coefficient but maybe this will help: You can compute the number of times y and x are both 1 (that's what your function f does) by counting 1s in y*x, i.e., sum(y*x), aka t(y)%*%x. Ordinary matrix multiplication does this row-by-column, so if M and N are two binary matrices, M%*%t(N) will have (i,j) entry equal to the count of 1s in common to row i of M and
2002 Jan 27
DBM databases for R?
Hello! Can I use DBM databases (as they are used in Perl) for the import of large datasets in R? Thanks in advance for your help, Petra Steiner - --------------------------------------------------- Petra Steiner Arbeitsbereich Linguistik Universitaet Muenster Huefferstrasse 27 48149 Muenster
2002 Apr 07
German umlaut in xlab
Dear all, which font do I have to choose to use German umlauts at x/ylab in plot? Do I have to change Rdevga; and how? Or should I use these Hershey vectors? I looked quite a long time for a solution, which should be easy, so I thought I'd better ask here. Maybe some other people have already solved this problem. Regards, Petra - --------------------------------------------------- Petra
2018 Jun 18
Fixing sysvol permissions
On Fri, 15 Jun 2018 12:32:52 +0200 L.P.H. van Belle wrote: > > > OK, Everyone is currently set to FULL CONTROL. I'll set that to READ. > > Ai, now... Nobody can write over the share, pc's wil complain. > Some GPO setting will stop working. But, when I ran your script it told me to set EVERYONE: READ. See below: > > $
2005 Aug 25
box m-test
Hello everybody, Is there in R a so called box m-test for testing the equality of the variance/cov. matrix for checking on homoscedasticity? I could not find it among the traditional packages for multivariate statistics... Petra -- Petra Wallem Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Ecolog伱伃a & Biodiversidad (CASEB) Departamento de Ecolog伱伃a Facultad de Ciencias Biol伱伋gicas Pontificia
2002 Dec 13
Fwd: Access to Everyone
You can force all users to be recognized as a single user. Set permissions on the directory to drwxrwsrws nobody nobody /home/technical [Technical] comment = Technical browseable = yes path = /home/technical valid users = +users force create mode = 0777 fforce directory mode = 0777 force user = nobody force group = nobody Works good for me . . . Calvin Gordon IT Guy; Nu-Fab Burton LP
2017 Oct 16
(no subject)
Hello again, I'm glad to tell you that I fixed that error. It was gcc compiler error and I found the solution right here: (this link was sent by Harutyun Khachatryan). I changed the versions of gcc and g++ from 4.3 and 4.4 to 4.8 and 4.9 and it worked. I also posted the solution in the gist I've sent you before. Thank you
2018 Jun 19
Fixing sysvol permissions
On Tue, 19 Jun 2018 12:52:46 -0400 Mark Foley via samba <samba at> wrote: > Given no responses on this question for a few days, I'm concluding > that we're out of ideas on this problem. Let me propose a couple of > ideas. Apparently, the basic Windows FOLDER and SHARE permissions > are correct according to Louis' recommendations (see message below).
2006 Jul 22
projection utility in ArcView
Hello to all, I am using ArcView 3.2 under Wine. For now I have been able to do what I need, except for the projection utility... it seems that I am missing some dll, but I have no clue which ones could be... If somebody knows the solution, please let me know. I am new to Wine, and have no clue how to search for the right dll... Thanks a lot to all of you and to this great Wine-project!!! Petra
2012 Jan 10
Sum of a couple of variables of which a few have NA values
Dear everyone, I have looked all over the internet but I cannot find a way to solve my problem. In my data I want to sum a couple of variables. Some of these variables have NA values, and when I add them together, the result is NA dat <- data.frame( id = gl(5,1), var1 = rnorm(5, 10), var2 = rnorm(5, 7), var3 = rnorm(5, 6), var4 = rnorm(5, 3), var5 = rnorm(5, 8) ) dat[3,3] <- NA dat[4,5]
2015 May 15
Posix vs. Windows File/Directory Permissions
On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 4:37 AM, Klaus Hartnegg <hartnegg at> wrote: > Not sure which email you mean. I don't think that this can happen. If the > Linux acls are modified, the Windows ACLs are destroyed and all is based on > the Linux permissions and acls (which looks strange when viewed from > Window). If the Windows ACLs are modified, Samba automatically
2002 Jan 09
Distance matrix by cosine?
Hello, a. is there a possibility to obtain a distance matrix with the cosine between vectors?? hclust, hierclust, dist will not work and seem to be hard to extend. b. if there is not: Is the cosine between vectors implemented somewhere? Thanks for all hints and advice! Petra Steiner -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2009 Apr 20
bladder1 dataset in survival library
Hello, In package survival should be a dataset bladder1. I can not open it (not found). Both bladder and bladder2 are there. Thanks, Petra
2005 Dec 26
factorial anova
Hello every body, I am trying to do a factorial anova analysis following this model: model<-anova(lm(responsevariable~factorA*factorB)) model<-anova(lm(luz$dosel~luz$estado*luz$Bosque)) Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) estado 1 6931.1 6931.1 41.6455 7.974e-06 *** Bosque 1 36.6 36.6 0.2197 0.6456 estado:Bosque 1 36.6 36.6 0.2197 0.6456 Residuals
2007 Jan 26
Office 2007 saves files as read only on samba shares?
I've been running the same configuration for a couple of years now, and since I've upgraded to Office 2007, MS Word and MS Excel files save to my samba shares as -r-------- even when they are opened as being chmod 777. Files I create/edit using other editors or windows explorer are put onto the share with the correct permissions. My conf looks like this: [global] workgroup = WG
2003 May 09
correspondence analysis
Hi everybody, I am starting my friendship with R. Now I want to do a Correspondence Analysis using the vegan library or multiv library. Both give me the same results which differ from the ones I get running other programs like Statistica... I wounder if there is a problem with my matrix. I have cualitataive variable in the columns and sampling units in the rows... I import my matrix into R