similar to: IP address change fouls things up.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "IP address change fouls things up."

2004 Oct 18
Intermittent failed logon for one computer
Hello, We have been using Samba 3.0.7 for almost a month now, and today marks the second time that I see a machine (one out of twelve on our network" that gives this error when I log in: "The system cannot log you on to this domain because the system's computer account in its primary domain is missing or the password on that account is incorrect." Last time this
2002 Sep 27
Server writes...?
I have a quick question about rsync's writing of files. I have a team of people that all use the host BigServer, which is running rsync as a deamon, as a central place to keep all shared files backed up. The "master copy" for any given file is considered to be the local file that somebody has worked on -- i.e., BigServer is NOT considered the master copy. BigServer is the backup
2002 May 29
Win2K unable to see shares
I have been unable to get my Samba shares on RedHat 7.3, Samba 2.2.3a to be visible from my Windows 2000 SP1 server. From the DIAGNOSIS.txt tests (results below) I think that nmbd is not working properly, but it stops and starts fine, and a ps -A shows 1 X smbd and 2X(?)nmbd processes running, I have tried the suggestions there without luck and am not sure where to go next. I'd appreciate
2002 Jun 02
General speed question
We have some speed/performance issues: We have a 100M fullduplex private network setup to handle rsync transfers to our "mirror" server with a command like: time rsync -e ssh -avzl --delete --rsync-path=/usr/local/bin/rsync \ --exclude ".netscape/cache/" --delete-excluded \ bigserver:/staff1 /mirror/bigserver It takes about 20 minutes to check/transfer files from
2002 Mar 03
net view \\BIGSERVER problems
I want to share my linux printer with my windows laptop. The printer is attached to box with redhat 7.2 and samba-2.2.1a-4. The laptop runs windows 98 and they are connected by a netgear RP114 router. I have been following DIAGNOSIS.txt. I had trouble with the test 2, "ping ACLIENT" and "ping BIGSERVER" until I added ACLIENT to /etc/hosts on BIGSERVER and added BIGSERVER to
2003 Oct 29
help with win2k and linux samba browsing
hi all, i've spent an incredible amount of time trying to get samba working between linux (satan, debian testing, samba 3.0.0) and win2k (lucifer) and i'm at wit's end. i'm begging for help. i spent most of the morning reading samba docs, and have gone from knowing zilch about MS networking to, well, a little something about MS networking. my ultimate goal is to be able to
2005 May 03
Re: Shorewall router behind Shorewall fire
Dear Tom, Very, very thanks the quikly answer. It''s working. I made mistake on shorewall2 here, i wrote "wifi" zone to "eth0" /etc/shorewall/interfaces: net eth0 <---------- lan2 eth1 lan3 eth2 and don''t kept my mind the order in zone file. Thanks Tom Psw
2003 Mar 07
Win2k, Domain logon, permissions
I first asked this question at the end of October, got a response which didn't solve the problem, and have finally got back to the issue now. I'm running 2.2.7a, recently upgraded from 2.2.0 as Domain Logons for Win2K were suspected to be part of my problem. Anyway, the issue relates to AutoCAD (actually a vertical product called Land3) and a command which works with winXX boxes, but
2003 Jun 30
PDC disconnected until restart (NT_STATUS_NO_LOGON_SERVER - or so)
Hi, We experience an every-now-and-then problem with our samba PDC. For a couple of days or so, the PDC runs just fine. Then, one after another, the workstations (Win9x, NT4/SP6a, Win2000/SP3) complain about the PDC not being there and refuse to logon users (naturally). The only workstation that's still able to see and connect to the PDC is the one that's on the same broadcast domain. An
2001 Nov 18
samba under Mandrake 7.2 with Windows98
Hi , I am using Mandrake 7.2 and trying to install samba to share my linux hard disk with Windows 98 ... Herewith my config and diagonstics : bigserver <------------> aclient runing : mandrake 7.2 Win98 Ip Addr.: password encrypted activated activated - ping commands work fine on both ways, so my Tcp/ip
2003 Mar 27
need help with samba server
Hello fellow samba users, I'm trying to setup my samba server on my linux box, went through the installation and stuff, but ran into a whole world of problems when testing it out (samba2.2.8). As I'm reading through the DIAGNOSIS.txt file included in the docs, I got stuck on Test 7. when I run "smbclient //bigserver/tmp" I get prompted with a password. when I type in my
2005 Jun 08
Fwd: Cross-subnet browsing and VPN
I as sending this again in the hopes that someone will respond. Surely I am not the only one with this setup. Thanks, Misty ---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: [Samba] Cross-subnet browsing and VPN Date: Monday 06 June 2005 09:54 am From: Misty Stanley-Jones <> To: We have two subnets which both belong to the domain CORP, and
2005 Aug 11
Cross-subnet browsing...AGAIN!!!
Hi, I've been struggling with getting subnet browsing to work on my home network for some time and have decided to give it another go. This is my network configuration: Internet ----- Cisco SOHO97 ( | | | +------------+ | +----------------+ | | | | | ( (
2010 Oct 01
Multiple interfaces
Hi, When is start one vpn i get the following result: tinc10703003005 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr C2:F7:7B:75:47:1A inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::c0f7:7bff:fe75:471a/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX
1998 May 18
nmbd not working under Solaris 2.6/Samba 1.9.17p4
Greetings, O Mighty SAMBA masters. A problem cropped up with our SAMBA implementation, which began when we upgraded the Sun Ultra 3000 on which it runs from Solaris 2.5.1 to Solaris 2.6. Our NT servers are no longer able to connect the the file services offered from that box, or at best, only intermittently. I began going through the "Diagnosing Samba" document (the one on the web
2001 Sep 13
error, how it happen?
> Good day to all! i have a question, i succesfully set up a samba server. but > during its operation i encounter a repeated problem, here it goes: > i follow the instruction in diagnosis.txt and it all has pass the test, but > when im trying the: > "smbclient -L file://bigserver/tmp -Ujohn%secret" sometimes i passed and i get the > "smb:\>" prompt. and
2002 Sep 24
backup NT box to SAMBA box using xcopy, smbclient, robocopy, or DD command ???
What is the best way to backup my NT 4.0 Server box that is only 8GB to my NEW SAMBA file server that I have added to the domain? Xcopy? Smbclient? Robocopy? DD command in Linux? I found some good info. on Google about Robocopy that is supposed to be great and will paste the information below. Also, can someone SEND me the latest copy of ROBOCOPY VERSION 1.92 please. I have a really old
2002 Feb 12
generating error message on smbclient -L apollo
Hello, When I run the 'smbclient -L apollo' command at the UNIX prompt a I get an error. I have gone as far as I can in this DIAGNOSIS.txt file. Does anyone have any thoughts on what may be causing my problem ? I have made my comments to the DIAGNOSIS.txt file via '---- davidw {comment}' so you can see what I've done to date. Also, I thought I'd pass on the output
2007 Mar 28
windows clients can't see workgroup at all
I'm trying to troubleshoot a new samba setup on a tiny network, and I'm clearly missing something. I'm running Samba 3.0.22 on Ubuntu Linux. When I first set it up, it seemed to go so smoothly. I changed all the workstations to the same workgroup (RABNETWORK) and they could see each other and the server, but they couldn't open anything on the server. I don't really understand
2000 Jan 09
Access problem
Hello all, I have been trying to set up Samba on our Linux Redhat 6.1 server for some time now. (Our clients are all Windows NT 4.0.) And it seems to work, except that it is working only on my machine. When I double click on our server via Network Neighborhood, it prompts for the UNIX user name/password. I can login without a problem from my machine, but if I do the same on somebody else's