similar to: Samba "unable to validate password" error

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "Samba "unable to validate password" error"

2002 Nov 18
SUMMARY: Samba "unable to validate password" error
To sunmanagers and samba@lists readers: Thank you all so much for your help with the samba issue. Although the problem was not solved, your suggestions made it possible for us to narrow down the problem. We believe the problem are two office PCs that were recently configured with some new test software. All other PCs and user accounts work fine. I do need to upgrade samba to a newer version
2009 Jan 10
Problems with dovecot
Hi all, Ihave jsut been compiling dovecot 1.1.6-1.1.8 on a solaris 10 x86 machine with sun studio 12. It compiles correctly but when i want to run dovecot i am getting this error message Jan 10 17:16:16 Carolyn dovecot: [ID 762119] Dovecot v1.1.8 starting up Jan 10 17:16:16 Carolyn dovecot: [ID 107833 mail.warning] auth(default): Growing pool 'mysql driver' with: 1024 Jan
2009 Jan 14
Maildir++ quota: When is it recalculated?
We use Maildir++ quota, with the rules taken from our LDAP backend. We also have an old expunge script that's not quota-aware; it removes old messages from the maildir by simply deleting the files. Sometimes, a mailbox is over quota before the script runs, but well under quota after the old messages are deleted. This change does not seem to be picked up, however: When I try to deliver a new
2006 Dec 06
Oracle Application Server Install on OCFS2
Skipped content of type multipart/alternative-------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: tony1963.vcf Type: text/x-vcard Size: 131 bytes Desc: Card for <> Url :
2011 Jan 28
trojan at current development version?
Hi, is it possible, that the current development version for Windows ( is infected by a trojan/virus. My antivir-program ( seems to find a trojan in open.exe at bin\i386. Best regards, Andreas [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jun 17
Correct folder permissions for maildir....
G'Day, I am trying to find a definitive answer to what the directory permissions should be for my configuration under Centos 5.5. I see a number of the following error messages in the maillog as a consequence of permissions errors. After reading the FAQ, Wiki etc. and browsing the web I am unable to determine just exactly what the user security settings should be for the offending
2023 Jan 30
Hi guys, I am using the cor() function to see if there are correlations between March cortisol levels and December cortisol levels and I'm trying to figure out if the function is doing what I want it to do. Each sample has it's own separate row in the CSV file that I'm working out of. March Cort and December Cort are different columns and they come from separate samples, therefore
2009 Dec 14
Solaris10 forum
Hi all- Usually i call out on this list for help on the CentOS matters but today I am fishing around trying to find an active forum for Solaris. It's hard to match the community here but I'd like to find the Solaris list where the most people are. Just having trouble configuring multipathing on QLogic iSCSI HBA's on Sparc_Solaris10. Thanks in advance- -rickp -------------- next
2002 Sep 29
[Fwd: Building custom _updown script for freeswan to make it talk with shorewall]
Tuomo Soini wrote: > You don''t happen to read shorewall-devel mailinglist ? I read it -- I just didn''t know what to make of your post and it arrived while I was on vacation. What exactly are you trying to accomplish that Shorewall isn''t doing for you now? e.g. /etc/shorewall/zones rw Roadwarriors Road Warriors /etc/shorewall/interfraces rw ipsec+
2011 Jun 24
Fwd: Extract element of a list based on an index value
> Dear list, > > I have some data on a geneaology, here is a subset: > warmerge[1:11,c(1,6,25)] > Warrior SibID birth.year > 1100 3793 2013 1926 > 4 2013 2024 1934 > 1094 3769 2024 1918 > 632 2747 2037 1928 > 176 2083 2039 1944 > 187 2085 2039 1949 > 192 2086 2039 NA > 495
2013 Jul 02
multiple VPN zones
Hi, I had a look at this page which describes a single VPN zone called "vpn": Is this the most current information? It is the top page found by Google for "shorewall ipsec" Is there any information about setting up multiple VPN zones for different classes of road warrior? E.g. lets say there are two classes of road warrior:
2002 May 30
eDonkey and Shorewall
Hi everybody! I''m very happy with shorewall, seems to safe my computer well, a little bit to well. But i''m sure it''s a mistake of mine: I can''t get edonkey working! They say that edonkey needs the following ports enabled: 4665 udp in / out 3665,4665,7665,8665 udp out 4661,4662,4666 tcp in thats what i wrote in the rules file: ACCEPT fw net
2010 Dec 08
no graphics windows
I've downloaded R and started going through Appendix A in the R-intro manual. When I use the plox command I expect to see a graphics window, but there is none. I've searched the help archives and found that it might go to a ps file? Can someone help me get the graphics window working? Kind Regards, Carolyn [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Feb 22
Combining tapply() and cor.test()?
Hello, fellow R-users. Let me describe the setup first. I have a data.frame, a sample of which is reported below: Company.Name Periods Returns MFR.Factor 350 Wartsila Oyj A 1996-07-31 6.82 0.02 351 Custodia Holding AG 1996-07-31 4.15 -0.02 352 Wartsila Oyj 1996-07-31 7.73 0.09 353 GEA Group AG
2010 May 13
Xen 4.0 Custom kernels
Hi there guys. I''m using CentOS 5.4, I was able to compile my custom Dom0 kernel and boot it, now I''ve got some doubts. I''d like to compile a custom DomU image, the problem is that when I do, make kernels KERNELS="linux-2.6-xen0 linux-2.6-xenU" it tries to download the kernel from the HG repository which seems to have old 2.6.18 kernels, I want to use the GIT
2002 Jun 14
Opposite of Samba (Anti-Samba?)
Is there a package to do the opposite of Samba? I.e. I want to use (mount) Win filesystems from a Unix client. -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rick von Richter Production Support Manager Voice: 858-831-2222 Maintenance Warehouse/Home Depot Fax: 858-831-2221
2012 Mar 28
how to avoid farword slashes in RJSONIO output
Hi All, I wanted know how to get RJSONIO output with out forward slashes? for example: "({\"total\":5,\"results\":[\n {\n \"id\": 1,\n\"name\": \"Monkey D Luffy\",\n\"position\": \"Captain\",\n\"ambition\": \"I Will become the pirate king\" \n},\n{\n \"id\": 2,\n\"name\":
2008 Sep 04
isoMDS and dist
I am starting with a matrix in which rows are vegetation plots and columns are various characteristics including ID# and elevation. I removed elevation and ID columns to avoid having those characteristics influence the distances between points which I calculated using the "dist" command. The resulting distance file was then used in isoMDS. What I want to know is whether I can
2005 Mar 13
Bridging Firewall with windows OpenVPN road warriors?
I have previously set up an openvpn LAN to LAN bridging VPN so I know a little about what has to happen. The gateways on either ends were running older version of shorewall that did not support openvpn directly so I just basically opened ports for it and used bridging with tap interfaces. I am no longer using that vpn link to the other house but now that i''ve upgraded I would like
2014 Nov 11
TUN_F_UFO change breaks live migration
Commit 3d0ad09412ffe00c9afa201d01effdb6023d09b4 ("drivers/net: Disable UFO through virtio") breaks live migration of KVM guests from older to newer host kernels: The problem occurs when a guest running on a host kernel without commit 3d0ad0941 in tun.ko attempts to live