similar to: codepage-conversion for smbclient

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "codepage-conversion for smbclient"

2005 Jan 08
WineTools (2.1.0) + WINEPREFIX
Hi! I have difficulties using WineTools 2.1.0 with WINEPREFIX set. It does not matter whether use wineprefixcreate or not. I want to start a new wine-Konfiguration from scratch: export WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine wineprefixcreate (or not) wt > /tmp/Fehlermeldungen.wt 2>&1 When I try "Create a fake windows drive", WineTools doesn't create one although it said it did! I have
1998 Apr 29
Codepage 850 question
Hi, I run samba very happily, but now I recognized problems with restoring files from a tape. If I use certain german characters, like ??? (hope you can read them), it builds file this "Verkn\201pfung". I can use this files from the sambaclient, but I can't access or delete this files out of Linux. I used client codepage = 850 Now I found out, that if I use the options
2002 Aug 05
smbmount: mount option "noauto" causes codepage and/or iocharset to fail
I've been trying several times now: # mount -t smbfs -o credentials=/etc/samba/private/credentials,codepage=cp850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto //machine/share\$ /mnt/share Causes: # ls /mnt/share/directory Sp?rsm?l.txt While this: # mount -t smbfs -o credentials=/etc/samba/private/credentials,codepage=cp850,iocharset=iso8859-1 //machine/share\$ /mnt/share Causes: # ls /mnt/share/directory
2010 Aug 07
iocharset, codepage issue in CentOS 5.5
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html><head><title>iocharset, codepage issue in CentOS 5.5</title> <META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1251"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"> <style type="text/css"><!-- body
2002 Mar 10
Hungarian codepage problem using smbmount
Dear Samba Developers, Dear Urban, This was my original letter. I hope you get it correctly this time. Maybe it was too big, now I reduced the size of this letter. My goal is to make a Linux fileserver up and running with automatic archiving functionality in a mixed Windows 2000 - Linux network and since the beginning of February I could not solve my problem, so I write to you hoping that you
2008 Jan 14
problems with .svg
Dear everybody! I am making a graph in R and employ pstoedit to expot the .pdf-output to .svg. When I open the .svg with firefox I get the .svg-code shown wit the following header: "Mit dieser XML-Datei sind anscheinend keine Style-Informationen verkn?pft. Nachfolgend wird die Baum-Ansicht des Dokuments angezeigt." Which information should how be included? Thank you in advance. Yours,
2005 Oct 30
smbmount codepage/iocharset settings vs NT4
Hi, I'm in the process of setting up a backup server for a somewhat antiquated NT4 server. Backup server is CentOS-4 (~ RHEL-4), kernel-2.6.9-11.EL, samba-client-3.0.10-1.4E, rsync-2.6.3-1, LANG=en_US.UTF-8. NT4 shares are mounted on the server and rsynced to local disk. This setup is working pretty well, however on the NT box there are some files with names containing odd characters like
2013 Dec 06
Samba4 bind DNS
Hello, one of my S4 ADs shows a strange behavior. The Server is a stand-alone ad controller with bind (bind_dlz) as dns-server. The Samba Version is 4.1.2 running on SLES11 SP3. If i add a new A-record with the DNS-Tool from the Microsoft remote-server-tools an check the box "verkn?pften PTR-Eintrag erstellen", it creates the A-Record, but not the pointer-record. If i join the
2019 Oct 20
GPO for Computer/Machine not working
Hi all, I am having the same issue that is described in an older thread here: The problem I am facing is that the machine accounts are not trusted in the domain (this is true for all Win 10 Systems). The issue with the computer is from my pov: Folgende herausgefilterte Gruppenrichtlinien werden nicht angewendet.
2013 Sep 26
Sums based on values of other matrix
Dear all, I have a big problem: - I got two matrices, A and B - A shows identifies the value of B, however the values of B must be summed - For instance, 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 gives matrix a 3 4 2 1 1 1 2 2 gives matrix b Now the result for the value 1 would be 7 4 which are the rowsums of the values of matrix B given that matrix A has the value 1. How can I do this automatically? I
2004 Dec 03
storing of roaming profile fails
Hi list, a strange problem occurs in samba 3.0.8 (Debian 3.0.8-2 package): When a Domain-User tries to log off (WinXP SP2), the workstation fails to store the profile in the PROFILE-Path. The message "cannot store \\SERVER\Profiles\Administrator\Recent" pops up. But this is only the half truth. The directory for the user (f.e. Administrator) is been created. A few files are copied
2002 Nov 21
PDC Problems...
Hi all, I've looked through the archives and I can't seem to find a solution, so here's my problem. I have three Win2k clients and one Samba server which I set up as a PDC (or at least I thought so.) The domain is "THEMOLE" yet when I try to join the domain from the clients it says; "The following error occured validaing the name "THEMOLE" The specified
2011 Mar 30
wrong calculation of R-squared in summary.lm
Dear all, I just stumbled upon the fact, that when I perform a regression on multivariate responses, that are not centred, I get a ricilulously high R-squared value. After reading the code of summary.lm, I found a bug in the function summary.lm: mss is calculated by: mss <-sum((f - mean(f))^2) - where f are the fitted values. This works only for a single response variable, because
2002 Sep 24
Can't access samba from Windows
Dear all, using LinNeighborhood I can view and access all share folders of windows PC. From Network Neighborhood windows Ican see Samba but can't access. Error message is "Network Path was not found". I try using net view \\samba get same error message.
2002 Sep 19
Could somebody please explain just how one is supposed to set up samba users, groups and passwords so connections can be established to Win2k clients to connect to FBSD samba server for file sharing and to use cups for printing. I am afraid that the manuals and config files and various examples I have found on the Internet are quite confusing. How is the Windows username/passord related to
2013 Sep 02
Convert chr pieces to numbers that have specific values defined by 2 vectors
Dear all, I think this is an easy task, but I don't know how to do it. Specifically, I have 69 columns with 300.000 rows. In each cell there is a code like "2E3", "4RR", etc. I now have a list that replaces this with values, e.g., old new 2E3 5 4RR 3 etc. The list ist about 1600 rows long, so also to extensive for normal solutions Do you how to do that? It would
2002 Nov 11
problem with different user
Hi , I need to do my user_windows "eng.processo" to acess my unix solaris 2.x as user_unix "cs02929". As like indicate, I create in "global" of file "smb.conf" the command: username map = /etc/smbusers and into the file /etc/smbuser, the command: cs02929 = "eng.processo". This it don?t work. Please, what do I do to this work? Do I forgot
2019 Oct 21
GPO for Computer/Machine not working
Hi Rowland, On 20.10.19 19:16, Rowland penny wrote: > On 20/10/2019 16:52, Martin Tessun via samba wrote: >> Hi all, >> >> I am having the same issue that is described in an older thread here: >> >> >> The problem I am facing is that the machine accounts are not trusted >> in the domain
2005 Apr 07
smbmount codepage / iocharset problem w/ W2k
Hi: I have written to this list once before regarding the same problem. (ref smbmount problem on 03/28/2005) Paul Gienger sugested asking the "kernel boys" as they maintain smbmount. Maybe my problem wasn't deserving of a reply from them, maybe I subscribed to the wrong list. Can someone suggest a kernel list where I may get a useful reply? smbclient's ftp like interface
2002 Oct 30
Problems joining a Samba PDC controlled Domain
Hello, I'm having problems to join a japanese W2K Client with SrvPck 2 installed to my samba 2.2.5 PDC controlled domain. Other Clients are no problem (Win98, W2k engl., WXP german). I check the regKey (for plaintextpassword; set to 1). Reinstalled SevPck 2, but didn't help. the problem must be on Client side because I having the same problem when jooining a other samba controlled