similar to: PDF printer using ps2pdf ?

Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches similar to: "PDF printer using ps2pdf ?"

2004 Jan 17
Multiple groupedData plots in a postscript file using a loop
Hallo! I want to plot multiple grouped data in a postscript file using a loop. As I use a loop no plot (or just one empty plot) is generated. Here an example: library(nlme) data(Loblolly) # example data from nlme postscript("") for (i in 1:1) # just as example { plot(Loblolly) } Result: Just an empty (Withoput the loop it works. May anybody help? Karl
2006 Aug 10
How to speed up nested for loop computations
Dear all, here is the result of R.Version(): > R.Version() $platform [1] "powerpc-apple-darwin8.6.0" $arch [1] "powerpc" $os [1] "darwin8.6.0" $system [1] "powerpc, darwin8.6.0" $status [1] "" $major [1] "2" $minor [1] "3.1" $year [1] "2006" $month [1] "06" $day [1] "01" $`svn rev`
1997 Nov 05
R-beta: Latex and R
Hello R users, This question might be already discussed before, I apologize if it is the case. Simple... how can I do to include a figure in a latex document. As I have already done in Splus, I tried this: \begin{figure} \special{ .......} \end{figure} but it didn't work. Any help? Thank you in advance. PS: I let down the Mac and the MS Window platforms and I am back to my
2003 Nov 24
Warning calling par
Hi. I have a function that works well under R 1.7.1 But under 1.8.0 and 1.8.1 I get:Warning message: calling par(new=) with no plot And it doesnt plot The function is: mplotmeth1<-function(data1,data2,alpha,nr){ psfile<-paste("Meth1_",nr[1],"-",nr[length(nr)],".ps",sep="") postscript(psfile) close.screen(all=T) par(mex=0.73,cex=0.8)
2006 Apr 10
Legend in the outer margin
Dear Rs I have a 3x3 multiple plot. I would like to have a overall legend in the outer right margin. From the help archive, I found that it can be done by setting par(xpd=NA). However, I couldn't find the correct values for x and y co-ordinates for the legend. Please find the code snippet below: par(mfrow=c(3,3), mar=c(4,4,0.9,0.5), oma=c(1,2,2,4),cex.main=1.1)
2006 Sep 05
File Locking under Windows - a solution ?
We are currently using Rsync (with cygwin) to propagate static files from a preview server (Windows) to our live servers (Windows) on demand. Unfortunately, because the live servers are *live*, inevitably some of the files we mean to update are in use and therefore locked by the windows filesystem. Since they are locked, they are not updated, and our servers get out of synch. Does anyone know
1999 Oct 04
bitmap copies of plots
Michael Lapsley was suggesting on R-help direct copies to gif/png/jpeg. The following seems to do a sensible job for me of copying the current device to any bitmap format supported by gs. The manipulation is needed to work around assumptions made by postscript(), and I think better fixed in postscript() (but not a couple of days before a release). I want to make onefile=FALSE work on
2016 Oct 08
optim(…, method=‘L-BFGS-B’) stops with an error message while violating the lower bound
Hi, Mark et al.: Thanks, Mark. Three comments: 1. Rvmmin was one of the methods I tried after Ravi directed me to optimx. It returned NAs for essentially everything. See my email of this subject stamped 4:43 PM Central time = 21:43 UTC. 2. It would be interesting to know if the current algorithm behind optim and optimx with
2016 Oct 08
optim(…, method=‘L-BFGS-B’) stops with an error message while violating the lower bound
Hello: The development version of Ecdat on R-Forge contains a vignette in which optim(?, method=?L-BFGS-B?) stops with an error message while violating the lower bound. To see all the details, try the following: install.packages("Ecdat", repos="") Then do "help(pac=Ecdat)" -> "User guides, package
2013 Oct 09
Version of L-BFGS-B used in optim etc
Hi. I just noticed the paper by Morales and Nocedal Remark on "Algorithm 778: L-BFGS-B: Fortran Subroutines for Large-Scale Bound Constrained Optimization". TOMS 2011; 38(1): 7 which describes a couple of improvements (speed and accuracy) to the original Netlib code which AFAICT is that still used by optim() via f2c.
2005 Oct 02
Samba 3.20 Solaris questions PLEASE HELP!
Hello, I have samba 3.20 running in test on Solaris 8 and 9 beautifully it is curently configured as a Domain Client it authenticates using winbind and nsswitch libraries using ADS with windows 2003 server. I have krb5 and ldap working just fine but I now find myself with a mess of bugs and questions and I could really use some of your expertise in the matters so here they go, Thank you soooo
2003 Jun 05
dev.copy2eps: Why did the colors come into my postscript output?
On a RedHat 7.3 system with R-1.6.1, I did this > x11(width=3.5,height=4,colortype="gray") Then plotted (with matplot) a nice looking no-color graph on the screen, then I did this: > dev.copy2eps(file="test.eps",height=4,width=3.5) I was surprised that the output in the eps file included the colored lines from the plot, even though the screen device was set to
2016 Oct 08
optim(…, method=‘L-BFGS-B’) stops with an error message while violating the lower bound
Hi Spencer: See the link below about L-BFGS-B below because I had problems with it a good while back (and I think the link description is the cause but I can't prove it ) so eventually I moved to the Rvmmin(b) package. It's a package but really an algorithm. Rvmmin(b) uses a variable-metric algorithm similar to that of L-BFGS-B but without the problem below. It's not surprisingly a
2016 Oct 10
optim(…?=, =?utf-8?Q?method=‘L-BFGS-B’) stops with an error message while violating the lower bound
>>>>> Spencer Graves <spencer.graves at> >>>>> on Sat, 8 Oct 2016 18:03:43 -0500 writes: [.............] > 2. It would be interesting to know if the > current algorithm behind optim and optimx with > method='L-BFGS-B' incorporates Morales and Nocedal (2011) > 'Remark on ?Algorithm 778:
2004 Mar 16
Hi all, After a long time having no time, I have finally done some fresh work on my software fax machine. I have replaced the original carrier tracking with something more robust. I have also added 4800, and 2400 bits per second modes, and cleaned up a few bugs in areas like superfine mode operation. I apologise for this update taking so long. At you will