Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Windows XP hang"
2002 Sep 10
Documentation updates...
Hi all,
Just a couple of suggestions for documentation updates. First of all,
perhaps you should include the following about Windows XP and slow
logons/long delays in opening files:
Windows XP and slow network logons/long delays in opening files
Windows XP includes a WebDav client that attempts to open shares via HTTP.
The long wait
2003 Sep 19
Revisiting slow explorer.exe connections
I recently encountered a problem reading directories via an XP Pro
client shared from a samba server (redhat's rpm samba-2.2.7-5.8.0). File
listing was sometimes VERRRY slow. It was not a DNS issue in this case.
The symptoms, and my fix is below, but I wanted to ask, is there a way
to deal with this from the server? (I dunno- like redirecting port 80 or
>From the client,
2010 Oct 18
httparty vs mechanize
Are these two competing gems?
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For more
2004 Feb 18
Printing vs. iptables
Recently, Windows 2000 SP4 clients have developed a problem when using a
network printer connected to a Samba print share.
Some applications are OK. But take, well, notepad, for example. Selecting
a local printer is normal, but there is a two minute delay (!) in selecting
a network printer. Once selected, all is well. All smb operations are
frozen until the selection happens. This is
2002 Oct 16
Problems w/long file access times (samba2.2.5 & WinXP pro) (fwd)
Hello all,
we're currently having problems with Windows XP machines that have
*very* long file access times for files that are located on our
linux-based samba server (samba 2.2.5 / linux 2.4.18). This happens with
all kinds of files, with all kinds of programs, including Office97, text
editors, develoment environments, etc.
Sometimes - the incidents itself seems to be random and is not
2007 Jul 12
Announcement Project based on CentOS 4.4
I put together a CD with Open-exchange 0.8.6-5 and more, based on Centos 4.4
When installing the CD, all required software is installed, all that is
needed after Os install is to run a config script, that make if fit your
Dependig on the speed on your CDrom the installation should take no more
than 30 minutts
It install the following:
- Open-Exchange 0.8.6-5
- Samba PDC
- A
2003 Aug 11
Slow Windows XP shared browsing.
I've got this problem on xp machines where when you are trying to browse a
shared drive it takes a realy long time to view it but once you have
connected your off and running. Is there a way I can get this to speed up.
People are complaining that there system is freezing when the try and browse
the shared folder. They just don't give it enough time to get connected.
Anyone got an answer
2004 Jul 28
RE: XP Pro timeout; we have a winner - webclient service
Thanks to Jason Balicki for the correct fix to this problem.
The 'webclient' service in Windows XP, somehow interferes with access to the
Samba server. With the service stopped and disabled, the clients are
working again.
Lane Beneke; IT Manager
Stephenson Millwork Co., Inc.
-----Original Message-----
From: Lane Beneke [mailto:lane.b@smcinc.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 12:42 PM
2005 Mar 14
XP Home client problems.
Please ignore this mail if you have already received this mail before.
I have been trying for 2 frustrating weeks to get my XP Home machine
to talk to the Samba server on my SuSE 9.2 Linux box. Described below
is the crux of the problem.
When I do an smbclient on the Linux box I can see the Windows machine
listed. However, when I do a net view on the Windows XP Home machine I
do not
2003 May 18
[Q] Why does it take so long for XP to logon?
If I login to our Samba box (RedHat 7.1 + 2.4.20) under Windows 2K
via Start->Run->share name, I get logged in almost immediately. It
averages about 25 seconds under XP. This behavior has been true in
various versions of Samba since I believe XP was available and is
reproducible on every (several) Windows 2K/XP boxes I have tried.
This is a workgroup environment with Samba acting as
2004 Feb 17
Problems usign samba with Windows XP Pro
I have upgraded my computer from W2K to W XP Pro.
I use samba connections to reach an Aix server (4.3.3), on which samba
2.2.8a is installed.
Before upgrading my computer, everything worked perfectly, but since, the
first time I try to access a file or directory on a samba network
filesystem, I takes approximately 5 to 6 minutes to make connection. After
that, response time is fine.
2018 Oct 21
AW: Calendar function ?
Hello Aki
Thanks for your fast Answer!
>> Usually with some groupware, like ox appsuite. :)
>>Aki Tuomi
Please this are a complet Grouware solutions, are possible to use from this only the Calendar Synchronization and
Date, Appontment functionality ?
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2004 Apr 19
Version 3.0.2a and Windows XP Problem
Hello Samba Support Team,
...I've just updated my samba from 2.2.7a to 3.0.2a and now have one big
in one directory on a samba share I store over 6000 files, all in this
single directory without subdirectories... my Explorer (WinXP SP1) only
shows 3134 of 6062 files!!!
when this share is mapped on a SuSE 9.0 Workstation all 6062 files are
available but the first time this directory
2005 Feb 09
Melbourne Asterisk Users meet next Thursday
Hi all,
If you're in Melbourne Australia and interested in Asterisk, you're
invited to join us for a casual evening to talk about Asterisk, VOIP,
networks, and just generally get geeky about IP phone stuff.
Ultimately, I think it would be interesting and useful to turn this
into a monthly get-together, so I'd like to talk about that too.
Anyone with an interest is welcome; from
2006 Jan 30
Asterisk Evening in Melbourne: Feb 2!
Hi all,
Come one come all! We're having the next Asterisk evening at the
Fujitsu Centre for Excellence! This is Fuji's state of the art
show-off centre - they're promising lots of interesting toys to play
with. As usual, we'll be discussing developments in Asterisk land over
the past couple of months. If you've got some interesting toys
yourself, please bring them along!
2017 Aug 25
Dovecot - Postfix Calender Synchronisation
On Thu, 24 Aug 2017, Rupert Gallagher wrote:
> Re: dependencies
> - db: why? just use the ical and vcard files! They are files, they are in a
> directory, they can be used like dovecot uses eml files! No need for
> postgresql or mysql.
*** Usually, the DB server is one host, Webclient is other host, IMAP server
(or cluster) are other hosts, SMTP Server(-s) is other
2005 Jun 15
(no subject)
Hi all,
I have the samba version 3.0.10-4 configured as a primary domain controller. I
have disabled the webclient on xp workstation but I have a first slow access on
the network drive.About 15 seconds. Why?
Regards Michael
This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
2007 May 16
Wierd interaction between Samba and HTTP?
O/S: Fedora Core 6
When running samba-3.0.24-1 (downloaded from Samba WWW site), all is
well. But when updating Samba via 'yum update' to samba-3.0.24-5.fc6,
things get bad. Things are equally bad when I try the next BETA release
of Samba.
When things don't work, I try to mount a share from Windows, like:
net use z: \\<host>\jeff
and it fails. When it fails, I
2024 Oct 27
Hello everyone,
does anybody know what the ntlmssp flag NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_IDENTIFY is used for?
I looked in the samba sources and only found it in .idl but there as far as I
can tell there is no implementation of that. I searched for some information
on the web but did not really find something useful.
Before anyone asks: Microsoft's HTML5 RDP Webclient uses that flag and insists
2005 May 24
Wine on Macs ?
Now that MacOS is Unix-based, can Wine be run on them ?
You can be the captain
I will draw the chart
Sailing into destiny
Closer to the heart
Closer to the Heart by Rush (A Farewell to Kings, 1977)