similar to: odd errors in log files: service name trucation

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "odd errors in log files: service name trucation"

2003 Jan 09
serious problem with W2K TS and 2.2.7 PDC
Hi, My setup: RedHat 7.3 PDC server with samba 2.2.7 rpm rebuilt with max connections patch and ldapsam and a few other minor changes, openldap 2.0.23-4. Windows 2000 Terminal Server with SP3, with various pre SP4 updates too. Various Win2K Pro, Win95 OSR2 clients. [homes] comment = Home writable = yes valid users = %S nt acl support = no oplocks = no path = /md3/profiles/%U
2008 Jul 28
Help with a loop
HI: I need ideas on how to make this code shorter (maybe with a second loop?). The code as it is works, but in this case I only have 14 samples, but it will become insane with more, so I need a way to make it more automatic. The problem is that the output from ts1, ts2, and so on is a vector with more than one value, so I do not know how to solve this. Thanks Prenewbie The code is the
2007 Aug 06
TAE to RJ11 connector (hope not OT)
Hi, I'm trying to use a Detewe TA 33-clip but there is no rj11 connector on it...only a TAE connector. I'd like to create an adapter so I need to know which TAE pins to connect to RJ 11 pins. Is there anybody who knows where I can find a schema of that adapter? Single connector pinout may help too. TIA Giorgio Incantalupo
2005 Apr 28
ips and netbios name on the logs
Hi people, does someone know how to only log the name of the machine and not the name of the machine AND the ip? Let me explain this: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 28 02:47 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 28 02:49 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 28 02:47 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 28 02:46 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 28 02:48
2005 Jan 06
Segmentation fault while using Mclust function of mclust library in R-2.0.1
Hi, all; I got an unusual error while using mclust library 2.1-7 on R 2.0.1. When I tried to run Mclust(rnorm(100)), I got segmentation fault error. Does anyone know what causes this problem? I came across the same problem even when I tried to run the example shown in Mclust help using iris data. Thanks in advance, Tae-Hoon Chung -------------------------------------------------- Tae-Hoon Chung
2005 Jan 31
Special paper for postscript
Hi, All; When I generate a "special" paper postscript image larger than "a4" or "letter" using R, I can only see one-page portion of all image, of course. What will be the simple solution for this? Is there any way I can set the bounding box information on the image? Or any other suggestions? Thanks in advance; Tae-Hoon Chung
2004 Jul 13
e1071 question: what's the definition of performance in t une.* functions?
Basically, the `Detail' section of ?tune says it all: Details: As performance measure, the classification error is used for classification, and the mean squared error for regression. ... Andy > From: Tae-Hoon Chung > > Hi, all; > > Basically, the subject contains the all information I need to know. > In e1071 library, there are functions to tune parameters.
2000 May 30
Unable to use rdist in parrellel mode with 2.1.0p2 ...
Morning all ... using the following command to sync up the binaries on several machines: rdist -P /usr/slocal/bin/ssh -Rf /root/sync-systems generates the following error message(s): jasper: updating host jasper hermes: updating host hermes attila: updating host attila hercules: updating host hercules ".rcules: LOCAL ERROR: Unexpected input from server: "Couldn't initialise
2023 Feb 28
vector a partir de los valores de una tabla
Muy buenas, necesito crear un vector a partir de los valores de una tabla como la de abajo. Debe ser algo muy fácil pero no lo encuentro en la web. Gracias, Manuel 246, 345, 401, 131,125, 69 a partir de: TS1 TS2 TS3 TS4 TS5 TS6 246 345 401 131 125 69 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2002 Aug 05
locking db corruption with 2.2.5?
Hi, We are running Samba 2.2.5 on RedHat 7.3 rebuild with ldap support. We run Win2k Terminal Server, which provides most of the clients for the samba server. After a fairly long samba server up time (usually a couple of days, but this happened overnight), we end up with some odd entries in the smbstatus output in the "Locked files:" area.... Here is one line of the type I mean:
2004 Jul 06
ESS does not recognize installed libraries
Hi, all. Something strange happened to my ESS. I use Mac OS X. When R is used in stand alone mode, it recognizes external libraries like "affy", "e1071" etc. However, when R is invoked through ESS in Emacs, it produces errors like: Error in library(affy) : There is no package called 'affy' Interestingly, I remember I successfully used these libraries through ESS in
2005 Feb 07
ROracle problem.
ROracle ploblem I can't install ROracle in the window XP. Is there any way to install ROracle package on the windows OS ? I think I can enhance data acquisition performance using oracle native dirver instead of using ODBC. Tae Sik Han. North Carolina State University.
2007 Jul 21
set class attribute method question
Hi, All; Suppose I have a class 'dat' such that setClass('dat', representation (.version='character', x='numeric', y='numeric')). If I want to make a method that changes the .version slot of 'dat' class in a way like set.version(d) <- '0.2' when d is an object of 'dat' class, how can I do this? Thanks in advance. Tae-Hoon
2007 Oct 04
tcltk question
Is there any requirement for TclTk support for R? When I tried to call the tcltk library, it failed with the following message: > library(tcltk) Error in firstlib(which.lib.loc, package) : Tcl/Tk support is not available on this system Error in library(tcltk) : .First.lib failed for 'tcltk' The system information is as follows: Linux 2.6.9-42.0.10.ELsmp #1
2011 Feb 05
Help!!! from R beginner
Hello, I'm trying to add a column to the following data frame. The new column will contain "black" when the 5th column(if_TE_related) is "TE_related", or "orange" when the 4th column is " " (space). "chromo" "MSU_locus" "end5" "end3" "if_TE_related" "chr04" "LOC_Os04g01006" 1032
2005 Jul 29
Way to make R idle for some time and try something again later
Hi, All; I have a question. In R, what is the best way to make R idle for a while and try something again later? For example, suppose there is an R job which accesses a file that may be shared with other active jobs. So when the file is being accessed by other job, your job will not be able to access the file and your job will crash because of that. To avoid this, you want your job to try to
2001 Dec 03
Socket address problems with 2.5.1pre1
The problem shows in the following log snippet. The numeric address of the peer (localhost in this case) is garbage. rsyncd[32671]: reverse name lookup failed rsyncd[32671]: rsync: forward name lookup for failed: Name or service not known rsyncd[32671]: rsync on debian/ from UNKNOWN (::10fa:ffbf:a426:608%5) rsyncd[32671]: wrote 616 bytes read 70 bytes total size 143069 I am using linux
2005 Jul 19
Library mclust in 64bit compiled R
Hi, All; I tried to use library mclust in 64-bit compiled R 2.0.1 but failed. Installation went smoothly without any warning or error. However, when I tried to use them with the following simple code, it crashed. Library(mclust) Dat <- c(rnorm(20, mean=0, sd=0.2), rnorm(30, mean=1, sd=0.2)) Ind <- Mclust(dat, 1, 5)$classification cbind(Dat, Ind) The error message was:
2013 May 01
Tutorial on OS X
Hi, guys. Is there any example Cocoa project which uses Xapian? Best, Tae
2004 Jan 25
My story installing Samba-LDAP PDC (it has a happy ending )
i am also struggling with having a windows machine (xp) connect to a sampa-ldap pdc. as far as the guide detailing vegeta's work, i'm somewhere around step 5 where you groupmap the windows groups to the linux groups. but unfortunately when i run the command: net groupmap add ntgroup="Domain Admins" unixgroup=domadmin it fails. the error returned is : adding entry Domain Admins