similar to: Samba as the PDC and Windows 2000 clients - a question about Group Policys

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Samba as the PDC and Windows 2000 clients - a question about Group Policys"

2002 Jul 22
A question about [homes]
Hello everyone. I have a question concerning the [homes] directive. I've set it up and everything's working fine but there's just a slight little detail that bothers me, and that is that when I browse my samba server off a w2k/wXP client I have two shares (I only have [homes] in my config file as far as shares are concerned) in the root view. That is \\sambaserver\homes and
2015 Jul 13
Crear datos aleatorios con restriciones
Hola, Esta pregunta la hice en stackoverflow <>pero nadie pudo contestarla. 1. Quiero generar N escuelas, con G grados y C divisiones. 2. Quiero asignar cada uno de T maestros a 2 divisiones en un grado y escuela Si tengo C=4 divisiones, puedo lograr lo que quiero con
2015 Jul 13
Crear datos aleatorios con restriciones
Hola, 0. La falta de 'elegancia' hace que sea mas dificil hacer cambios al codigo. Por ejemplo cambiar n.classrooms <- 4 a n.classrooms <- 20 1. Cuando tengo solo 4 puedo hacer esto: schoolGrade$A <- Teachers$Teacher.ID[1:cuttoff1] schoolGrade$B <- Teachers$Teacher.ID[1:cuttoff1] schoolGrade$C <- Teachers$Teacher.ID[(cuttoff1+1):n.teachers] schoolGrade$D <-
2015 Jul 13
Crear datos aleatorios con restriciones
Gracias Carlos, Tu codigo es un gran paso en el sentido correcto pero no produce exactamente lo que estoy buscando. Mi "solucion" en stackoverflow <> produce un data frame `schoolGrade` con 240 observaciones y 7 variables. Mi objetivo es poder generar un data
2006 Aug 24
Strange permissions problems
I had this problem some last year and never got it figured out. Now it is bugging me. It seems that sometimes when a student writes his/her file to a directory, it will not keep the correct group. It puts his/her main group as the group owner and that fouls things up. Here is what I have. Unix Permissions /school 3777 admin.teacher /school/bhs 3777 admin.teacher /school/bhs/reese
2006 Jan 23
create and update with has_many :through
I''m using Edge Rails and the new has_many :through in my code. What I''m trying to do is modify my create and update code to use the new relationships. I''m using a table called course_teachers for the joins. Here is what I have so far: def create @course =[:course]) @teacher = Teacher.find(params[:primary_teacher]) @course.teachers =
2015 Jul 13
Crear datos aleatorios con restriciones
Perdon por no se lo suficientemente claro :( Tu codigo produce `validPairs` que tiene 7 variables y 360 observaciones. Donde > validPairs[1,] V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 valid 60 e1 g1 c1 e1 g1 c2 Valid indica que un maestro tiene asignado c1 y c2 en la escuela e1 y el grado g1. Correcto? Si es asi, esto es casi lo que queira producir y creo que puedo llegar a donde quiero usando tu codigo de base.
2014 Feb 05
Solr Search with one to many associations
I have a 2 entities which have many to many relation say teacher and slot. Each teacher has many classes he/she takes up and each class is a slot. I want to perform search on teacher by sunspot solr for all the teacher who takes classes for different days in specific time. Say model structures and relations as follows class Teacher < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible - name,
2007 Dec 04
when to save, session reflect saves?
I am trying to clean up unnecessary lines (even as I hack my way forward adding more garbage) I have two questions on lines I have trying to keep the database and session info reflecting changes: def associate_pupil_to_teacher @teacher = session[:teacher] @pupil = Pupil.find(params[:id]) @teacher.pupils << @pupil #Q1 session[:teacher] = @teacher #Q2 end #Q1 do i
2007 May 18
gls() error
Hi All How can I fit a repeated measures analysis using gls? I want to start with a unstructured correlation structure, as if the the measures at the occations are not longitudinal (no AR) but plainly multivariate (corSymm). My data (ignore the prox_pup and gender, occ means occasion): > head(dta,12) teacher occ prox_self prox_pup gender 1 1 0 0.76 0.41 1 2
2010 Jun 18
Simple search in ror
Hi, i need to implement a simple text function for the app i dev now. 1- the form in app/views/layouts <% form_tag({:controller => "teachers", :action => "search"}, :method => "get") do %> <%= text_field_tag :query, nil, :id => "search-text" %> <%= submit_tag("GO", :id => "search-submit") %> <% end
2010 Nov 04
Delete action is not working and redirects to edit action
Hello, i have a strange problem here. I have made a teacher controller using scaffold. All actions work fine but the delete does not. When i click the delete link, it redirects me to the edit of this teacher. I have restarted the server and i have tried in firefox (i use chrome) but problem still remains. Here is the code from my view. <%= link_to(image_tag("/images/
2006 Mar 25
Nuby: HABTM and drag-and-drop views
I have two tables that have a HABTM relationship: Teacher has_and_belongs_to_many Groups, and Group has_and_belongs_to_many Teachers. This is what I want: select a Teacher, and then drag Groups from one box to another to assign them to the teacher. Or, select a group, and drag and drop Teachers to assign them to groups. All using AJAX, (off course). Only problem is, I don''t know
2003 Jun 19
Fitting particular repeated measures model with lme()
Hello, I have a simulated data structure in which students are nested within teachers, and with each student are associated two test scores. There are 20 classrooms and 25 students per classroom, for a total of 500 students and two scores per student. Here are the first 10 lines of my dataframe "d": studid tchid Y time 1 1 1 -1.0833222 0 2 1 1
2009 Feb 16
TeleKaam - Voice Portal for Students and Parents
Hello All We have started a voice portal for Parents and Students. They can listen Grades, Attendance status and other relevant information over *phone*. Please read features below and to listen Demo IVR call at *00 92 42 8315427. *Initially we are deploying it for a School and planning to spread it for Colleges and Universities. *Your comments and feedback are valuable to us.* *TeleKaam
2009 May 26
Converting a list to a data frame or columns at the least
I have a column in which dates and times are specified thus m/d/yyyy HH:MM:SS Alas, some entries do not include the time and therefore are only m/d/yyyy so I used read.csv and specified that the relevant column should be read as is and it remained as a character variable. I then split the value on the space split.dt.time <-strsplit(teacher$Date.and.Time.of.Lesson," ") that gives me a
2006 Aug 03
More than one has_many :through association between the same 2 models
I wonder if you can have more than one has_many :through association between 2 models. For example... I have a model Teacher and a model Class Now, 1 Teacher works in many Classes, right?. So I need a join model like class Work < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :teacher belongs_to :class end But I also would like to know if a teacher CAN teach a class before I
2007 Jul 24
Vista and Samba
I was just setting a Windows Vista machine up on my network and have the following problems. If the user logs into the domain, then there are no network drives showing. It is as if the script is not executing. If I logon locally with an administrator and then run '\\server-name' to get a list of drives, I can see them but nothing shows up in any of them except for two of the shares
2005 Nov 10
Strange Samba permissions
I have a problem with some Samba permissions. Here is the share. [bhs] path = /school/bhs read only = no valid users = @teacher @admin @bhs create mask = 660 force create mode = 2660 directory mask = 770 force directory mode = 3770 T: is mapped to a DFS share with permissions 3777, then the 'bhs' share is a link in the DFS share. I get inconsistent
2005 Oct 05
has_and_belongs_to_many on legacy DB
I am working with mapping ActiveRecord onto a legacy database. All is going well (using set_table_name, set_primary_key, etc), but I can''t get my many<=>many relationships to work. My contrived example of the situation: Student has_and_belongs_to_many Teachers. This is mapped via table student2teacher where the foreign keys are studentId and teacherId. The primary key in Student