similar to: smbmount filename case forcing

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "smbmount filename case forcing"

2010 Feb 03
Key signing only
Hello I often configure a new node that I want to be the same as an existing one. However I''d like to run puppetd with --noop just the once to double check the changes (I''m still responsible for them after all) Trouble is on a new node the keys etc aren''t there and running as noop they don''t get made and I get nowhere. Unless someone knows a different way to
2006 Oct 13
Apache DirectoryIndex
I'd like to change the DirectoryIndex document for just the DocumentRoot, leaving the default DirectoryIndex setting for all other directories. However, when I set DirectoryIndex in the <Directory "/var/www/html"> section of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf it seems to set it for *all* directories. DirectoryIndex doesn't seem to be allowed in .htaccess either. Does anyone
2000 Jun 28
[Patch] Shorter patch for smbfs 2.2.16
Am 27.06.2000 19:58:44 schrieb urban: > On Tue, 27 Jun 2000 wrote: > > > > > Hi Andrew, > > your patch from 2.2.15 to 2.2.16, backing out the older protocol levels breaks > > reading from an OS/2 LAN Server. > > The appended patch fixes things for me (against 2.2.16). > > This backs out a lot of desired changes. For example I think
2014 Feb 06
Virtual Hosts question
I am running Wordpress on a CentOS 6.5 server which is behind a router. The private IP is, the public URL is (name changed). I have two virtual hosts in my httpd.conf file. The second one, listed below, is for Wordpress and it is accessed with or They work fine. Actually, not show, I have more Wordpress virtual hosts, and they are
2005 Apr 07
smbmount codepage / iocharset problem w/ W2k
Hi: I have written to this list once before regarding the same problem. (ref smbmount problem on 03/28/2005) Paul Gienger sugested asking the "kernel boys" as they maintain smbmount. Maybe my problem wasn't deserving of a reply from them, maybe I subscribed to the wrong list. Can someone suggest a kernel list where I may get a useful reply? smbclient's ftp like interface
2008 Jun 24
Added Download page to wiki
Hi, I have added a Download page to the wiki. Feel free to improve it (but please do not make it more complex than it already is :-)) I would prefer to make it even more simple, but hate to have the architecture-selection done by DirectoryIndex. Also the link behind each architecture looks awful and may scare people away. It would be much better to have a single link that automatically
2018 Nov 30
Php script not running
Hi All, I have centos 7. Apache and php are installed. CGI runs fine - php does not seem to run. I have the /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf file php.conf # # Cause the PHP interpreter to handle files with a .php extension. # <FilesMatch \.php$> SetHandler application/x-httpd-php </FilesMatch> # # Allow php to handle Multiviews # AddType text/html .php # # Add index.php to the list of
2019 Dec 09
PHP handler for .html files - C7
Morning all, I am finally moving some old (F9 thru F17) servers to C7 (Plus PHP7/Pgsql10) boxes. On the old boxes they all had it set so that .htm and .html files were handled by PHP in addition to the normal .php files. This was done with the simple change to: AddHandler php5-script .php .htm .html AddType text/html .php .htm .html in /etc/httpd/conf.d/ I did the same on my first
2009 Sep 17
[PATCH server] oVirt server single network installer
Updates the installer to handle the scenario in which the guest and admin networks are the same by using an alternative httpd conf. Verified to work (eg oVirt managed vms are bootable) on the oVirt appliance so far. --- conf/ovirt-server.conf | 88 -------------------- installer/bin/ovirt-installer | 11 +--
2003 Jun 26
SMBMOUNT: Problems with 866 codepage and others
Hello urban, While trying samba we've found some errors. Windows machine has 866 code page (we are from Russia), and Linux - 1251. smbclient works fine and show all the coding as it should. 1. smbmount checks argc, argv too late to set debug level at a proper time. 2. Some parameters are ignored despite --help option and man pages. They include codepage and iocharset options. 3.
2007 Dec 13
phpmyadmin issue- what's really working at this time?
Basic phpmyadmin issue, but I can't seem to solve it. Qube3 with CentOS 4.5, PHP4.3.9, BlueQuartz. phpmyadmin was working a while but after long disuse, the index.php now just displays as text. DirectoryIndex in httpd.conf at /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf /etc/admserv/conf/httpd.conf has index.php added. /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf if I uncomment the AddType to bring in *.php, the
2006 May 16
Routing and PHP scripts, not loading the index.php
I''m in the process of changing a PHP site to ROR. I think this is a routing problem. Going to: doesn''t load up the index.php .. I have index.php in the DirectoryIndex directive in Apache2. Works however, if you go to any other urls that have no file name specified (since index.php is default)
2006 Mar 16
RewriteRule with scgi on Apache 2
Hi. I am trying to run RubyOnRails with scgi on RedHat ES4. I want to direct all access of "/" to index.html I do have DirectoryIndex in httpd.conf. But after I run RubyOnRails, the configuration stopped working. I tried many things, but it doesn''t work. Like: RewriteRule ^$ index.html [QSA] RewriteRule ^/$ /var/www/public/index.html [R] If I access /index.html, everything
2009 May 01
Web Serving
Hi All, My quest is going slowly but surely and I am learning a lot. I use ColdFusion. I installed in on My CentOS 5.3 instance and all was well. I added: DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var index.php index.cfm index.cfml to httpd.conf and restarted. I put an index.cfm page in /var/www/html and removed the standard index.html and I can see when I hit my IP it works. I then created
2019 Dec 09
PHP handler for .html files - C7
> On Dec 9, 2019, at 3:38 AM, Gary Stainburn <gary.stainburn at> wrote: > > Morning all, > > I am finally moving some old (F9 thru F17) servers to C7 (Plus PHP7/Pgsql10) boxes. On the old boxes they all had it set so that .htm and .html files were handled by PHP in addition to the normal .php files. > I do not have an answer to you question, but I?m
2019 Dec 09
PHP handler for .html files - C7
Am 09.12.19 um 10:38 schrieb Gary Stainburn: > Morning all, > > I am finally moving some old (F9 thru F17) servers to C7 (Plus PHP7/Pgsql10) boxes. On the old boxes they all had it set so that .htm and .html files were handled by PHP in addition to the normal .php files. > > This was done with the simple change to: > > AddHandler php5-script .php .htm .html > AddType
2018 Feb 04
How to grant user access to his .dovecot.sieve.log?
Hi Gabriel, I'm trying to implement what you suggested using apache mod_userdir with === UserDir /srv/dovecot <DirectoryMatch "^/srv/dovecot/(?<WHICHUSER>[^/]+)"> Require user %{env:MATCH_WHICHUSER} DirectoryIndex .dovecot.sieve.log ... </DirectoryMatch> === I still need to find how to set up right permissions for these logs without too much brute force. It
2015 Aug 28
apache mysterious 404 error
Check the links again. Remove the * from images*/ and you should be all set. -----Original Message----- From: centos-bounces at [mailto:centos-bounces at] On Behalf Of Tim Dunphy Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 5:18 PM To: CentOS mailing list <centos at> Subject: [CentOS] apache mysterious 404 error Hey guys, Just have a question about apache. Hoping to
2012 Apr 18
The requested URL was not found on this server
Greetings Dear Friends, I am seeking assistance from Apache experts friends. i recently installed cacti Graphing Solution. The main Cacti folder exist under "/var/www/html/cacti" and we all knows that default DocumentRoot under CentOS is DocumentRoot "/var/www/html" Following is Virtual Virtual Host under "conf.d" Alias /cacti /var/www/html/cacti/ <Directory
2015 Aug 27
apache mysterious 404 error
Hi apache on GNU/Linux is case-sensitive samples: /var/www/mycomanystore/images/altImg.png /var/www/mycomanystore/images/Jimmy_485x1215_R2.jpg /var/www/mycomanystore/images/Jimmy_792x802_R2.jpg /var/www/mycomanystore/images/Jimmy_792x413_R2.jpg on browser : (index):1 GET*/altImg.png try : (index):1 GET