similar to: Samba encrypt passwd -additional info

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Samba encrypt passwd -additional info"

2002 May 20
Samba encrypt passwd
Hi, I have samba installed on my Linux system (Red Hat 7.2), and Windows 98 on another PC as a Samba client. Samba works great if PlainTextPassword is enabled. However, if PlainTextPassword is disabled on Windows client, connection to the Samba shares no longer accepted. I believe I've done everything in order to make encrypt passwd working: * I converted /etc/passwd to
2008 Nov 06
Confidence limits for the parameter of the Poisson distribution
Hi all, So far I only know one way to get the confidence limit for the Poisson distribution is to use the look-up table given by the 2 parameter (the number of observation x and the confidence level, e.g. 95%) and the table is limit by the maximum number of observations (x <= 50). I know the formula to compute the CI, however, mathematically it is not easy to do it. So, anyone know an R
2013 Jan 25
Loop question?
Dear All   I have the following data (somewhat simplyfied):   TINF <-1 a <-c(500,750,1000,1250,1500,1750,2000) b <-c(8,12,18,24,36,48,60,72,96)   following function:   infcprodessa <-function (D, tin, tau, ts)   (D * (1 - exp(-0.048 * tin))/(tin * (0.048*79) * (1 - exp(-0.048 * tau)))) * exp(-0.048 * (ts - tin)) z <-sapply(1:1, function(n) infcprodessa(1000,TINF,12,12-TINF))   is
2008 Oct 15
investigating interaction term for a model of Gross Primary Productivity
I am trying to investigate the interaction term in the below. The paradigm in aquatic systems is that algal production is either nitrogen (TIN) or Phosphorus limited, and I am trying to investigate this- what is the best way to go about investigating the interaction term. I have some thoughts on the above, but I will withhold them to see what others think. Thanks for your help. d <-
2012 Dec 17
simplifying code
Dear All,   I was wondering if you could help me with the following: I have the code:   tin <-0.5 tau <-24 output0 <-10 TIMELOW <-tin TIMEHIGH <-1*tau TIME1 <-c(seq(TIMELOW,TIMEHIGH, by = sign(TIMEHIGH-TIMELOW)*(tau-tin)/3))   then I would like to calculate:   cp1 <-output0*exp(-0.3*TIME1[1]) cp2 <-output0*exp(-0.3*TIME1[2]) cp3 <-output0*exp(-0.3*TIME1[3]) cp4
2007 Jul 16
R:Re: Can''t migrate domains
my source machine is a debian I''ve recently installed, so all present rules were set by me. but my target machine is a fedora5 I''m using only to test migration. Since fedora was already installed for other purposes, there are some rules in iptables.... the only line with target "REJECT" is: target prot opt in out source destination
2002 May 21
Initialize samba at boot time
Hello, I expect samba up and running after boot since I have the following symlinks on my Linux system: [root@star samba]# cd /etc/rc.d/rc1.d [root@star rc1.d]# ls -l *smb* lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 May 3 13:46 K35smb -> ../init.d/smb [root@star rc1.d]# cd ../rc3.d [root@star rc3.d]# ls -l *smb* lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 May 13 13:36 S91smb ->
2006 Apr 02
Asterisk 2.0 Where to download
Hello All I read in have Asterisk 2.0 rewritten C# and run on windows, any body could be mail or send to me URL to download. Thanks Tin Trung Nguyen Technical Team Mobile: 084-91.365.4857 website: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2002 Jun 09
Samba as a client to windows2000/98 is slow.
First heres a little background of what I have setup: One Windows98 machine and Two windows 2000 machines and one linux redhat 6 machine behind a router thats connected to a cable modem. So the machines I have are sitting on a netmask network. I need to mount some of the windows shares on the linux machine. This mounting works fine, and for smaller directory listings it SEEMS to
2004 Jun 11
ROC for threshold value, biometrics
Hello, I am just a beginner of R 1.9.0. I try to construct a predictive score for the development of liver cancer in cirrhotic patients. So dependant variable is binanry (cancer yes or no). Independant variables are biological data. The aim is to find out a cut-off value which differentiate (theoratically) from normal to pathological state for each biological data. How can I step in procedue to
2008 Sep 24
lattice xyplot symbols instead of colors and legend matching plot symbols or colors
I would like to use the data below where the plots are close to what I want. Instead of color I would like to use different symbols, and have the symbols in the legend match the graphs. I am also going to add a regression line to these I know about the type="r" (which is fine for these particular graphs) argument, but it fits the subsets instead of the entire data set-- should I use a
2013 Apr 21
lsoda question from deSolve package
Dear List, Wonder if you have some thoughts on the following question using lsoda in desolve: I have the following data and function: require(deSolve) times <- c(0:24) tin  <- 0.5 D <- 400 V    <- 26.3 k <-0.056 k12  <- 0.197118 k21  <- 0.022665 yini <- c(dy1 = 0,dy2 = 0)  events <- data.frame(var = "dy1",time = c(10,15),value = c(200,100),method =
2003 Dec 17
repeated measures aov problem
Hi all, I have a strange problem and rigth now I can't figure out a solution. Trying to calculate an ANOVA with one between subject factor (group) and one within (hemisphere). My dependent variable is source localization (data). My N = 25. My data.frame looks like this: > ML.dist.stack subj group hemisphere data 1 1 tin left 0.7460840 2 2 tin left
2005 May 08
Sangoma card !
Hello All ! i'm purchased sangoma card A-101. i connect to E1 with MF/R2 signalling. but card don't work. negotiation with E1 fail. please help me to correct it. i dont' know some parameters such as: MTU, BAUDRATE Thanks Tin Trung -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2003 Nov 18
Samba Setup
Hi Group, What is the indication on my samba server if it is successfully added to a native mode active directory environment? Thanks, Gerald __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard
2005 Apr 02
Amount of memory under different OS
Hi, I have a problem: I need to perform a very tough analysis, so I would like to buy a new computer with about 16 GB of RAM. Is it possible to use all this memory under Windows or have I to install other OS? Thanks, Marco
2007 Jul 03
Google acquires Grand Central
Ooops did Google just become a carrier :) I hear stocks crumbling worldwide as I type. Cheers, Dean -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2003 Sep 25
Help me to understand BDC
hi short question -> if i set up samba 3.0 as BDC with an NT pdc and a client wants to login to the domain, but his account is only stored (for tests) on the BDC: should he be able to authenticate successfully? or can he just login, if the *PDC* responds positive? thx in advance greez
2003 Jan 06
Problem with some applications
Hi, I have a few apps that won't work with samba; when I install the application locally i don't have problems, when I install them on a samba share I get the following error: Unable to register g:\<path to>\ONWDB.dll Other applications do work correct... Any ideas or more info needed? greetz Hans -- Hans Scheffers Croll's
2004 Apr 10
Kerberos and Samba
Hi. I've built an afs cell, a kerberos kdc, an openldap server, all kerberized. Now all linux clients can login on the cell using k5 authentication, finding informations about their home dirs with ldap. Their home reside on the afs cell, which allows r/w access since it releases a token from the k5 ticket. All macosx clients can login as well... but what about windows? ^___^;;;