similar to: A job for you

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 160 matches similar to: "A job for you"

2011 Feb 24
problem in for loop
Hi all. I was having some trouble with a for loop and I found the problem is the following. Does anyone have some idea why I got the following R result? Since mone is equal to 3, why mu1 only have 2 components? library(MASS) > p0 <- seq(0.1, 0.9,by=0.1) > m <- 10 > > > p0 <- p0[7] > > ## data generation > > mzero <- p0*m > mone <- m-mzero >
2011 Apr 01
MySql Versus R
Dear R Users, I use for my data crunching a combination of MySQL and GNU R. I have to handle huge/ middle seized data which is stored in a MySql database, R executes a SQL command to fetch the data and does the plotting with the build in R plotting functions. The (low level) calculations like summing, dividing, grouping, sorting etc. can be done either with the sql command on the MySQL side or
2008 Jul 28
Rf_error crashes entire program.
I'm having a problem with the error and warning functions. I've tried this on multiple machine so I'm fairly sure it's not machine dependent and I've tried it on the latest versions 2.6.0-2.7.1. Whenever my program gets to an error or warning it crashes the entire program rather than throwing the error like it should. Here are the relevant bits. ... char const * const
2009 Jan 16
No subject
"Why Siphon doesn't allow to receive a call when it doesn't run Apple doesn't accept (for the moment) an application runs in the background= . So, when Siphon doesn't run, the SIP server of your provider doesn't know your iPhone." --0015174c3c60a73ef5046656ca27 Content-Type: text/html; charset=windows-1252 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
2011 Sep 13
Convert "RDX" and "RDB" to ASCII format?
Dear R users and experts, I need to modify an exisiting R function from a package. The function/ variable is inside a namespace and I have problems accessing it. I only need to get access to to corresponding sourcecode. I localised the "RDX" and "RDB" files. But it seems to be a binary format. How can I convert it to an ASCII format to open and extract the code from a text
2008 Apr 08
Printing Problem with Samba ' Failed to allocate a print job'
I=92m using Samba 3.0.24 on Ubuntu Feisty. I=92m managing my printers = with CUPS. =20 =20 Just yesterday, one printer stopped being able to print through Samba. = This printer still prints fine directly from CUPS. When I try to send any = print job to the print via Samba, I get this: =20 [2008/04/08 11:15:58, 0] printing/printing.c:allocate_print_jobid(2262) allocate_print_jobid: failed
2006 Dec 06
Questions about regression with time-series
Hi, I am using 2 times series and I want to carry out a regression of Seri1 by Serie2 using structured (autocorrelated) errors. (Equivalent to the autoreg function in SAS) I found the function gls (package nlme) and I made: gls_mens<-gls(mening_s_des~dataATB, correlation = corAR1()) My problem is that I don’t want a AR(1) structure but ARMA(n,p) but the execution fails :
2005 Jun 28
AW: username map before passwd? (solved)
hy jerry that's what i needed. seems to work. thinking about to go with this version in production on friday, old 2.2.x version get's some performance problems. i'll test for 2 days (with low load). let you know if we have further problems. (Our infrastructur on tru64, 500 users mapped down to arround 20 samba users) who get the documents from smb-share. one last question, is it
2011 Oct 06
Fitting parabolic function to data
Dear R users and experts, I want to fit a shifted parabolic function with the following functional form to my data: f(x)=a0*(x+a1)^2+a2 (a0, a1 and a2 are scaling factors.) What is standard approach to do this in R? I tried the "lm" function in R but I got problems getting the above functional form. Any help is welcome :) . Greetings, Henri
2010 Nov 22
cpgram: access data, confidence bands
Dear R experts, beginners and everyone else, I'm calculating "cumulative periodogram" using the command "cpgram" [1] from the MASS library. Here is a short example with the "lh" (hormone level) dataset: library(MASS) plot(lh,type="l",ylab="value",xlab="time", main="Hormone Levels (lh)") spectrum(lh,
2009 Jan 16
No subject
Dialing out If the AGI application dials outward by executing Dial, control over the call returns to the dialplan and the script loses contact with the Asterisk server. The script continues to run in the background by itself and is free to clean up and do post-dial processing. If you want your application to initiate a call out without being started through the dialplan: * Asterisk auto-dial
2011 Jul 17
ODBC MySql DB: sqlQuery empty
Dear R Beginners, Experts and Users, I already asked this question on the R-sig-DB mailing list, but sadly didn't got a reply :-( . Keeping fingers crossed that I have more luck on the main R mailinglist :) . I'm trying to connect to a MySQl database via Gnu R using the RODBC interface. The conenction workes but I get an empty result string. Gnu R and the MySql DB are running on a 64 bit
2009 Jan 16
No subject
Dialing out If the AGI application dials outward by executing Dial, control over the call returns to the dialplan and the script loses contact with the Asterisk server. The script continues to run in the background by itself and is free to clean up and do post-dial processing. If you want your application to initiate a call out without being started through the dialplan: * Asterisk auto-dial
2003 Jul 01
2GB limit in Samba?
Hi. Is there such a limit to 2GB in samba 2.2.8a-1? I get a "File imit exceeded" when I try to tar or cp smth to a smbmount. On both machines I can successfully do dd if=/dev/zero and create a file of 3GB, I can also tar -cvf it but no cp to smb. RH8 if it matters...
2003 Aug 02
Re: how l (PR#3614)
--FE8A9_158F__B2CBD0A46E. Content-Type: text/html; Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <html> <head> <title>Home Page</title> </head> <body> Howdy R-bugs <p><font face=3D"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=3D"3" color=3D=
2001 Oct 03
Prozess doesnt start
Hi! when I start my program, after entering the user an password I get the error: DCom-Imit: Error in CoInitialize Error: 0 Pgm-Step: 3 Error: Der BMDGUI-Server (BMDGUISV.EXE) kann nicht gestartet werden! (in english: The BMDGUI-Server (BMDGUISV.EXE) cannot be startet) On the console I get this messages (before the debugger starts): fixme:win32:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount
2003 Apr 24
Italian-crafted Rolex - only $65 - $140!! Free SHIPPING!! (PR#2835)
=3Cbody=3E =3Cp class=3D=22MsoNormal=22=3E=3Ci=3E=3Cspan lang=3D=22EN-US=22 style=3D=22font-size=3A 10=2E0pt=3B mso-bidi-font-size=3A 12=2E0pt=22=3E=3Cfont face=3D=22Verdana=22=3Eplease note to send ALL REPLY e-mail direct to me at=3A =3Ca href=3D=22mailto=3AQuestions=40QualityWatchWorld=2Ecom=22=3EQuestions=40QualityWatchWorld=2Ecom=3C=2Fa=3E=3Co=3Ap=3E =3C=2Fo=3Ap=3E
2009 Mar 17
No subject
=20 Andrew Fenn wrote: > You don't need their program to use justvoip, voipdiscount, etc=2E You > can use any sip client to connect to Betamax servers=2E Try Twinkle=2E >=20 > On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 11:24 PM, miroa84<wineforum-user at winehq=2Eorg> wrote: >=20 > > I tried to install justvoip several times and I cannot install it=2E Can somebody tell me how to
2017 Feb 15
paquete Rcmdr y BiodiversityR
Estimados, Soy usuario de Mac y desde que instale la nueva version de R y Rstudio, no puedo cargar el paquete Rcmdr. Lo miso me pasa con el paquete BiodiversityR. Alguien tiene alguna posible solución? Desde ya muchas gracias. Saludos, Luis > library(Rcmdr) Loading required package: RcmdrMisc Error in loadNamespace(j <- i[[1L]], c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[j]]) :
2004 Feb 26
browse master serious problem
I have a LAN with a samba server witch acts as wins for it. It's also suposed to be a browse master for it, but unfortunately sometimes some windows xp/2000 pc becomes browse master and chaos follows... there is no pc in the wins list. I observed that stations with a firewall on it defeat the samba server and I cannot obligate the people who use those pc to stop their firewalls! What can i do