similar to: Threshold of mongrel node processes

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Threshold of mongrel node processes"

2007 Mar 15
Issues with mongrel PID files when restarting clusters with Capistrano
Hey all: When using capistrano and/or manually restarting mongrel clusters we encounter errors when restarting that states: ** !!! PID file log/ already exists. Mongrel could be running already. Check your log/mongrel.log for errors. ** !!! Exiting with error. You must stop mongrel and clear the .pid before I''ll attempt a start. ** !!! PID file log/
2007 Jun 29
mongrel tuning with httperf - suspicious results
Hello all, I''m attempting to test/tune a mongrel cluster according to the tuning instructions on the mongrel site (using httperf). Anecdotally, the site itself ''feels'' snappy, but testing it with httperf reveals what appears to be terrible throughput. I''m kind of at a loss to describe the results, and was hoping someone could verify that I''m testing
2006 Jun 15
Mongrel 0.3.13 Pre-Release -- Caulking Release
Hello Everyone, Francois Simond inadvertently found a way to replicate a rare but deadly bug right as I was working up the official release of Mongrel 0.3.13. This bug only happened to a few people, but thanks to the wonderful fuzzing tool Apache Bench[1] he could replicate the slow select starvation people were seeing. TESTING This bug is now fixed in the current pre-release, and I''d
2007 Mar 24
Mongrel Performance Tuning questions
Hi all, Starting out with load testing for one of my rails apps and am pretty confused about what the ''best'' way to do this is. I read the tuning article at but am getting some weird numbers from the tests recommended at the bottom: httperf --server --port 80 --uri /tested --num-conns <10 second
2009 Mar 12
Is Mongrel dead?
Is Mongrel dead? When I look at the latest news was from close to a year ago, when last version of Mongrel was released. A look at the tickets shows a rather sad picture with only two developers “evanweaver” and “luislavena” contributing to the bug fixes lately. Please understand that I am not complaining – I just want to know the situation so that I can
2007 Feb 27
Mongrel performing only half as fast as Apache?
I''m trying to do some initial benchmarking of our setup, mainly just to establish baselines. I''m essentially using the process Zed outlines in a previous message: What I''m running into is that Mongrel appears only half as fast as Apache when serving a small static HTML file. If I then add in Apache with
2007 Feb 26
Apache+mod_proxy_balancer+Mongrel+Mephisto, Apache kills CPU
Our Mephisto install kills Mongrels and causes Apache to pound the CPU. This started when we moved to Apache+mod_proxy_balancer+Mongrel. Here''s what we know: The following things are working OK, except when used in the combination listed above: mongrel, mongrel_rails, MySQL, Apache, mod_proxy_balancer. We believe these are all OK because we moved five other Rails apps to this
2006 Jul 16
Apache2.2 + Mongrel: what do you think about these perfs?
Hi all, I''ve been spending quite a lot of time trying to install a decent RoR server on my dedicated server (Ubuntu 6.06 LTS), and now, everything works. However, the performances are not really what I had expected... I would like to know what you think about it. Here is my config: 2GHz VIA proc, 1Gb RAM, SATA-II HD. I have apt-got ruby 1.8.4, mysql5 and installed rails 1.1.4 by
2006 Nov 04
Three processes for each mongrel server?
Hi everyone. Zed, thanks for Mongrel. I''ve been running mongrel on my WiFi cafe site (, and it''s been great. It handled a front-page digg a few weeks ago without blinking. However, I''m setting up a staging environment right now, and I''m getting what looks like three mongrel processes *all listening on the same port* for each mongrel
2006 Nov 09
OptimizedMutex for Mongrel
Hey Zed- I had a user with an app that was leaking memory with mongrel but not lighty/fcgi. I have been doing anything I can to track it down. I already did the Mutex patch to use unshitf and pop instead of shift and push and it didn''t really help much. The mem leak only really shows up when you use the wsess option to httperf. The other day I saw a ruby C extension that
2007 Apr 15
Ferret and Mongrel. OSX vs. Linux
I''m having a strange problem accessing a 1.7GB Ferret index from within Mongrel (1.0.1) on Linux. On OSX a Ferret search through Rails takes a fraction of a second. From the command line, bypassing Mongrel, the search takes about the same amount of time. On Fedora Core 4 a Ferret search from the command line takes a fraction of a second, but the same search through Mongrel never
2007 Apr 15
Ferret and Mongrel. OSX vs. Linux
I''m having a strange problem accessing a 1.7GB Ferret index from within Mongrel (1.0.1) on Linux. On OSX a Ferret search through Rails takes a fraction of a second. From the command line, bypassing Mongrel, the search takes about the same amount of time. On Fedora Core 4 a Ferret search from the command line takes a fraction of a second, but the same search through Mongrel never
2006 Sep 13
Mongrel spewing backtraces and nanosleeping
Hi list, I''m seeing a couple of issues with Mongrel. I''m running FreeBSD 6.1 and have previously been told that there are known conflicts between this and Mongrel, yet I hope these issues will be resolved with time. I''m overloading Mongrel with httperf on my local workstation. Mongrel is started directly with the mongrel_rails command and there is only one mongrel
2006 Sep 26
Mongrel Processes Dying
We are seeing mongrel processes dying in our mongrel cluster. What is the best way to troubleshoot this? We have ruby 1.8.4, Rails 1.1.0 (upgrading soon), MySql 4.1 running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4, Apache 2.2, mongrel-, mongrel_cluster-0.2.0 I saw the following messages in the mongrel.log but not sure if theay are related to the processes dying. It would be nice if
2006 Aug 26
Mongrel Pre-Release -- Ruby's LEAK Fixed (Death To Mutex!)
Howdy Folks, This release is after painstaking analysis of a memory leak that was reported by Bradley Taylor, reduced by myself, and then fixed after much work. You should all thank Bradley for finding the bizarre fix. It turns out the Ruby has a memory leak when you use pretty much any thread locking primitive other than Sync (Mutex, Monitor, etc.): The fix (for
2007 Mar 06
[PIMP] Topfunky''s httperf PeepCode screencast (Zed A. Shaw)
Hi, Thanks Zed - this is very interesting. One item in particular caught my eye: Does anyone on this list have any comments or validation that Rails 1.2.1 is 2-4 times as slow as Rails 1.1.6? Topfunky provided a link that purports what looks like really horrible performance and memory characteristics for Rails 1.2.1, even v. 1.1.6:
2007 Jun 15
mongrel cluster issues, plain old mongrel OK
I just created a test rails app, and am having very wierd issues with mongrel cluster. Here''s what I''m doing: rails test sudo chown -R mongrel:mongrel test cd test sudo mongrel_rails \ cluster::configure -e production \ -p 8000 -N 3 -a --user mongrel \ --group mongrel It correctly writes the mongrel_cluster.yml file to the config directory. Now,
2006 Apr 04
Mongrel Web Server -- Iron Mongrel
Hello All Mongrel Users, For the unintiated, Mongrel is a web server that runs Ruby web applications really fast. Read to get find out more about it. This is the Iron Mongrel release. It is the result of trying to trash Mongrel until it can''t move and then fixing anything that comes up. The work was done on EastMedia''s and VeriSign''s
2006 Jul 16
Mongrel starting problem on new Debian box
Hello world, I''m having some problems setting up a new Debian deployment box...just installed the rails stack, mongrel, etc... When I go to start mongrel I''m getting a weird error I can''t figure out. Some help please? -> mongrel_rails start ** Starting Mongrel listening at
2008 Nov 11
Problem Starting Mongrel
Hi, I am newbie started learning ruby on rails i had an application which used to run pretty well latter i upgraded from webbrick to mongrel 1.1.5 then I am getting the foloowing errors and a default application runs on port 3000 i have attached its screen shot as an attachement and error which i get in terminal below => Booting Mongrel (use ''script/server webrick'' to force