Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "How does Samba know which driver goes with which queue?"
2001 Mar 27
ATTN Development TEAM - "invalid mid from server"
We are having a problem with smbclient running tar back to a FreeBSD
system for Amanda. smbclient seems to be choking on large files. Of the
many singularly uninformative error messages, the primary error* is
mid from server"
Searching all FAQ's and news groups shows this has been a problem for
several users since 8/2000 with no published response from anyone
except a
2010 Sep 28
cochran Q test
Dear all,
I am trying to look for a built in function that performs the cochran Q
that is, cochranq.test(X)
where X is a contingency table (maybe a matrix or data.frame).
The output will naturally be the test statisitcs, p-value, etc.
A quick search on Google gives me the cochran.test in the 'outlier' package,
but I had a look at the description of the test and it doesn't look
2007 Nov 05
Help with cochran.test
I have been trying to use the function cochran.test from the Outliers
package to test for homogeneity of variance. This works well except when
I use transformed data. Would anyone have an idea why it doesn't work
and how I could do the cochran test on transformed data?
> set.seed(1234)
> x=rnorm(100)
2010 Sep 15
cochran-grubbs tests results
I'm new in this R world and I don't know much about statistics, but now I
have to analize some data and I've got some first queries yet:
I have 5 sets of area mesures and each set has 5 repetitions.
My first step is to check data looking for outliers. I've used the outliers
package. I have to use the cochran test and the grubbs test in case I find
any outlier. The problem
2008 Aug 28
Defining environments within functions
How can I define environments within a function so that they are visible
to calls to a sub-function?
I have defined an objective function,
ProfileErr = function(params,...)
which I would like to optimize using standard routines (optim,
nlminb,....) but which contains auxiliary variables which need to be
updated along with params. No optimization routine in R that I have
found has facilities
2012 Sep 18
Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test
I have some satellite tag time-at-depth (TAD) frequency data that I
would like some help with.
The data was transmitted via satellite as percent time spent in each of
7 depth bins (0m, 0-1m, 1-10m, 10-50m etc.), binned over 6-hour
intervals. I categorized each row of data corresponding to a date and
time into summer vs. winter, and day vs. night, and then summed and
averaged the given
2009 Jun 01
using "cochran.test()" as a "mcnemar.test()" ?
Hello all
I wish to perform a mcnemar.test() for a 5X5 matrix.
Wikipedia tells me (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cochran_test) I should turn
to cochran.test.
The only place I found it was in the "outliers" package, but the command
cochran.test() acts differently then mcnemar.test() , and doesn't take a
table as input.
Any ideas on how to use it ?
#Example code:
aa =
2007 Sep 21
problem with 'integrate'
Hello -
I am having a problem with the function 'integrate'. I am running R
on OSX (R 2.5.1).
I am trying to suppress the error message when 'integrate' attempts
to integrate across a parameter set giving a non-finite function
value. I'm using it in a MCMC / simulated annealing algorithm, and
it is entirely possible that some parameter sets will give non-
2004 Jul 06
lme: extract variance estimate
For a Monte Carlo study I need to extract from an lme model
the estimated standard deviation of a random effect
and store it in a vector. If I do a print() or summary()
on the model, the number I need is displayed in the Console
[it's the 0.1590195 in the output below]
>Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
> Data: datag2
> Log-likelihood:
2011 Apr 23
[LLVMdev] copy instructions
The mem2reg pass will rewrite allocas and loads and stores to SSA
virtual registers. Essentially it's a transformation from non-SSA to
SSA form. That said, I don't know if you want your students to
implement their own SSA transformation.
On Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 1:57 PM, Cochran, Wayne Owen
<wcochran at vancouver.wsu.edu> wrote:
> It is my understanding, the alloca memory
2006 Jul 24
R and ACML
While I recently received some very helpful files and email from Kevin
Hendricks for compiling with ATLAS, thought I'd first have a stab at
ACML. Having problems, which I suspect are trivial to solve:
1. machine is running RHEL 4, meaning, it uses gcc 3.4.5 out of the box,
and g77. In my experience, over-riding RHEL's choice, and manually
upgrading to gcc 4.x.x (and, as a consequence
2011 Apr 23
[LLVMdev] copy instructions
It is my understanding, the alloca memory routines are used
for forcing variables to be allocated on the stack frame -- which
you would want for source level debugging.
When SSA registers are used, LLVM will decide what goes into
registers and what will spill over to the stack frame.
I want the latter.
Wayne O. Cochran
Assistant Professor Computer Science
wcochran at vancouver.wsu.edu
2013 Mar 02
print method like print.anova()
I have a print method for a set of statistical tests, vcdExtra::CMHtest,
for which I'd like to
have more sensible printing of pvalues, as in print.anova().
[Testing this requires the latest version of vcdExtra, from R-Forge
**|install.packages("vcdExtra", repos="http://R-Forge.R-project.org")|**
With my current print method, I get results like this, but all Prob
2006 Sep 18
symbolic matrix elements...
Normally, I do symbolics in Maple, or Mathematica, but I'm trying to
write a simple script for students to handle some *very* simple
calculations (for other purposes) with matrix or vector elements, where
the elements are coded symbolically. What I've tried with *partial"
success is use of the tilde (~) operator. So, for example, consider a
simple vector:
2007 Mar 06
Quick question on Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test
Dear List,
I am looking for what B.S.Everitt refers to as Cochrane Method for testing
independence in combined 2x2 contingency tables. Is it the same method as
the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Chi-Squared Test for Count Data in R?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Aug 22
R CMD check problem
I have a query after finding an error running Rtools on a Windows machine.
I am trying to build an update to the R fda library using Rtools27 under
Windows XP Pro. This is the current fda library on RForge:
Following R CMD build, R CMD check produces the following error in
installing R.css in F:/work/RForge/fda.Rcheck
make: ***
2006 Jan 25
imbalanced classes
Hi Andy,
I know this topic has been discussed before on the R-help, but I was
wondering if you could offer some advice specific to my application.
I'm using the R random forest package to compare two classes of data,
the number of cases in each class relatively low, 28 in class 1 and 9
in class 2. I'd really like to use R environment to analyze this data,
however I'm finding it
2007 Nov 01
Help me in Cochran armitage trend test Coding
Dear sir,
I am Shibu John from Thrombosis Research Institute India. It is a
multidisciplinary organisation concerned with the interrelated problems of
thrombosis and atherosclerosis.
I was searching for Cochran armitage trend test program in R. Then I had
seen your R coding for C-A trend test. I tried that in the R software.
But I can?t run the program due the [Error: could not find function
2009 Sep 25
Problem with dgamma function.
Hi, All,
I am getting some funny results trying to use R's built in
distribution functions.
In R:
> dgamma(4.775972,1.37697964405418, 0.106516604930466)
[1] 0.05585295
> dgamma(4.775972,1.37697964405418, 0.106516604930466,TRUE) ### THIS IS JUST WRONG!
[1] 0.01710129
> log(dgamma(4.775972,1.37697964405418, 0.106516604930466))
[1] -2.885033
In C:
2004 Jan 25
Reading in .csv Files in R 1081
I uninstalled my R's 1071, and installed R1081. But now, it appears that
I cannot read in files using the same commands that I used previously.
The command I type is
m<-read.csv("E:/T6.25.8.02.StdDates.csv", header=TRUE,
The error gives me is
Error in file(file, "r") : unable to open