similar to: How to create but not delete file/dir?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "How to create but not delete file/dir?"

2001 Oct 31
What is Samba speed?
Hi, what is Samba speed limit? I usually get maximum throughoutput about 3-4 MBytes/s reading from Samba, 2-3 MB/s writing to Samba server. (IDE discs, but 256 MB memory, Athlon 900 MHz, one 500 MB file, 100 Mbit network). What are your results? Does anybody knows about some performance tunings? I have adjusted only this: socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=16384 SO_SNDBUF=16384 write cache
2010 Feb 23
Importing a file to r
Hello I am trying to import the attached file Curva LIBOR to R. I am trying to use the following commands and obtaining the following errors > res <- read.xlsx("C:\\Users\\FELIPE PARRA\\Documents\\Quantil\\Federacion\\Curva LIBOR.xlsx", 4) Error en .jcall(rowCells[[ic]], "I", "getColumnIndex") : RcallMethod: invalid object parameter > res <-
2009 Dec 22
1) I want to calculate a regression, but when I enter > lm(formula=KS~libor+adj.close) I only get the following: Call: lm(formula = KS ~ libor + adj.close) Coefficients: (Intercept) libor adj.close -56.38666 55.39709 -0.01836 I don't get the estimated standard deviation, error, t-value etc. anymore which I used to get when I use an old version (2yrs ago). What command
2008 Dec 30
Downloading data from Economagic
I was trying to dw data from Economagic [], using following code : library(fimport) dat2 = economagicSeries("libor/day-ussnon", frequency = "daily") Here I see that data is not complete, downloaded data starts from "2007-12-31 ", whereas actual data is available from 2001. secondly, how I convert that data
2010 Jul 19
Historical Libor Rates
Hello All, Does anyone know how to download historical LIBOR rates of different currencies into R? Or if anyone knows of a website that holds all this data...I only need up to january of 2000. Also, how can we make the row names the index of a plot (the names of the x values)? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Dec 21
Shutdown vmware ESX
Hi, is there some easy way how to shut down vmware ESXi host? We have same apc smart 1500 and I passed usb port into one virtual linux, so it can monitor ups state via NUT. So how can i make esx server avare of low battery? Maybe using vsphere-cli utils? With regards Libor -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type:
2003 Dec 01
No subject
about 30mbits/s (3750kBytes/s) from a Windows NT Workstation to the Samba server, and, as strange as it may be, 25mbits/s (3175kBytes/s) from the Samba server to the NT Workstation. Using FTP, I get the same both ways (30mbits/s)... I don't know why my from Samba to Windows speed is slower than the other direction, but the speed is not bad for a Pentium 100, so i'm not complaining. What
2012 Aug 02
Rsyncing huge file, timeout on rsyncd
Hello, let me describe my setup. Source server is debian wheezy, rsync 3.0.9 Destination is qnap TS-410, with rsyncd enabled, rsync 3.0.7 I'm trying to rsync two files, which are exported from source server as iscsi targets (windows iscsi backups). Files are on btrfs, so I use snapshots during rsync, so files don't change. One file is 50GB, second is 550GB in size. Initial sync over
2010 Feb 23
Importing Headers from excel files
Hello I am trying to import an Excel file but I am loosing the headers, My headers are in the first to rows of the EXCEL file. In the following R output, the NA are supposed to be the second item in the Header. Is there any way to Import more than one row as headers?. Thank you Felipe Parra > Data<-odbcConnectExcel('Curva LIBOR.xlsx',readOnly=T,) >
2008 Dec 17
[LLVMdev] bug
Hi, I am just starting a new project. I found that the above script rejects Autoconf versions later than 2.59, whereas it ought to accept them, imho. I had to edit the scrip to be able to use it with Autoconf 2.61. Also, aclocal gave the following warning: /usr/share/aclocal/oaf.m4:4: warning: underquoted definition of AM_PATH_OAF /usr/share/aclocal/oaf.m4:4: run info '(automake)Extending
2019 Apr 02
Orientación para hacer un sitio web con R
Buenas; La pregunta va resultar evidente una vez se entienda, espero saber darme a entender. Quiero identificar qué tengo que aprender para poder hacer un sitio web con R. Este sitio web tiene que poder: * Recibir los datos (archivos .csv mutuamente referenciados) que alguien conectado a la red (vos mismo, usted misma) suba. * Procesarlos * Devolver resultados en base a esos datos introducidos.
2007 Feb 05
Powercom black knight 800VA (usb)
Skipped content of type multipart/mixed-------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 189 bytes Desc: not available Url :
2019 Apr 03
Orientación para hacer un sitio web con R
Por complementar lo de Carlos, ahora con docker el tema esta teniendo alternativas lowcost, pero dificiles de configurar si no eres un experto Obtener Outlook para Android<> ________________________________ From: R-help-es <r-help-es-bounces en> on behalf of Carlos Ortega <cof en> Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2019 10:04:46 PM
2008 Jan 23
JRuby and callbacks?
Hi all, Any Java/JRuby folks on the list? I''d like to see if we can implement api.c for JRuby using JNA and see how it handles the callbacks. I''m not a Java guy, nor do I know JNA, but I''ll take a stab at it if no one else on the list does. Here are a couple of useful links: Regards, Dan This
2001 Oct 07
W2k don't substitute %
Hi, I've setup a share with parameter comment = Cely disk of user %U - %u (just debugging message ;-))) Samba 2.2.0: W2k (in detail view) I see "Cely disk of user %U - %u". On WinMe I see properly e.g. "Cely disk of user LIBOR - nobody". Samba 2.0.7 W2k - "Cely disk of user administrator - %u" What's wrong with this? Thanks, Libor -------------- next
2019 Nov 21
Virtual folder auto creation
After switching on Virtual Plugin and configuring it as specified on the virtual folder is created for each user. Is it possible do not creater virtual folder automatically, only manually, for specific users? lda_mailbox_autocreate set to yes, but hope it's not related. -- sergio.
2019 Nov 14
Sometimes Roaming Profile loose rights to restart shutdown...
Hi, sometimes my Roaming Profile gets buggy and i cant use the Reboot Shutdown ... function all other works. When i make a new users.v6 folder the Profile works again very well. I tried all GPOs i found for energy settings but nothing helps if the Profile is broken. Only delete and make a new one works Samba 4.11.2 Win10 1803-1903 any ideas? or Workarounds? Ren? Mit freundlichen Gr??en,
2013 Apr 03
Better way of writing R code
Dear R forum, (Pl note this is not a finance problem) I have two data.frames as currency_df = data.frame(current_date = c("3/4/2013", "3/4/2013", "3/4/2013", "3/4/2013"), issue_date = c("27/11/2012", "9/12/2012", "14/01/2013", "28/02/2013"), maturity_date = c("27/04/2013", "3/5/2013",
2019 Apr 05
Orientación para hacer un sitio web con R
Hola, Como te comentan, shiny es la mejor opción que tienes, solo añadir que no necesitas Rstudio connect. Se puede hacer el volcado de datos con conexiones ODBC perfectamente, hay varios paquetes de R que te sirven para ello. Lo que si es cierto es que necesitarás dedicarle un tiempo a cómo utilizarlos de manera razonable, probableente tendrás que pelear un poco para configurarlos correctamente.
2006 Apr 26
The beautiful math plot
Dear R-help, How can I replicate the beautiful math plot found in the right-hand side of I tried the following code but didn't obtain something as beautiful. r <- seq(-10, 10, len=100) y <- cos(r^2)*exp(-r/6) par(pty="s") plot(r,y,type="l") Thanks in advance! Yung-jui Yang [[alternative HTML version deleted]]