similar to: OT: writing upside down :)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "OT: writing upside down :)"

2016 Dec 19
OT: Blank mails from this list
On Mon, December 19, 2016 12:41 am, Sorin Srbu wrote: >> -----Original Message----- >> From: CentOS [mailto:centos-bounces at] On Behalf Of >> geo.inbox.ignored >> Sent: den 16 december 2016 15:03 >> To: centos at >> Subject: Re: [CentOS] OT: Blank mails from this list >> >> >> >> On 12/16/2016 07:29 AM, Valeri
2005 Sep 22
SayUnixTime in CVS?
Can anyone tell me what I missed? I'm trying to setup a simple extension (400) that reports the time when it is dialed. I searched the threads and it seems like this should work... Here's what's in my extensions.conf: exten => 400,1,Answer() exten => 400,n,Wait,1 exten => 400,n,SayUnixTime(,EST5EDT,) exten => 400,n,Playback(tt-weasels) [BTW, tt-weasels is hillarious!
2016 Dec 16
OT: Blank mails from this list
On 12/16/2016 07:29 AM, Valeri Galtsev wrote: > On Fri, December 16, 2016 4:15 am, geo.inbox.ignored wrote: <<>> >> btw; do you know Valeri Galtsev <galtsev at her department >> is near what you had marked on chigo map. > > I'm a boy ;-) (yes, some names are weird) > }} aware that Valeri is 'both ways'. 8=) did not know which
2017 Nov 29
Re: kvm/libvirt on CentOS7 w/Windows 10 Pro guest
Tony Brian Albers writes: > >> Hmm.. could this somehow be related to the fast startup thing in win10? > >> I mean, if fast startup is disabled, will that help? > >> > >> Just a thought. > > > > Fast startup does not get utilized for reboots, only for regular > > shutdowns. The actual option in Windows settings reads: > > > >
2010 Mar 03
Screen settings for point of view in lattice and misc3d
I'm making some 3D plots with contour3d from misc3d and wireframe from lattice. I want to view them from below; i.e. the negative z-axis. I can't figure out how to do so. I would like my point of view looking up from below, with the z, y, and x axes positive going away. Can anyone tell me the correct settings for screen to achieve this? Here is what I've found so far:
2011 Jul 11
plot means ?
Hi, I need this plot: given: x,y - numerical vectors of length N plot xi vs mean(yj such that |xj - xi|<epsilon) (running mean?) alternatively, discretize X as if for histogram plotting and plot mean y over the center of the histogram group. is there a simple way? thanks! -- Sam Steingold ( on CentOS release 5.6 (Final) X 11.0.60900031
2008 Nov 12
rimage doesn't install on Mac OS X 10.4
Hi, I'm trying to install rimage on a Mac OS X 10.4 machine. I followed the advice in previous R-help threads and got over the hurdles of having the header files in the right places, among other things. But I can't figure out what to do with this error.<949>system_profiler -detailLevel mini SPSoftwareDataType Software: System Software Overview:
2007 May 14
parsing an lmer error with interaction term
I'm trying to specify a model using lmer with a binary response and interaction term, but I get an error I can't parse (see below). Here is some sample data: Subject Concord Age Disc SVC999MX148SU-F yes u int TOU999JU030S1 yes u int TOU999JU030S1 yes u int TOU999JU030S1 yes u int TUT578MX037S2 yes g int COL140MX114S2 yes yf
2002 Aug 26
updating n within for(i in 1:n) loop
Hi folks: I think I'm having problems with figuring this one out: test1 <- function() { n <- 2 for(i in 1:n) { cat(paste("i =", i, "\n")); flush.console() n <- 5 # version 1 #n <<- 5 # version 2 #assign("n", 5, envir = environment(test1)) # version 3 } } I need the for(.) loop to run (say) n=5 times within the
2006 Jun 16
Help with bash script
Hi all, Can someone pls help me on how to make this bash script? I want to monitor a process, and then when the process (for some reason) dies, the script will start the process again. Thank you, -- Fajar Priyanto | Reg'd Linux User #327841 | Linux tutorial 18:39:44 up 10:21, 2.6.16-1.2111_FC5 GNU/Linux Let's use OpenOffice.
2007 Nov 20
About md5sum
Hi all, A friend of mine gives me a copy of Centos5 DVD. I then make an iso of it using dd if=/dev/cdrom of=centos5.iso command. I then check it using sha1sum. But the result is different than of listed in Centos website. Should it the same? Or we simply cannot compare sha1sum from burned DVD to that of 'unburned' iso file? Thanks. -- Fajar Priyanto | Reg'd Linux User #327841 | Linux
2004 Nov 05
Sometimes it opens, sometimes it closes? Strange
Hi Folks, I''ve got shorewall 2.0.8 with mdk10.1. I have this strange things happening. Sometimes shorewall blocks tcp 25, 110. When I restart shorewall, it opens again. Any idea what I''m missing? This is my configuration: /etc/shorewall/policy #SOURCE DEST POLICY LOG LIMIT:BURST # LEVEL loc
2010 Apr 01
Sending mail from CLI to another SMTP host
Hi all, Is it possible to send mail from CLI (bash, python) without any LOCAL SMTP installed, using SMTP on another machine. Care to give a glimpse of the code? Thank you.
2010 Dec 17
adding text to the top corner of a lattice plot
Hi, I have a series of lattice plots which I am arranging in a 2x2 grid via print: print(p.preds, split=c(1,1, 2,2), more=TRUE) print(p.comp, split=c(2,1,2,2), more=TRUE) print(, split=c(1,2,2,2), more=FALSE) What I'd like to have is a letter (A, B, ...) in the top corner of each plot. While panel.text lets me add text anywhere within a plot, I can't seem to workout how I could put
2011 Apr 26
malware scanner
Hi, Do you have any recommendation which malware scanner I can use in a proxy/gateway? Thank you. Fajar.
2007 Dec 05
Anyone using sendmail?
Hi all, Does sendmail support virtual-non-unix-users setup? Any URL about it? I tried to ask in #sendmail channel, but nobody answered. I google around, but, all url only talks about virtual domain and mapping to unix users. Thank you, -- Fajar Priyanto | Reg'd Linux User #327841 | Linux tutorial 09:09:34 up 1:25, 2.6.22-14-generic GNU/Linux Let's use
2007 Apr 25
levelplot and unequal cell sizes
I am using levelplot() from lattice with grids that have unequal cell sizes. This means that the boundary between two cells is not always half-way between nodes, as levelplot() assumes. The result is that some cell sizes are rendered incorrectly, which can be painfully obvious if using relatively large cells. Is there any work-around? I am using the conditioning capability of lattice and
2004 Oct 14
Problem with number characters
I am trying to process text fields scanned in from a csv file that is output from the Windows database program FileMakerPro. The characters onscreen look like regular text, but R does not like their underlying binary form. For example, one of text fields contains a name and a number, but R recognizes the number as something other than what it appears to be in plain text. The character string
2007 Nov 28
2 DHCP server in one subnet
Hello all, In the network there is already a W2K server serving as DHCP server for the network. Then we want to implement LTSP, so we need to setup another DHCP server, right? Due to unexpected reason (little by little migration of w98 clients to LTSP), we need to keep the W2K server running in that network. Can we then have 2 DHCP server in the same subnet, only serving pre-determine clients
2006 Jun 27
Possible to get a definition of a function from a package to use without invoking the package?
Hi, I often use the mod() and instring() functions that are available in the clim.pact package. This package has a lot of dependencies, including installation of netCDF, and I haven't yet been able to get library(clim.pact) to work on a Mac OS 10.4.6. A previous request for help with the Mac problem yielded no results, so now I wonder if I could just extract the definitions for the couple