similar to: Changing IP Address

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Changing IP Address"

2000 Jul 20
Diagnosis Tests - Failed #5
I'm working on the first of a few Samba machines for our network. It's running RedHat 6.2 and Samba 2.0.7. On the NT 4.0 side of things I can see the machine (with the correct name) if I do NET VIEW or look in the Network Neighborhood. However, when I do "NET VIEW \\SambaServer" I get an Error 5 Access Denied. (Test 8) So I started on the diagnosis and got to Item 5. When I
2010 Jun 21
Failing Routes in deployment
I have an app that has the following in the routes file: namespace "admin" do # ADMINISTRATIVE ROUTES ONLY root :to => ''home#index'' resources :comments do member do get :approve get :reject end end resources :users do member do get :block get :unblock end end end When browing to
2000 Jun 15
Usign hosts allow in the smb.conf file
Hi, I have a setup of Windows NT machines and SUN Solaris (UNIX) machines. I have installed samba on one of the UNIX machine. I am able to connect to the UNIX machine using samba from any of my NT machines. I want only few of my NT machines should be able to connect to the UNIX machine (with samba). To do so, I have set following in my smb.conf file hosts allow = hostname1, hostname2, ... I
2004 Nov 11
Suse 9.2/Samba 3.0.8 question
I just updated Samba on a PC to 3.0.8. The PC is running a recent upgrade to SuSE 9.2 Pro. Before upgrading the Network Browing worked fine, particularly the Windows Network browsing. Since upgrading to 3.0.8 yesterday, whenever I try to do that I get the following errors: "An error occurred while loading smb:/: Could not start process Unable to create io-slave: klauncher said: Error
2003 Mar 25
NEWBIE : Configure Samba
Hi all, 1st, sorry for ask those questions one more time on the list. I desesperately type to install Linux and (of course) Samba on my home network. I have 1 server, running W2K pro who should migrate to Linux asap. The 2 workstations are running W2K pro and would stay with this f... OS. My questions : 1. The nicest way to use accounts seems to use the Linux accounts and to synchronize them
2012 Aug 07
Making Happy Users ... I need to understand...
Hello, I'm posting here because I'm in a need to understand. Sorry for my bad english. I know that I could figure out how to make it work with a "trial and error" method but I do want to know how it works and not to do "a l? Windows"... I work in a high school. Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 Samba 3.2.5 + LDAP (I know I have to update ...) Browsing user profiles are useful but
2000 Apr 28
Win2k & 2.0.7
When I try to join the Win2k machine to a domain, I get the following message: The following error occurred attempting to join the domain "WIN2K": The procedure number is out of range. This is a Win2k PC attempting to join to AIX 4.3.2 running samba 2.0.7. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bill -- /------------------------------------------------------\
2004 Aug 19
More precision problems in testing with Intel compilers
The Intel compiled version also fails the below test: > ###------------ Very big and very small > umach <- unlist(.Machine)[paste("double.x", c("min","max"), sep='')] > xmin <- umach[1] > xmax <- umach[2] > tx <- unique(outer(-1:1,c(.1,1e-3,1e-7)))# 7 values (out of 9) > tx <- unique(sort(c(outer(umach,1+tx))))# 11 values
2000 Jun 24
ANNOUNCE: alternate mail archive site
I really dislike ListProcessor, the mailing list software uses. There's a lot of reasons, most having to do with header rewriting, but that's not the point of this message. One thing I don't like is its list archive feature. The archives are hard to navigate, and the threading is atrocious. I'm accustomed to MHonArc-generated archives, like they use at and
2006 Jan 03
Reducing Memory Footprint (fcgi)
I have a website up and running on TextDrive with Rails/lighttpd/fcgi. Unfortunately, as my account is a "shared server" account on TxD, they kill processes that are hogging resources (quite understandably). Unfortunately for me, my Ruby fcgi processes load up rather ... large (just under 50mb). It doesn''t take much to push it to 50mb, at which point it gets killed. Does
2004 Jan 30
looping over factors
How does one loop over factors? Perhaps this is a newbie question. I tried: > b [1] caseX caseY caseZ Levels: caseX caseY caseZ > length(b) [1] 3 > > for (i in b) { + print (b == i) ; + print (i); + } [1] FALSE FALSE FALSE [1] 1 [1] FALSE FALSE FALSE [1] 2 [1] FALSE FALSE FALSE [1] 3 > But that strangely doesn't work. I must protest the implications of the above. i , as
2007 Apr 24
Prioritizing based on HTTP Content-Type header
I''m setting up a reverse-proxy on a limited-bandwidth pipe. The system is Debian "etch" on Linux 2.6, using squid as the proxy. As we''ve only got 5mbit to play with, what I''d really like to do is set up priority levels based on the Content-Type of the (outgoing) response: 1. text/* gets highest priority (along with application/x-javascript). 2.
2004 Mar 31
Maximum number of connections in R
It appears that the maximum number of connections available in R is about 48. Can anyone tell me how to bump this number up? I've been perusing the source, but any info would speed things up. Is there a reason that it was set to such a low number? Thanks for any help. -Frank
2004 Apr 27
Mixed Effects Models in S and S-Plus book
Anybody know where I can get the Pinheiro/Bates book? I can't find a bookstore w/ stock and the publisher says they don't know when they'll have it again. Thanks. -Frank
2004 Sep 13
.Random.seed in R-devel
I'm running R-2.0.0 (yesterday's snapshot)in its own directory, and everything works great, except: > .Random.seed Error: Object ".Random.seed" not found Does 2.0.0 not use .Random.seed for saving, etc, like it says in the help page? Thanks for any help. -Frank
2002 Aug 10
Connection Refuse
Dear List, I hope someone could give me some explanation about above error/problem I got. I have 2 machines, one installed RH7.3 (IP ADDR. =, host name = fk0000-msi-srv) and the other one, Mandrake8.2. (IP ADDR. = Both machines use Samba 2.2.3a. At the RH7.3, I got following error if I connect from Mandrake8.2. $ smbclient -U% -L added interface ip=
2005 Oct 12
7 not working - just shows apache page
Curt, This is really, really cool.... On hiccup for me though. All was well until I went to manage the cookbook application. The Start SCGI command gave the following output: D:\INSTAN~1\rails_apps\cookbook>..\..\ruby\bin\ruby.exe script\scgi_rails start -p 9999 -e production -D ERROR: Could not setup a SIGHUP handler. You won''t be able to get status. Listening for connections on
2000 Feb 05
vmware, host-only network can't browse??
Server: Linux 2.2.10 samba-2.0.5a-1 (rpm) Client: Win98 inside vmware1.0.2 using hostonly networking. Problem: 'Unable to browse the network' I have worked my way through the tests in DIAGNOSIS.txt, and all tests pass. If I run Test 9 "net use x: \\BIGSERVER\TMP" from a MS-DOS prompt, then I can see my linux /tmp directory in x:. BUT if I just log in to Windows
2009 Jun 22
SPARC SATA, please.
Is there a card for OpenSolaris 2009.06 SPARC that will do SATA correctly yet? Need it for a super cheapie, low expectations, SunBlade 100 filer, so I think it has to be notched for 5v PCI slot, iirc. I''m OK with slow -- main goals here are power saving (sleep all 4 disks) and 1TB+ space. Oh, and I hate to be an old head, but I don''t want a peecee. They still scare me :)
2004 Feb 09
moments, skewness, kurtosis
I checked the help and the mailing list archives, but I can find no mention of a routine that calculates higher moments like skewness and kurtosis. Of course, these are easy enough to write myself, but I was thinking that they MUST be in here. Am I wrong? Thanks. -Frank