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2007 Nov 12
how to know when files have finished ftping? --antairrestored
Just to chime in here, what I use is another file that is transferred last. It can be zero sized. Just some name you look for and then delete when you are done for next time. It doesn't matter how long that one takes because you will know that the important files are already transferred. chuck -----Original Message----- From: centos-bounces at [mailto:centos-bounces at
2009 Apr 08
Problem with browser
Hello everyone I am using CentOS 5.2 and facing a browsing problem I had complete system update of 71 applications recently and after the update completed my system can receive emails but cannot send and cannot browse get error domain not found, besides ftping is working fine web servers are working fine how can i fix this or roll back to my previous configuration of system. Thank you Best
2003 Jun 21
rsync 2.5.6 for NCR MP-RAS
Hi: After compiling rsync2.5.6 using on SVR4 on Intel HW, Please help # ./rsync --version rsync: --version: unknown option rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at main.c(994) # ./rsync --help Segmentation Fault - core dumped Here is log of compilation. Script started on Sat Jun 21 05:56:15 2003 # make cc -I. -I. -g -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c rsync.c -o rsync.o NCR High
1998 Feb 27
R-beta: is there a way to get rid of loop?
Here is a programming question. The code I am using is quite slow and I was wondering if there is a way to get rid of the for loop. I am dealing with "interaction" in 2x2 table, and am using Edwards's G_I (Likelihood, p. 194). I label the cells in the table as follows stim response "y" "n" total -------------------------------- y hit miss nsignal
2006 Apr 29
(Semi-OT) QoS Question FTP Living with Asterisk
I have searched google and came up with too many options and packages that may or may not work for my needs, most articles seem to be for setting up routers. Maybe someone on the list can give me some better insight. I have monitoring turned on my "shift eight (tm)" (Asterisk ;-)) box for all calls. We have over one hundred agents and tons of recordings in wav format. I also
2008 Sep 16
Users and ftp
I have vsftp chrooted so that users can only come into their home directory. I have a few virtual hosts. I have the websites in the home directory of the intial user for each site. So the sites look like this. /home/user1/html /home/user2/html Using vsftp, I have set the default to chroot a user to their home directory. So user1 ftping in whill go right to his directory and not be able to go
2004 Dec 25
Thick head still having problems with subnets (?)
I have defined a Home zone and placed it before the Net zone. Defined a host as a trusted host. Now if I ping from 242 to my fw it works just fine (also tweaked the norfc1918 file). Thing I do not understand is why if I try pinging or FTPing from FW to 242 I hit the all2all reject rule ! I tried reading the rules and from the INPUT chain I see a eth0_in chain which in turn
2001 Feb 12
Compiled and running on NCR SVR4 UNIX (MP-RAS)
To whomever is interested, I have compiled and am running OpenSSH under NCR UNIX using the following procedure: 1. Compile and install zlib to the default location. gunzip zlib*.gz tar -xvfo zlib*tar cd zlib-* ./configure make make install 2. Compile and install openssl to the default location. gunzip openssl*.gz tar -xvfo openssl*tar cd openssl-*
2003 Oct 27
problem using and substitute for predict.glm using poly()
Hi I am having a particular problem with some glm models I am running. I have been adapting code from Bill Venables 'Programmers niche' in RNews Vol 2/2 to fit ca. 1000 glm models to a combination of species 0/1 data (as Y) and related physicochemical data (X), to automate the process of fitting this many models. I have successfully managed to fit all the models and have stored the
2002 Jan 08
rsync for NCR MP-RAS (SRV 4)
I still have problems running the options like /usr/local/bin/rsync --daemon will give me an error Thanks in advance. # ./configure -build=i686-ncr-sysv4.3 # make install mkdir -p /usr/local/bin ./install-sh -c -m 755 rsync /usr/local/bin mkdir -p /usr/local/man/man1 mkdir -p /usr/local/man/man5 ./install-sh -c -m 644 ./rsync.1 /usr/local/man/man1
2003 Apr 08
OpenSSH 3.6.1p1 on NCR MP-RAS v4.3, several weird terminal problems
I compiled OpenSSH 3.6.1p1 on NCR MP-RAS v4.3 (or at least "uname -a"'s output of suggests v4.3, I'm not positive). I was able to compile zlib (1.1.4) and openssl (0.9.7a) with little trouble. OpenSSH took hand-hacking the includes.h file as follows: diff -cr openssh-3.6.1p1/includes.h openssh-3.6.1p1-customized/includes.h *** openssh-3.6.1p1/includes.h Sun Oct 20
2007 Nov 12
how to know when files have finished ftping? -- antair restored
Here's a thought: what about doing an lsof? If a file is still being written by ftpd it should be open for writing. Geoff Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld. -----Original Message----- From: gjgowey at Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 16:07:23 Subject: re: [centos] how to know when files have finished ftping? -- antair restored On Nov 11, 2007 2:20 PM, Neil Aggarwal
2003 Aug 22
nforce2 usb is broken on -stable
Hi All, I'm running stable from August 19/2003. I've got a few A7N8X-Deluxe boards. One Rev1.0 and two Rev2.0. While the 1.0 board works, the 2.0 boards lock up on boot during the uhub0 bus discovery. It's extremely frustrating :) ... While I can boot without the devices and attach them later, the devices ( logitech usb keyboard, logitech mouse, rio800, samsung CDMA adapter,
2009 May 19
Hang at 5:34 pm EST
Some at 5:34 pm EST DAILY, all my call get disconnect. I tried RE-INSTALLATION, I tried Reinstallation on a virgin HDD, but its same. I tried changing VOIP provider I tried changing Internet Provider..But no help.. What could be the reason ? Here are my enties of crontab : ### recording mixing/compressing/ftping scripts 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36,39,42,45,48,51,54,57 * * * *
2005 Oct 21
samba-3.0.14a binaries for HP-UX-11.0
Hi, im looking for a binary package of samba with a libnss_winbind.1 for HP-UX-11.0 The depot files in look good, but there are these three requierements: OpenLdap 2.1.3 ( OpenSSL 0.9.7d ( LibIconv 1.9.2 ( I was unable to locate this Packages on
2009 Jul 20
No subject
/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/soundfile.alaw /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/soundfile.wav to go from alaw to mp3, first convert to wav, then use lame <options> /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/soundfile.wav /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/soundfile.mp3 sox looks like it can ogg/vorbis, but mine doesn't list mp3. You might fetch the source for sox and see if it can do mp3; lame is probably just as easy to obtain
2001 Oct 31
problem with help.start() in R (PR#1156)
Hi, The function help.start() assume that the brower is netscape which is no longer the dominant brower in used. I am using now opera and other use mozilla or Microsoft IE. I can always type help.start(browser="opera"), but it is not convenience: I would like to be able to set the default brwsernone for all. But the real bug is that even after launching
2003 Aug 01
gdb coredumps
Hi, After kernel panic I couldn't get gdb work properly. msi$ uname -sr FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE msi$ gdb -k /usr/src/sys/compile/MSINW/kernel.debug vmcore.0 GNU gdb 4.18 (FreeBSD) Copyright 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc. GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions. Type "show
2000 Jul 17
No subject
We are looking for another solution besides Samba, which will allow our application developers using Windows 95/98/NT to access share on our Sun Box running Solaris 2.6 operating systems. Our supervisor feels the Samba installation process is more complex than what we really need. Any suggestions? Steven Hawks NCR Corporation IT Services - GAD Sales and Business Infrastructure * 1529 Brown St.,
2002 Jan 05
rsync for NCR MP-RAS
On 4 Jan 2002, Mike Li <> wrote: > Hi Martin, > > Is there a binary for rsync for NCR MP-RAS ver 3.0 running on Intel PIII > Hardware? I've never heard of that. What is it? > I can't seem to be able to compile the source codes either even though I have C > compiler > Here is what I get when I run configure > Thank you in advance >