similar to: share symlinks

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 50000 matches similar to: "share symlinks"

2000 May 23
Unreproduceable bug in Samba 2.0.6
Hello Samba Developers, Recently I've caused an endless loop in Samba, which caused the log file to fill up all usable disk space. This is what I've done ( or better, what I think I've done, because the bug is not reproduceable ) : - Mounted my home directory via Windows Explorer under Windoze NT. - Logged into account under same name on same machine ( bash ) - created a soft link
2004 Mar 22
samba and symlinks
Hello, I am using samba in a heterogeneous UNIX/NT environment. Samba exports file systems that contain many symlinks. My users want to access the symlinked files from windows explorer, i.e. the symlinks need to be followed by samba. For security reasons, symlinks pointing to locations outside the share must not be followed. According to the samba documentation I have to set these parameters in
2014 Aug 20
Symlink outside the share path
Hello everyone -- I am stumped on this issue, mostly because I'm not quite sure if it's behaving correctly or not. I believe this used to work and right now I'm not quite sure why it's no longer doing so and how to fix it (if possible). I suspect it is because of my recent update of the OS and Samba version. When users are trying to follow a symlink that goes to a different
2018 Mar 20
rsync time machine backup permissions
What is the order that rsync uses to set permissions? Time Machine directories have ACL permissions that basically prohibit making any changes of any kind. In order to make a backup of the directory, you would need to set those permissions after copying everything in the subdirectories. Is rsync smart enough to do it in that order? On 2018-03-19, at 10:44 PM, Andre Althoff via rsync <rsync
2012 Feb 13
Removing the ability to serve symlinks as symlinks from the master...
G''day. We recently found some issues with the `links => follow` setting in recursive file copying; the designed behaviour is that it should allow you to determine if the master serves a symlink in a module as a symlink, or as the content of the file that the symlink points to. The full details are here: The short version is that toggling
1999 Dec 11
RPC error on Windows NT4.0 clients
Hi, I'd appreciate any help. I'm getting this odd error when I add in a new samba share to the existing ones on a machine. The error seems to affect some of my NT clients, yielding a message "A remote procedure call (RPC) protocol error occurred." This does not happen to all my NT clients, nor does it seem to affect smbclient on my other samba server. The samba server is
2014 Aug 20
SOLVED Symlink outside the share path
Okay, this problem is solved. It turns out when I was doing the wide links and unix extensions option it really was working. It wasn't until I logged out and logged back in to the client to get a fresh smb connection that it worked. So I'm good. Thanks for the help everyone. I appreciate it. Kathy On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 11:28 AM, Kathy <banshee135 at> wrote: >
2007 Mar 18
Symlinks deletion behaviour
Hi List, hi Samba-team, Recently I've faced some problem with directories deletion trough Samba and trying to clarify the root cause. The following happens: 1. There is a directory my_dir and symlink to it my_dir_link drwxrwsr-x 48 myuser mygroup 20480 Mar 18 21:53 . drwxr-xr-x 33 root root 0 Feb 28 17:37 .. drwxr-sr-x 2 myuser mygroup 4096 Mar 18 21:47 my_dir lrwxrwxrwx 1
2018 Mar 20
rsync time machine backup permissions
That doesn’t work too. :-( Last login: Mon Mar 19 19:18:16 on console iMac:~ andre$ mount /dev/disk0s2 on / (hfs, local, journaled) devfs on /dev (devfs, local, nobrowse) map -hosts on /net (autofs, nosuid, automounted, nobrowse) map auto_home on /home (autofs, automounted, nobrowse) /dev/disk2 on /Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 3 (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, journaled, noowners) iMac:~ andre$
2019 Apr 16
OS X client symlinks
I mean a Unix-style symlink as if created by "ln -s file link". > If I create Unix symlink, Finder will open the file UNLESS I move the linked file - in this case Finder CANNOT find the original file - the symlink is broken . In my case the Finder is able to open symlinks, this is not the problem. The problem is that they are real normal files from the point of view of a client
2019 Apr 13
OS X client symlinks
When you say “real symlinks on OSX” do you mean an “alias” that Finder would create? Or a Unix-type symlink using the “ ln -s file link” command in Terminal? A Finder alias is not the same as a Unix-type symlink. My NAS runs Debian Linux with version 4.3.11 of smbd; my clients are all OSX Mojave. If I create an alias using Finder on the NAS, it behaves like a normal alias in OSX UNLESS I move
2000 Jan 14
Interesting behaviour of Win2k explorer with Samba 2.0.6
We've recently added a win2k (rc2) system to our local network and have noticed some strange behaviour with explorer on that system when samba network drives are attached. If you examine a local drive, or one exported from an NT4 server, explorer behaves as expected (I won't say "normally"...). But when you examine a drive which is exported from a samba server (we run 2.0.6) the
2004 Jun 16
Problem with symlinks
I'm using samba 3.0.4 compiled from sources on a linux box (RH 7.3). My smb.conf contains in a share section the setting: follow symlinks = yes In that share I created a symlink to a local file. When I open the symlink from Windows box (the symlink appear as a regular file) I access correctly the target file, but when I edit&save the file, sometime the symlink is deleted and a regular
2009 Oct 05
--copy-unsafe-links does not work for "double" symlinks
Hi, as documented, if you use rsync with --copy-unsafe-links, and copy a directory with a symlink pointing outside of the copied tree, the referent of the symlink is copied. Now, assume that the directory contains a symlink, which points to a (2nd) directory outside of the copied tree. If this (2nd) directory contains another symlink, which also points outside of the copied tree, rsync
2024 Apr 16
howto achieve 'hide unreadable' for msdfs symlinks
hi, on a samba domain member file server i'm using dfs root shares with multiple msdfs symlinks pointing to other shares (on the same server), which works fine. These linked shares have different access rights, therefore a user might have access to one linked share but not to another. Is there any option to hide msdfs-symlinks to shares that a user cannot read? (the same as 'hide
2000 Feb 09
2.0.6: smbmount still loses connection after awhile to a NT4 server
hello, I know this topic has already been discused, and I remember that the final word was the this issue would be fixed in 2.0.6. I'm running a fresh install of Mandrake 7.0 with kernel 2.2.14-15mdksecure with samba 2.0.6 installed. I can smbmount a share on my NT4 server without problem. the connection is establised and everything works fine: Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address
2005 Jun 29
Hello everybody, I am using rsync to make an identical mirror of an existing server. It's been working fine since some time now. Now, I've just added a firewire disk to both servers and created a symlink to the mounted disk within the source and destination trees: Server P (source, rsync is running as a daemon on this server): /Images |___Project1 |___Project2
2024 Apr 17
howto achieve 'hide unreadable' for msdfs symlinks
On 16-04-2024 16:21, Konrad Jacobi via samba wrote: > hi, > on a samba domain member file server i'm using dfs root shares with > multiple msdfs symlinks pointing to other shares (on the same server), > which works fine. These linked shares have different access rights, > therefore a user might have access to one linked share but not to > another. > Another option is
2014 Sep 15
DFS symlinks shown as broken through file management software.
I have setup a samba dfs server and file managers on linux only see broken symlinks. Is there a linux file managers that can handle the dfs symlinks correctly? So far I tried thunar, nautilus and Gnome commander. All is failing with the dfs symlinks. Commandline navigation seems to work fine through mounted volume and windows clients can navigate around the shared volume with explorer
2008 May 10
DO NOT REPLY [Bug 5457] New: Add a client-side --munge-symlinks option Summary: Add a client-side --munge-symlinks option Product: rsync Version: 3.0.3 Platform: Other OS/Version: Linux Status: NEW Severity: enhancement Priority: P3 Component: core AssignedTo: ReportedBy: