similar to: Setting up Samba: help

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Setting up Samba: help"

2006 Dec 29
BradleyTerry "subscript out of bounds"
I don't see the problem with the following... the citations and baseball data work fine, but my simulated data seems to give BTm a headache. What am I missing? --- library(BradleyTerry) library(doBy) ng <- 100 players <- factor( sort( c( "jeff", "mike", "paul", "rich" ) ) ) np <- length( players ) p1 <- factor( c( rep( "jeff", ng )
2006 Jan 22
NAs in optim
Hi, I am trying to maximize a utility function using optim. I have a problem with optim, since some of the values in the caw, mom, me and btm matrixes in the code bellow are missing. Is there a handy way just to skip the missing values in the loop? g <- 5 retp <- NULL object <- function (x) { b1 <- x[1] b2 <- x[2] b3 <- x[3] for(i in 1:nrow(ret)){ for(j
2011 Feb 18
Rails plugins new official maintainers
Hey guys, This is the final list of the new maintainers of each plugin. We need two more things to do: First please the owners of the repos add the rest of the maintainers. Second I will add a note on each rails/plugin mentioning this repos updates. So from now on, if someone else is interested in helping/contributing please send a message to the appropriate repo owner. verification
2013 Jan 27
[LLVMdev] Code compiling in gcc but not llvm
$ gcc -S test.c $ cat test.s .file "test.c" .text .globl __GI___testfunc .hidden __GI___testfunc .type __GI___testfunc, @function __GI___testfunc: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 6, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register 6 movl $0, %eax popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa 7, 8
2018 Apr 04
[Bug 105884] New: Firefox causes a crash in the nouveau driver on GTX 1060 Bug ID: 105884 Summary: Firefox causes a crash in the nouveau driver on GTX 1060 Product: xorg Version: git Hardware: x86-64 (AMD64) OS: Linux (All) Status: NEW Severity: major Priority: medium Component:
2017 Apr 12
[Bug 100659] New: Certain errors on initializing GTX 1060 6GB Bug ID: 100659 Summary: [nouveau] Certain errors on initializing GTX 1060 6GB Product: xorg Version: git Hardware: Other OS: All Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: medium Component: Driver/nouveau Assignee: nouveau at
2004 Jan 22
Calculation of normalised red and green intensities
Dear Sir/Madam, I could succesfully normalise my microarray data using marrayNorm package. However, i have not been able to get normalised red and green channel intensities through R package. Is there a possibility to write a formula to calculate back the red and green channel intensities after normalisation of the data. Do I need to incorporate this formula in my R script? I am biologist
2017 Nov 15
[Bug 103753] New: Visual glitches on GTX 1060 6GB/4.13.x Bug ID: 103753 Summary: Visual glitches on GTX 1060 6GB/4.13.x Product: xorg Version: git Hardware: x86-64 (AMD64) OS: Linux (All) Status: NEW Severity: major Priority: medium Component: Driver/nouveau Assignee: nouveau at
2010 Feb 26
Hi, I am having some trouble with the ClientAliveInterval server setting. My (C++) application fails to start an SSH channel to an OpensSSH server within this time-out period if it doesn't reply correctly to this 'keep-alive' no-op that is sent by the server. How is this no-op handled? I am using the libssh client library, and I could find no references on how to handle this.
2017 Apr 12
[Bug 100660] New: No temperature/voltages/GPU and RAM frequency/fan speed reporting for GTX 1060 6GB Bug ID: 100660 Summary: [nouveau] No temperature/voltages/GPU and RAM frequency/fan speed reporting for GTX 1060 6GB Product: xorg Version: git Hardware: Other OS: All Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: medium
2018 Jan 16
[Bug 104652] New: None of the video outputs are usable for GTX 1060 - jerky video very few seconds Bug ID: 104652 Summary: None of the video outputs are usable for GTX 1060 - jerky video very few seconds Product: xorg Version: git Hardware: x86-64 (AMD64) OS: Linux (All) Status: NEW Severity: major Priority: medium
2001 Mar 21
SSH doesnt let me login (fwd)
is this a PAM issue? [don't reply to me] -------------- next part -------------- An embedded message was scrubbed... From: Debojyoti Dutta <ddutta at> Subject: SSH doesnt let me login Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 22:55:02 -0800 Size: 1838 Url:
2005 Aug 07
Invalid Page fault in R.dll in mouse click (PR#8055)
Full_Name: Debashis Dutta Version: 2.1.0 OS: Windows98 Submission from: (NULL) ( Working workinf when I mouse click in the top panel, in mist of the cases I receive message invalid page fault in R.dll.I have reinstalled the R 2.1.0 several times, but the bu persists.Please advise me how to rectify the same.
2005 Jun 23
Stop Warnings for Invalid Factor Level, NAs generated?
How can I stop the following warning from occuring? invalid factor level, NAs generated in: "[<-.factor"(`*tmp*`, iseq, value = structure(1, .Label = "12", class = "factor")) The Label messages are for "5", "8", "12" and "46". I want the NAs to be generated as needed. Is this causing R to slow down by generating the warning
2009 Mar 30
(no subject)
Hi, All I have a linux system of Mandriva-2007 with R version 2.3.0 and MySQL with 5.0.0. I have also got DBI-R database interface version-0.1-11 installed on my Linux system.While installing RMySQL package version 0.5-11 but facing the problem mentioned below . * Installing *source* package 'RMySQL' ... creating cache ./config.cache checking how to run the C preprocessor... cc -E
2006 Jan 18
make: *** [dynconfig.o] Error 1
HI, I am getting the same error too. HELP required as well Dear Members, I am trying install and configure samba-3.0.21a.tar.gz on Solaris 9 The following commands were executed # gunzip samba-3.0.21a.tar.gz # tar xvf samba-3.0.21a.tar # cd samb-3.0.21a # cd source # ./configure It executed compiling everying gcc and cc and other # make I get an error
2005 Oct 28
Dear Members - Samba Problem
Dear Members, I have install samba 3.0.10 d # ./smbstatus Sessionid.tdb not initialised /usr/local/samba/var/locks/connections.tdb not initialised This is normal if an SMB client has never connected to your server. Failed to open byte range locking database ERROR: Failed to initialise locking database Can't initialise locking module - exiting # But the var/locks directory
1999 Mar 16
(Fwd) How to use smbsh utility in samba
Hi , I use samba version 2.0.2 . It provides an utility called smbsh using which users can use the resources in Windows clients from Unix prompt like local resources . Unfortunately I dont have man pages or any other document as to how to make use of this utility . Any help regarding how to use this utility will be appreciated TIA Cheers -Dorai
2001 Jul 19
ssh not recognising ssl libraries
Hi all, We are in the process of compiling OpenSSH for our product UWIN which is very similar to cygwin. ======================================================= Here is a brief description about UWIN: Wipro UWIN is a Unix to Windows migration toolkit that gives you most features of a traditional Unix operating system on Windows NT and Windows 95/98. Features include pipes, hard file links, Unix
2003 Jul 25
SSH for communicating between different versions of Oracle Forms
Hi , We are doing the Migration project ( Migrating application Existing in Oracle Forms version. 3.0 to Oracle Forms Version 6.0(Character mode)). As the customer requirement is " To communicate the forms which are migrated to Forms 6.0 with the Existing Application (Forms 3.0)". We have got the information from our client that it's possible to do the same (Each application