similar to: Configuration Problems

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Configuration Problems"

2005 Feb 09
connection from a Windows station problem
Hi everybody, I'm having issues with samba. When I try to see my shares from a Windows 2000 station, I get the following error message: I've checked the log file, I could see that these errors always have to do with the /root/tmp folder, whose permissions I think it is allright: [root@printerserver2 /root]#ls -la ... drwxrw-rw- 2 root root 4096 Feb 9 16:54 tmp/ .. So,
2001 Nov 24
ERRSRV - ERRinvnetname
Hi! I've got the fillowing trouble. Im' trying to get the local shares list. I started the smbd using "/etc/init.d/smb restart" script. It seem to work fine. The smb.conf and log.smb are listed below. The smbd says that he "Can't change directory to /root/tmp" when I'm trying to "smbclient -L localhost -U%". The permissions for /tmp/SHARE are
2013 May 23
RHEL6 implementation running slow
I am running Samba 3.6.15 on a RHEL6 server. The server has been joined to the campus AD. The complaint I am getting from users is that this is much slower than other, earlier versions of Samba. We have older versions running on both RHEL4 and RHEL5, but this version on RHEL6 seems to be running much slower. One thing to note is that I had first installed and had Samba 4 working. But,
2001 Jan 05
Users can't change their own password...
Hello, I've recently put Samba into production, and while I do love it, I am having a problem I can not figure out. It comes when a regular user tries to change their password. I have dug through the FAQ's I could find, and also looked through a few trouble shooting sections. Everything they suggest checks out. The server as a whole works great. If I log in as root and change a users
2000 Aug 16
smbpasswd doesn't change passwort
Hi! When I enter smbpaswd as a normal user iget the following error: Connecting to at port 139 machine rejected the password change: Error was : The specified password is invalid. Failed to change password for mgoeben and in the logs I got: ==> /var/log/samba/log.smb <== [2000/08/16 18:39:57, 3] locking/shmem_sysv.c:sysv_shm_open(707) Initialised IPC area of size
2013 Jan 21
Samba 3.6.10 not reading groups
Helpp! :) We didn't catch this in testing and now it's killing me in production! I'm getting stuck with my fresh build of Samba 3.6.10. It isn't honoring groups specified in the valid users clause of the share configuration. I'm running in security = SHARE mode, and user authentication is working just fine. Even if I specify individual users on the valid users = line, it
2000 Jan 22
failed to set gid privileges
Hi ! I got a problem with connection of users at a connection to smbd. It seems that the authentication is ok and the user accepted and existing. And for test I just connect to the homes. I get the following log error. lib/sec_.c:assert_gid(70) Failed to set gid priviliges to (-1,100) now set to (0,0) uid (0,0) lib/util.c:smb_panic(2456) PANIC: failed to set gid Does anybody know what that
2005 Apr 25
Windows VBSscript and execution in /tmp/public in AIX 5.3
Hello, I am having a very speific problem with my samba interface. We just migrated to a new IBM pSeries server with AIX 5.3. The older server was a RS6000, with AIX 5.2 and everything I'm about to describe below worked without fail. We have a Windows 2000 Server that runs IIS. There is a web-based program (programmed in VB Script) that calls AIX script (through samba) on our AIX
1999 Apr 14
all remote hosts refused
Any and all attempts to connect to our samba server, packaged in the redhat RPM found on, have failed. The allow statement is set to localhost, x.y.z. where x.y.z is our class C(ended with a period, as per the online help in SWAT.) Local connections via smbclient work beautifully, but connections from any other machine fails. I've followed the troubleshooting procedure to the
2011 Mar 14
upgraded samba server causes winXP integrated authentication to fail
Hi I've talked about this in other messages but have a feeling it might have got lost amongst the other symptoms we were discussing. I had a Redhat 9 server on which I'd installed Samba 3.5.6 (built from source). I had it authenticating successfully against a windows 2008 active directory server. I then upgraded the Redhat server to RHEL5.3, on which I installed Samba 3.5.7 (and
2003 Jun 09
Samba 3.0.0beta1, NT4 Joining a Domain Problems
Hi, I'm trying to test Samba 3.0.0 beta 1, and so far, one problem I have spent the last couple hours trying to solve, is a problem I am having joining the domain with an NT4 workstation. The samba server is a PDC, and when I try to join the workstation to the samba controlled domain using the root account (which worked on Samba 2.2.8 just fine), I get a message on the NT workstation that it
1999 Jan 28
Authentication only on NT Boxes not accepted
Hi folks, I'am using Samba 2.0.0 on a Linux and a Sun box and i have the following problem: I can log in from a smbclient but not from an NT Client using Security=Domain. 1.) Doubleclick on the machine opens the password dialouge (which should'n appear, beacuse i'am already logged in the domain) Enter my domainusername and password. Window dissapears and appears again and forces me
2007 Jan 30
smbtorture NEGNOWAIT makes 3.023d dump core
smbtorture NEGNOWAIT causes a core dump with a message "Abnormal server exit: multiple negprot's are not permitted". Is that truely by design?? I am running Samba 3.0.23d as AD member server and have smbtorture running on the same machine. Kind regards, Jens Appended: The final second of the smbd... [2007/01/30 16:48:38, 3] smbd/oplock_linux.c:linux_init_kernel_oplocks(260)
2015 May 18
Samba 4.17 AD Cannot connect to shares as administrator
So you use images!? Are you shure you used different host names for each client. We found using install images will do this confusion some times because windows announced with the image name not with the new one. EDV Daniel M?ller Leitung EDV Tropenklinik Paul-Lechler-Krankenhaus Paul-Lechler-Str. 24 72076 T?bingen Tel.: 07071/206-463, Fax: 07071/206-499 eMail: mueller at
2012 Dec 30
DFS not working on Win XP
Hello, a heave a share on a samba server 3.6.3 that is used as a DFS-Root. The DFS Links a working on Client with Windows 7 but not on Windows XP clients. Searching on the internet gives me a hint that it can be a problem with "security = ADS". The Samba server is member of a windows 2003 R2 Domain, and the Unix user info (uid, gid) are stored on the domain in der RFC 2302
2013 Aug 12
Samba 3.6 File server with W2k3 DC
Hi, I've been fighting against a file server with samba 3.6.9-151.el6 authenticating from a windows 2003 server. I've read a thousand posts and howtos with all kind of samba versions without success. It looks like windbind is not processing things right. I've set the unix permissions on the folder to CANAL4\graficos right and the parent folder is world readable so this should not be
2015 May 19
Samba 4.17 Cannot join Win7 clients to domain
Timo Altun skrev den 2015-05-19 08:12: > Hi Davor, > > thanks for the answer. They were actually part of a NT4 domain called > <> (the new realm name). But I did join > workgroup "WORKGROUP" before I tried to join the new domain. > If it's possible that they're sending the information the wrong way > because they were part
2010 Aug 27
Samba weirdness over different subnets
I've had the following setup working for years now. Subnet A contains linux/windows workstations along with the PDC+LDAP. Subnet B contains a BDC+LDAP and a domain member on the file server that windows users connect too. Whats new is I'm setting up a new domain member in Subnet B. It has joined the domain and net getdomainsid works. From machines in Subnet B I can run smbclient -L and
1999 Mar 15
Domain logon problems
I have samba correctly setup to share resources between my linux box and my win98 clients (The encrypted passwording disabled accoringly). I tried to configure it for domain logons with my win98 clients, by enabling WINS server, domain logons, and master browser in the smb.conf. When I login on my win98 machine, I get an error saying that the password is incorrect (which it isn't) or the
2001 Nov 06
WinXP can't mount share from Samba 2.2.2 on RH linux
I am unable to mount a share using WinXP from samba 2.2.2 on RH linux. The same share works correctly with Win95 clients. WinXP reports this error: The mapped network drive could not be created because of the following error: The account is not authorized to login from this station. I looked through various archives and applied the registry patch for requiresignorseal=0 in this