similar to: Share permissions.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "Share permissions."

2001 Sep 08
Wine and Windows 2000
I had the latest wine running under winblows 98 SE for a week or two with no problems, then I installed winblows 2000 and now I cannot get wine to work. It is important for me to get it running again since I run United Devices cancer research agent ( 24/7 to help them find a cure for cancer. Is wine compatible with Win2k, or will I need to re-install 98 again? -- Interested
2002 Nov 26
Big Problem with ml-4500
Hi All I bought the Samsung ML-4500 Laser Printer. I installed it on Mandrake 9.0 successfully using cups and I cant print from the Linux itself. I added it to the Samba as Shared Printer. The Problem started when I wanted to connect from one of winblows :( The process required me to install the driver from the CD but for my surprise I couldn't install the drivers as the Winblow OS
2005 May 20
(no subject)
Hi all I have just finished installing / configuring my dovecot IMAP server. Im seeing something weird happing. It seems my Winblows Outlook users are experiencing a problem whereby when they delete an email, Outlook puts a line though the email, but the mail does not delete. Im not sure if this is a an outlook problem or a dovecot IMAP problem. I cant see anything in the conf file to
2009 Jan 09
Programming ressources
Hi! It may be a little OT but i'm searching for a c/c++ programmer for the development of a remote controlled multimedia player that would run under CentOS with Aja OEM card. We'd use this player in our fully automatic TV broadcast system. We currently have a player (developed in house) that works mostly ok on Winblows but it lacks many features like remote monitoring (SNMP or
2000 Aug 30
Samba as Wins Server and Domain Controller
I currently have had Samba running on our network as a file and print server and have had no major problems at all. I know Samba is capable of becoming a Wins Server and a Domain controller. I was looking into this, and was wondering who else is running Samba in this configuration. If you are running it in this configuration: How do you like it: ( does it run well, what are the pros and cons of
2005 Jun 10
W2K printer problem
I am getting the following prblem from my Winblows printer. Using the CUPS printer Config tool, the printer can be setup as a smb://host_name/printer When I attempt to send a test page, I get the following message: Description: Brother LaserJet Location: royal Printer State: processing, accepting jobs. "Unable to connect to SAMBA host, will retry in 60 seconds...ERROR: Connection failed
2005 May 03
Help configuring dovecot for SSL
Hi: I'm running dovecot on a Fedora 3 box and would like to be able to make a TLS connection to it with my Pegasus Mail program running on my Winblows machine. Does anybody know if it is possible? If it is I could really use some help configuring my dovecot. I have tried for several days but I really don't know what I'm doing and need a direction to start. Thanks, -- Knute
2004 Aug 06
client disconnects after one song is played
I'm using the latest CVS source under Linux using a playlist of ogg files. When I use a client to connect on the same machine, there is not any disconnect (xmms and zinf). When using a client on a Windows machine, I get mixed results. Zinf on windows will play thru the current song but then stops when the song is finished and does not play the next song being streamed (see log below).
2003 Oct 22
Possible to make samba ignore file permissions?
I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. Is there a way to setup samba to pretty much ignore file permissions, but allow the write list of users to modify files in shares? The problem I have, is users need permission through samba to modify web pages, but they need to NOT have permission when they FTP in or through shell. -- Northern Indiana ESC Adam Kennedy -
2001 Nov 21
Groupwise errors
I'm trying to run the 32bit version of Groupwise. So far I can install it without any major hickups but when I actually start to run the Grpwise.exe it will prompt me to login to the groupwise mail server but bombs out with a debug xterm. It appears to be able to connect to the groupwise server ok for verifying the password. If I put in a bogus one it will tell me I have used the wrong
2004 Feb 21
samba as a file server
I currently have samba 3.0.2 working with ldap as a filer sever Only. My question is how would I get samba working as file server that would handle 50k users. My main concern is that I want reliability. I would also like to be able to build horizantally if needed. I was first thing some type of cluster connecting to a SAN but I would rather do it like we do our webservices. We have x
2000 Aug 30
[Linux] Samba as Wins Server and Domain Controller
As much as I love Samba, OpenSores, Linux and apple pie, setting Samba as an NT domain controller used to be a bit of a hack that required a lot of shoe horning, and a lot of reading, and experimentation. Get the books, sign up for the support email list and be prepared for a bumpy ride. The problem is that certain things *should* work a certain way, but such is not always the case and you
2001 Jun 29
Deus Ex in Wine - working
hey all, i know it's kind of pointless to get Deus Ex running in wine now thnx to loki (j/k), but if you have shelled out $$ for Deus Ex winblows version, now you can run it in wine. I got Deus Ex running yesterday with TransGaming's ( version of wine. I ran it in both OpenGL and Glide mode, video runs excellent. Mouse input is great as well, much better than the
2001 Aug 17
Two Versions Possible?
Hi, Does anyone know the specifics of running two versions of WINE? I have an old WinBlows app that will work only with the 20010216 version, but some of my other apps do run better with the latest version of WINE. Would I be able to stick the old version somewhere in my directory hierarchy and still have a newer version for my newer apps? I suspect that the development folks do something
2004 Dec 23
Softphone x G729 x IAX
Is there any winblows softphone available offering g729 *and* IAX? I couldn't find any The best choice should be dIAX, but it is only GSM.
2004 May 11
Cannot create fake user root account
Boy I hope someone can help me out here. I am tring to install an LDAP Samba PDC I am using the latest Samba 3.0.4 and OpenLDAP. The LDAP server is running fine and samba. What I am having problems with is connecting the winBlows machines to the domain controller. This is driving me up a wall. I was following this HOWTO: to the T. And
2008 Oct 04
back-solver: any R thing like TK!Solver?
Just thought I'd ask. For those who've never seen TK!Solver, I strongly recommend taking a look. So far as I can tell, it's the only product of its type available, retail or open source, for any platform. What makes TK!Solver so cool is that it adaptively back-solves pretty much any unknown from any set of equations you give it. (or vector full of unknowns, producing a vector of
2008 Jan 15
flac default is -l8 (but says -l5)
$ ls -l a.wav -rw-r--r-- 1 rootboy None 30587804 Jan 7 23:00 a.wav $ flac -v flac 1.2.1 $ type flac flac is hashed (/usr/bin/flac) $ uname -a CYGWIN_NT-5.1 DFBJ7M51 1.5.24(0.156/4/2) 2007-01-31 10:57 i686 Cygwin $ flac -f a.wav a.wav: wrote 16323314 bytes, ratio=0.534 $ flac -l8 -f a.wav a.wav: wrote 16323314 bytes, ratio=0.534 $ flac -l5 -f a.wav a.wav: wrote 16398095 bytes, ratio=0.536 $
2006 Nov 27
Tinc-up and Windows...
Hello, I've used tinc successfully for a long time, all with Linux hosts. No problem there. Unfortunately I now have to add a Windows host to the VPN. What a fight Winblows is! Probably just my ignorance. The VPN works and tinc says that tinc-up is run (and a debugging statement proves it) but I can't get an extra route added. tinc-up.bat contains: ------------------- netsh interface
2002 Jul 02
access denied when trying to connect XP to samba-2.2.1a-4 PDC
Ok, Heres the setup: RH 7.2 with samba-2.2.1a-4. I have had samba as a PDC for sometime now, and WINNT & WIN2k systems have no problem logging on to the domain. Whenever I try from my XP pro test sys, I get: The following error occurred attempting to join the domain "WORKGROUP"; Access is denied. I do have a trust account set up for this system, and I manually added the trust