similar to: Samba on Solaris 2.5.1?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Samba on Solaris 2.5.1?"

1999 Apr 20
Perhaps I am doing this all wrong, I am new to this. I am using the lates version of SAMBA, and am trying to mount a remote win95 drive on my linux box. I tried smbmount and it didn't work, unknown command. I also tried the following don't laugh. mount -t nfs \\server\share \remotes when I do this I am returned an error saying can't locate the address for the server. I can smbclient
2000 Aug 01
problem with mount -t smbfs
This was working a couple of weeks ago, but it's broken now. When I issue a command like 'mount -t smbfs //server/share /mount/point' I get an error that says " mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //mrbig/grego$, or too many mounted file systems " However, when I issue the command 'smbmount //server/share /mount/point/ it works just fine.
1998 Dec 02
smbmounted shares don't stay mounted
I'm running Linux 2.1.130 on an AXP, with Samba 2.0 beta 2. I have smbfs enabled in the kernel with Win 95 bug fixes enabled but I'm not running smbd. The server containing the share is an HP running Samba 1.9.16p11. I mount the share with smbmount //hpname/share -c 'mount /home/me/mydir' All is well for a while (~1 hour), but then I get kernel: smb_get_length: recv error = 5
2000 Jun 25
Login script
Is there a file I can place in the netlogin directory (or anywhere else for that matter) that will represnet a logon script? I want to have my workstations auto-mount particular shares on the samba server, without the user having to make the mount. This way when I add new users, the shares are automatically present. If there is a script I can place somwehre, please tell me what it's name is
1999 Apr 18
SMBFS in 2.2.x
'lo all Im wondering if anyone is getting the same problem with smbfs as i am with the 2.2.x kernels when i try to smbmount a share i get the following on the screen "SMBFS: need mount version 6" and also on the telnet shell or actual shell "mount error: Invalid argument Please look at smbmount's manual page...." the mans have nothing i revert back to 2.0.x and it
2000 Aug 07
smbmount shares not lasting
I've got a machine running RedHat Linux 6.2 on a P-II400 with 256MB of ram. I'm mounting shares in the manner 'mount -t smbfs -o uid=user,gid=group //server/share /mount/point'. The server is a genuine NT 4 server, with SP5 and a couple of hotfixes. I mounted a couple of shares yesterday, and overnight the stopped working. When accessing the share, I get an error message that
1999 May 27
Can't connect to samba from foreign network --- 'Gethostbyaddr failed' error in log.smb
I have a samba server at ip address aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd I can connect to it from clients on subnets aaa.bbb.eee. and aaa.bbb.fff. I can't connect to it from clients on ggg.hhh. smb.conf has hosts deny = all hosts allow = localhost, aaa.bbb., ggg.hhh. The client can successfully 'ping mysambaserver' (resolves to aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd). Doing 'net view \\mysambaserver' fails with
1999 Mar 07
smbmount question
Hi, I'm running Linux 2.2.2 w/ Samba 2.0.2, using the smbmount that comes with Samba 2.0.2. I noticed that when I mount shares, smbmount sticks around, almost like a daemon: [root@jason /root]# smbmount //$ "XXXXXX" -U jkau -c "mount /mnt/cnd" < /dev/null > /tmp/smbmount.out [root@jason /root]# ps ax | grep smbmount 10678 ? S 0:00
1999 Jun 04
Does have any real purpose?
I see that (plus a little editing) would be a good way to set up users with "NO PASSWORD" in bulk. But suppose I don't want the risk of the "NO PASSWORD" approach. Now somebody with root access must run smbpasswd for each user they want to activate. But can't I just do this anyway (with the -a 'add user' option), without ever having run
1999 May 27
One of two samba servers not visible (remote announce problem?)
I have (more than) three subnets: A: all unix (I think) B: mixed unix and PC's C: all PC's (I think) I have a samba server on both A and B. They have essentially identical configurations. Both are running the nmbd daemon, and are configured as workgroup = XXSAMBA. I have a PC on C. Both net view /domain:XXSAMBA and network neighborhood show only the server on B. I assumed that
1999 Nov 17
2.0.6: HUP/charset/profiles/smbmount/logging
This is the list of problems I had with samba-2.0.6 so far. Can anyone tell me if he can reproduce them and if he considers them as problems? 2.0.6 on linux 2.2.13 or 2.0.33 1) sighup/log reopening doesn't always work: connections that are already active keep logging to the old logs; logrotate rotates/zip the logs and samba stops logging completely till restart. 2) Localized chars. I have
1999 Nov 12
Why a copy of smbd for each smbmount mountpoint?
When an OS/2 or Win9x client logs into a (Linux) Samba v2.0.6 server the running smbd spawns a copy of itself. That second instance of smbd then handles all the shares for that client machine. In contrast, a Linux client which does multiple smbmounts (also Samba v2.0.6) will cause the server to spawn a copy of smbd for *each* smbmount mountpoint. This has the potential for using up a lot more
1997 Sep 11
Problem with Samba
Hi, I'm running (well trying really) samba on redhat 4.2. It installed automatically when I installed redhat, and everything appears to be running that needs to be on my linux machine. I am able to use samba locally (from my linux machine to my linux machine) but when I try to connect via my win95 machine, it doesn't find my linux box on the network. when I click on entire network, It
2002 Jul 27
mode=777 does not work as fstab option
I need to mount a samba share as mode 777, so all users can read/write/delete/create. I have this as fstab entry //host/public /mnt/home smbfs auto,uid=user,umask=000,defaults,username=Perkins,password= see, i've had to put uid=user just to get it owned by user user, so i could edit files i put mode=777, but it does nothing. i want to let all users read/write/create/delete
2002 Sep 14
smbmount and WindowsXP
Hello! Im trying to mount the ADMIN$ share of my windows XP and i cant! I can mount other shares. I do ./smbclient -L added interface ip= bcast= nmask= session request to failed (Called name not present) session request to 192 failed (Called name not present) Password: Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Windows 5.1] Server=[Windows 2000 LAN
2001 Oct 29
Samba 2.0.7 problems (on RedHat 7.0)
Hi people,
2002 Sep 23
How to automate SMBMNT
Hi there, How do I automate smbmnt so that when logging on, it mounts the required shared directories on an NT4.0 file system using the user name and password I used t gain access to the GUI ? I s this possible. I am currently running Network Neighborhood and have been using this application for access but this requires that I scan mount and log-on again before gaining access to that share.
2001 Mar 06
Ports in close state
I have a machine running redhat 6.2 and samba 2.0.6 that does a persistent mount to my Windows 2000 machine for the purposes of serving files via FTP. The samba connection occasionally times out it seems, I get the message smb_request: result -32, setting invalid smb_retry: new pid=20679, generation=12 and it generates a new connection I've got SO_KEEPALIVE active in the socket options in my
2000 Jun 27
smbmount cannot browse large NT directories
This is a problem I get with various versions of Samba, up to and including 2.0.7. (The version shipped with Debian.) I have an NT machine (4.0, service-pack 3 using NTFS) exporting a filesystem to Linux through smbmount. Specific directories are not browsable. By that I mean that "ls *" comes up blank, however if you know the filename, "ls foo.txt" will still find the
2002 Apr 30
smbmount, smbumount and smbmnt
Hi, I am deploying samba for an embedded system. The requirement is that the system should be able to mount windows share points. I believe "smbmount, smbumount and smbmnt" components are needed to do the same. I am not very clear about smbmnt though! I find that smbmount, smbumount and smbmnt are all quite huge. Around 300 to 400Kb each. I understand that Samba is capable of doing