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2009 Aug 25
Fw: Re: Simulating data (stupid question)
Dear All
I know that you do not have to help me (as this is not a pure R problem) but please do, i am new to R as a CPI compiler, i just need to do a sample to see which sampling method best works in different situations, therefore since this is for practice purposes nobody will finance a real project thats why i need you to help me direct me as to how simulate data (just direct me,not 100%
2009 Aug 25
Fw: Re: Simulating data for sampling (stupid question)
Dear All
I know that you do not have to help me (as this is not a pure R problem) but please do, i am new to R as a CPI compiler, i just need to do a sample to see which sampling method best works in different situations, therefore since this is for practice purposes nobody will finance a real project thats why i need you to help me direct me as to how simulate data (just direct me,not 100%
2010 Jun 17
simulating data from a multivariate dist
I am working on fitting distribution on multivariate financial data and then
simulate observations from that fitted distribution. I use stepAIC.ghyp()
function of 'ghyp' library which select the best fitted distribution from
generalized hyperbolic distribution class on the given dataset.
# Multivariate case:
aic.mv <- stepAIC.ghyp(indices, dist =
2012 Nov 22
Simulating a VEC
Hello everyone,
I have estimated a VEC using functions of package urca. Now I need to
simulate several trajectories of the variables of the model based in the
information of the model. To do that first I converted the VEC to a VAR
using vec2var (from package vars) and then I converted de VAR to an ARMA
using ARMA function of package dse. The idea is to use the function simulate
(from package
2023 Aug 31
simulating future observations from heteroscedastic fits
Hello, All:
I want to simulate future observations from fits to heteroscedastic
data. A simple example is as follows:
(DF3_2 <- data.frame(y=c(1:3, 10*(1:3)),
gp=factor(rep(1:2, e=3))))
# I want to fit 4 models
# and simulate future observations from all 4:
fit11 <- lm(y~1, DF3_2)
fit21 <- lm(y~gp, DF3_2)
(fit12 <- lme(y~1, data=DF3_2,
2009 Aug 12
Simulating points from GLM corresponding to new x-values
Dear List,
Does anyone know how to simulate data from a GLM object correponding
to values of the independent (x) variable that do not occur in the
original dataset?
I have tried using simulate(), but it generates a new value of the
dependent variable corresponding to each of the original x-values,
which is not what I need. Ideally I whould like to simulate new values
for GLM objects
2009 Feb 24
Simulating contingency table (Basic question, help please)
I'd like to carry out a Monte Carlo simulation test where given data is a
contingency table. I think this is something to do with using rmultinonom(),
but I'm not sure how to code this, to simulate contingency tables. Could
anyone please help with how to use R to simulate contingency tables like
View this message in context:
2014 Sep 03
Simulating from a Weibull distribution
I wish to simulate some data from a Weibull distribution. The rweibull function in R uses the parameterisation
'with shape parameter a and scale parameter b has density given by f(x) = (a/b) (x/b)^(a-1) exp(- (x/b)^a)'.
However, it would be much more useful for me to simulate data using a different parameterisation of the
Weibull, with shape a1 and scale b1, namely f(x) =
2008 Oct 01
Simulating random draws
I have a data frame containing a column of human judgments, some of which
are missing:
> pr[3]
1 4
2 4
3 4
4 4
5 NA
6 3
7 3
8 3
9 3
10 NA
11 NA
12 NA
13 2
14 2
15 2
16 NA
17 1
18 -1
19 -1
20 -1
Accompanying this is a matrix containing multinomial probabilities for the
missing values, note that they
2012 Mar 09
simulating behavior without actually affecting database
Hey all,
A lot of people use factory girl to simulate behavior without
affecting database, particularly for testing. I have a situation where
this is not for testing but rather someone clicks on button to
simulate behavior but we create a User object in order to run the
simulation but while I want the results of simulation to be stored in
a simulation table I dont want the user to be actually
2009 Aug 25
Simulating data (stupid question)
Dear All
I know that you do not have to help me but please do, i am new to R as a CPI compiler, i just need to do a sample to see which sampling method best works in different situations, therefore since this is for practice purposes nobody will finance a real project thats why i need you to help me direct me as to how simulate data (just direct me,not 100% help). See my attachment for problem
2003 May 11
simulating data
..for a "unit test" i need a lot of rows in my database, so i simulate.
My problem, using Win2k,R.1.7.0, 256RAM is that i'm getting memory-erros go about the 1000.000 border , but
i need bigger test data. Ok is approriate buy more RAM, but is there a possibilty simulate a lot of single rows, one after
another and between this 2 steps -> Add th row to database and delete them
2008 Oct 16
Loop avoidance in simulating a vector
I'd like to simulate a vector that is formed from many distinct
distributions and avoid a loop if possible. E.g, consider:
mu = c(1, 2, 3)
sigma = c(1, 2, 3)
n = c(10, 10, 10)
And we simulate a vector of length 30 that consists of N(mu[i], sigma[i])
distributed data, each of length n[i]. Of course for just three groups we
can simply write it out as:
DV = c(rnorm(n[1], mu[1],
2013 Sep 10
Re: Help needed in simulating libvirt
On 09/10/2013 12:03 PM, Arun Viswanath wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm need to simulate libvirt API's say to mock the libvirt API
> responses. (Actually I need to simulate qemu API's response). Because of my
> project needs I need to write this simulated libvirt server in Java. I
> believe the simulated libvirt can be written as java RPC which should
> capable to receive
2003 Jun 01
Simulating a variable following an arbitrary distribution
Hi, I'd like to know if there's anything in R that could help me do
that. Let's suppose I have a density function of a random variable, for example
f(x) = (x^3)/4 0 < x < 2 and I would like to simulate it. For the common
distributions (exponencial, gamma, cauchy) there are the r-functions (rgamma,
rexp, runif, rcauchy, and so on).. But when the variable I want to simulate is
2009 Sep 25
simulating a model
Dear useRs,
I have written an ecological model, based on the epidemiology SIR model.
I've been trying to simulate it in R.
However, I can't simulate it properly.
Two guesses: my script isn't right; I'm not setting the parameters properly
I have uploaded an image to the model here:
The script I am using is as it follows:
2008 Mar 22
Simulating Conditional Distributions
Dear R-Help List,
I'm trying to simulate data from a conditional distribution, and
haven't been able to modify my existing code to do so. I searched
the archives, but didn't find any previous post that matched my
pop = data.frame(W1 = rbinom(n, 1, .2),
W2 = runif(n, min = 3, max = 8), W3 = rnorm(n, mean=0, sd=2))
pop = transform(pop,
A = rbinom(n, 1,
2003 Jul 13
Problems Simulating (PR#3471)
Full_Name: Stan Miles
Version: 1.5.0.
OS: Windows 2000 Server
Submission from: (NULL) (
Short Description of the Problem:
I use R to simulate a random variable, with mean 0.14 and variance 0.2 . I
simulate 20 sets, 30000 realizations/set.
I take the average of each set, and all 20 of the averages are
much higher than 0.14. In fact, they are All about 2-3 stdev higher.
2011 Apr 04
simulating a VARXls model using dse
Using the dse package I have estimated a VAR model using estVARXls().
I can perform forecasts using forecast() with no problems, but when I
try to use simulate() with the same model, I get the following error:
Error in diag(Cov, p) :
'nrow' or 'ncol' cannot be specified when 'x' is a matrix
Can anyone shed some light on the meaning of this error? How can I
2006 May 11
Simulating scalar-valued stationary Gaussian processes
I have a sample of size 100 from a function in interval [0,1] which can be
assumed to come from a scalar-valued stationary Gaussian process. There are
about 500 observation points in the interval. I need an effective and fast
way to simulate from the Gaussian process conditioned on the available data.
I can of course estimate the mean and 500x500 covariance matrix from data.
I have searched