similar to: Setting individual umasks for Homes

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Setting individual umasks for Homes"

1998 Oct 28
Anyone resolved "failed to lock SMB passwd file"?
Hi all. I'm experiencing long connect delays due to password file locking errors. For each connection samba logs the following errors: do_pw_lock: failed to lock SMB passwd file. mod_smbpwd_entry: unable to lock file /usr/local/samba-1.9.18p10/private/smbpasswd In the archives I found some other messages reporting the problem (on May this year), but no solution. Did I
1998 Apr 27
Group information lost when security = server
Hi. I have a samba install, samba-1.9.18p4, with security=server. Users are validated against the NT domain controller correctly, and user accounts do exist on the unix box (AIX 4.2.1) Problem is that while the uid of the files that users create is correct, the group id is always sys, even though the users have as primary gid STAFF. The definition of the share I am trying to create is: [cslan]
1998 Nov 06
Need help with 'Cannot find setup.exe Windows needs this file to
OK. Maybe I was a little terse in the description. I have a CD we (Candle) created. It installs one of our products by executing the setup.exe program. I am able to execute the program off the CD with no problems. I then copied the contents of the CD to the Samba share. I try and execute the setup.exe file and get this error. If I then copy the files from the Samba share to /temp, I can
1998 Dec 22
Problems with SMB.CONF (2nd)
Majid, On Wed, 23 Dec 1998 00:20:31 +1100, Majid Tajamolian wrote: >> >; hosts allow = * >> >; hosts allow = >> >; hosts allow = 194.225.42.* >> > hosts allow = 194.225.42. >> >2. As you see above, if I use a domain detector except with the format >> > "194.225.42." , clients on our LAN
1998 Dec 02
Net help analyzing logfiles: Printer permissions in Domain
Hi! I am trying to print from an NT machine to a simple samba printer. That NT machine is the PDC and the samba box is having logins authenticated by the NT box. When I try to access the printer with my own username, it works fine. As soon as I have the account that is destined to do the printing print, it can't log in. I have included my smb.conf file and two log excerpts - one successful,
1998 Dec 17
oplock_break: client failure in break - shutting down
We recently tried the upgrade to 2.0 Beta series (just finished testing Beta 4) on our network. Everything works fine with 1.9.18pl10, but once we start 2.0 in its place we start getting the following in the log files: [1998/12/17 05:00:12, 1] smbd/files.c:file_init(219) file_init: Information only: requested 10000 open files, 246 are available. [1998/12/17 05:07:52, 1]
1998 Nov 30
A group of users belong to another samba server
Hi. I have a samba server with 3000 users. I want to install another little server with a printer and I want to give access only to a group of users from the main server. [ MAIN ] [SAMBA-SERVER] | | | [little]-printer a group of users from MAIN can print [server] to this server Someone can give me a hint of how can I achieve this easily ? What document should I read ?
1998 Apr 06
passwords and Win95
Is there any way to have an account that let's multiple users from Windows 95 clients log in? i.e., let's say there are shared folders called foo and bar. bar is public. foo is accessible to user "foobar" with password "foobar." Win95 keeps sending over it's username as the person who logged in to that computer, or as the computer's machine name... and samba
1998 Apr 29
Codepage 850 question
Hi, I run samba very happily, but now I recognized problems with restoring files from a tape. If I use certain german characters, like ??? (hope you can read them), it builds file this "Verkn\201pfung". I can use this files from the sambaclient, but I can't access or delete this files out of Linux. I used client codepage = 850 Now I found out, that if I use the options
1998 Dec 03
Windows 3.1 and Samba
Has anybody got some experience with connecting machines running Windows3.1 or WfWG (3.11) to Samba? We would like to run a small lab network with user accounts and a shared printer off the samba box. Samba is running fine and there's no problem to connect to it from the Win95/WinNT machines... Any help appreciated. Frank Wornle, Glasgow Caledonian University Dept. of Engineering
1998 Dec 11
Writing to file resets owjner/group/mode
Hi! This is my share: |[root] | comment = Root-Partition | path = / | guest ok = no I have a file called /etc/exim/config that is required to be owned by mail.mail, mode 664. My user account is called mh and I am member of the group mail. I'd like to edit that file via samba with an editor that is running on my desktop Windows box. Whenever I write to the file, it gets reset to 744
1998 Dec 12
Newbie: Setting Up Samba from Ground 0
I'm very new to Samba, and would like to setup my Linux system to allow access to/from an NT/98/95 system; however, I've found no information on configuring the system from start to finish. If anyone can provide me with information, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you Jasper
1998 Dec 16
user level authentication in samba-2.0.0beta4
I've compiled samba 2.0.0beta4 on Sun (sparc) Solaris 2.6. I can use smbclient to list the shares, but whenever i try to connect to the machine, i get the following error message: session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.) I have SECURTY = USER in smb.conf when I try to use smbpasswd to reset the password on
1998 Dec 17
Repost: Browsing across subnets (again)
I'm sorry if people are getting fed up with my question, but I didn't get a response from the first post, and I didn't even see the second post appear in the summary. Hi All, this is probably a common problem and FAQ but I can't the solution. I've got two subnets, at Leeds and at Doncaster. At Leeds, I've got samba running as
1998 Dec 18
Problem de mangling
Hi all ! I'm new on this mailing list... We have just installed samba v1.9.18p4. But we have problems with mangling of file names. We would like to preserve the case of windows files > 8 char. when copying files to the server. However, we want to keep 8.3 format files in lower case. The question is : how to configure all the
1998 Dec 18
Not in Group?
Hi! Is there any syntax for read list or write list in smb.conf that allows me to specify users NOT in a group? Something like read list = !@writers Cheers, -- LOGY IS POLICY @ THE END UST NO ONE @ DE E @ BELI O *************************** R N T EVE THE LIE @ AP * FIGHT THE FUTURE!!! * T ___THE___ Y A
1999 Jan 06
access to printers
I have a closed network (no outside access) with a small user base (less than 20), with no other network connections) running Samba 1.9.18p10 on Solaris 2.4. Problem: Some users utilize the workstations on the network as stand alone systems. They need access to printers, but I don't want to create an account just for this purpose. I would like to provide access to the printers without
1999 Jan 01
Q : Disallow samba over 1 NIC
Currently I'm using a linux+samba+PPP I didn't had to do something special to disallow samba over the PPP connection. Must I do something to disallow samba over a second NIC (=not the LAN) or how must samba be bound to the nic of the LAN ?
1998 Oct 28
Question on force user & log messages
I am running samba on HP-UX 10.20 with clients on Win95. I have two questions. Where can I get more information on the force user parameter? I am using it but am unable to get it to properly prompt for a password when mapping it. Next question deals with log messages in log.nmb. Where are these two messages coming from and how do I get rid of them? --IP address changed to XXX.XX.XX.XX
1998 Dec 29
Encrypted passwords and OS2/Win95/Win98
My LAN is running Samba v1.9.18p10 under RedHat Linux v5.2. Using the SMB services are Win95 and OS/2 clients. It's all running fine. I will soon be adding Win98, though, and I understand that there is a question of password encryption. I'm concerned how the encrypted/plain-text communication of password will affect my existing configuration. If I reconfigure Samba to use encrypted