similar to: Query

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Query"

2006 Oct 10
flac improvement??
hello my name is Ludovico Ausiello, i'm a ph.d at the university of Bologna and I've developped an open source alternative to proprietary philips superAudioCD encoder (that actually cost some thousands dollars!) that has better performance (it's seems strange.. but..) I'm interested to use the flac encoder to compress the 1-bit stream that is the output of my encoder (I start
2005 Mar 18
:: BIOS Motherboard Settings ::
I am using an ASUS P4P800 Deluxe which is a motherboard that has been tested with Asterisk. I am unsure about the PCI slot and IRQ settings in the BIOS and am having problems with a WCFXO card sharing with other devices. Any suggestions on the settings required for Asterisk to avoid IRQ conflicts? Thanks :) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2011 Aug 28
converting matrix in array
Hi everyone, have a small problem trying to converting a dataset in matrix form to an array. Specifically: data include 3D measurement -x,y,z of 59 points in 36 objects. They are stored as a matrix (x) of 2124 rows and 3 columns. What I want to do is to extract each subject's dataset using an array (b). Accordingly, I tried the following command: b<-array(a,c(59,3,36)). The problem is
2017 Oct 08
Manipulations with CO2 dataset on R
Hi, I just started a new course this semester on R, I never used it in my life and i'm stuck on these questions from 3 days, it would be really nice if someone could explain me the answers with the relative commands. thanks a lot in advance The following 7 questions are based on the CO2 dataset of R. 1) How many of the plants in CO2 are Mc2 for Plant? 2) How many are either Mc2 or Mn2?
2012 Oct 09
Text file: multiple matrix
Hi there! I'm a newbie in R This is my problem: I have a txt file composed by 100 matrix (256x256) separated by a blank line! How can I save automatically the matrix in separated txt file (100)? e.g. 1? matrix from line 1 to line 256 257 blank line 2?matrix from line 258 to line 513 514 blank line 3? matrix from line 515 to line 770 771 blank line 4? matrix from line 772 to line 1027......
2011 Mar 23
Estimating correlation in multiple measures data
Dear R-helpers, This may sound simple to you, but I'm a beginner in this, so please be forgiving. I have a following problem: two analytes were measured in patient's blood on 4 occasions: ProteinA and ProteinB. How to correctly evaluate correlation between ProteinA and ProteinB? I tried: x <- data.frame(Patient.ID=rep(1:10, each=4), Visit=rep(c(1:4),10), ProteinA=rnorm(m=10,
2018 May 04
How to constraint instructions reordering from patterns?
Hi, Is there a kind of scope mechanism in the instruction lowering pattern language in order to control where instructions are inserted or how they are later reordered during the SelectionDiag linearization? I know the glue chain that stick instructions together. But such mechanism in not provided in instruction lowering pattern. I'm facing many situations where some patterns are lowered into
2018 May 04
How to constraint instructions reordering from patterns?
The DAG dumping will try to print some of the nodes "inline" (i.e. where they are used) to make the output more readable, so the dump of the DAG may not strictly reflect the node ordering. -Krzysztof On 5/4/2018 8:18 AM, Dominique Torette via llvm-dev wrote: > Here is a last example to illustrate my concern. > > The problem is about the lowering of node t13. > >
2018 May 04
How to constraint instructions reordering from patterns?
Here is a last example to illustrate my concern. The problem is about the lowering of node t13. Initial selection DAG: BB#0 '_start:entry' SelectionDAG has 44 nodes: t11: i16 = Constant<0> t0: ch = EntryToken t3: ch = llvm.clp.set.rspa t0, TargetConstant:i16<392>, Constant:i32<64> t5: ch = llvm.clp.set.rspb t3,
2003 Feb 28
Error bars for interaction plots
How do I add error bars to an interaction plot of means? Thanks
2002 Sep 10
REPOST: (Newbie) Trying to get name resolution functional across the WAN
Hello, I posted this question last week, but received no feedback. Sorry for the long post , but I'm trying to give relevant detail at once. If somebody cares to take a look, it will be very much appreciated. thanks again cl . ---------------------- Remitido por Claudio Lapidus/BsAs/Telecom/AR con fecha 10/09/2002 13.04 ---------------------------Enviado por:
2018 May 04
How to constraint instructions reordering from patterns?
Krzysztof, Thanks for your interest to my questions. In order to clarify the context, here is the C source file of my test case. The 3 builtins initialize some stack pointers. They have to be executed before any other instruction. extern float fdivfaddfmul_a(float a, float b, float c, float d); volatile static float x1,x2,x3,x4; void _start(void) { float res;
2011 Feb 20
inter-specific competition - community matrices and two species models using Lotka-Volterra
Does anyone know of example r-code/packages for carrying out analysis? Preferably this would have examples from real experimental data of two or more competing species... Thanks Chris Buddenhagen [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2019 Jul 29
Efficient way to identify an instruction
Hi Alberto, I have not used this myself, but I think you should be able to visit your Instruction ‘users()’. I think the name this function was given is a bit confusing, but this returns an iterator range you can iterate through to find instructions that depend on a given one. Similarly, you have the function ‘uses()’ that can be used to traverse down the DAG when instructions are still on SSA
2004 Aug 06
DMCA and webcasting
Last year I arranged with my college radio station and ITS department to webcast the radiostation using icecast. The webcast has been a wonderful success so far. My problem now is not technical, but political. A few days ago I recieved the following message from the station director: ================================================================== hey josh, i talked to [faculty advisor]
2005 May 16
Mental Block with PCA of multivariate time series!
Please could someone point me in the right direction as I appear to be having a total mental block with fairly basic PCA problem! I have a large dataframe where rows represent independent observations and columns are variables. I am wanting to perform PCA sequentially on blocks of nrows at a time and produce a graphical output of the loadings for the first 2 EOFs for each variable. I'm sure
2003 Oct 11
Hi, I am successful in getting incoming calls for my linejack .... But, I am getting an error cannot create channel of type Phone.... Does linejack do outgoing calls in asterisk ? Thanks, PTA -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2020 Oct 09
Mail server troubles
On 10/8/20 4:49 PM, Nicolas Kovacs wrote: > The school's not happy because in their eyes I'm faulty of badly maintaining > their mail server. As someone with school age children, I've observed that schools seem to have a vastly over-inflated view of the importance of their communications. I've provided my email address to my children's schools as an EMERGENCY contact
2003 Nov 12
Formatting axis label numbers on plots
Is there any way to control the format of the axis label numbers on a plot? More specifically, I have some plots that get axes with label numbers in exponential format, and I'd like to change that to non-exponential. Thanks!! -- M. Edward (Ed) Borasky, MS, MNLP, NST, FBG, PGS & PTA znmeb at
2007 Jul 13
Flow Cytometry Standard, fcs format in R.
Hi all. How do I extract date from fcs format file with R. I.e I'd like make statistical analysis using R-program, but I don't know if there are R-packets for fcs format file, and using examples. Thanks. Pta: In Linux SO exist any program that transform from fcs format to ASCII text file?