similar to: Raise an error if file exists on destination

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Raise an error if file exists on destination"

2010 Feb 09
Missing interaction effect in binomial GLMM with lmer
Dear all, I was wondering if anyone could help solve a problem of a missing interaction effect!! I carried out a 2 x 2 factorial experiment to see if eggs from 2 different locations (Origin = 1 or 2) had different hatching success under 2 different incubation schedules (Treat = 1 or 2). Six eggs were taken from 10 females (random = Female) at each location and split between the treatments,
2009 Dec 16
Option to create ancestors of destination, like "mkdir -p
> I agree with everyone else that it would be incredibly useful for rsync to > either adopt such behaviour by default (assuming always doing 'mkdir -p' isn't > harmful in any way), or have a tunable to enable it. I also agree the suggested behavior makes a lot of sense and I think it is a good idea. However, some deployments may rely upon the current behavior. As an
2004 Apr 06
Some time ago someone posted a nice script to monitor HTB classes, A friend of mine ported it to CBQ, and attached is the result. Suggestions are welcome. Rubens > #!/usr/bin/perl > > # Classy CBQ Operations Perl > # Based on by Toby Cantor > # By BLFC > > # The following short command line options are parsed as you might expect. >
2010 Apr 08
Mac OS X "rsync: unpack_smb_acl: sys_acl_get_info(): Unknown error: 0 (0)"
I am a developer on the LBackup project. An LBackup user recently posted a question to the mailing list asking about the following error. > "rsync: unpack_smb_acl: sys_acl_get_info(): Unknown error: 0 (0)" Link to thread : < at> My understanding of this error is that when copying files via
2010 May 14
command line to backup my documents to external drive
I'm really confused with all the examples out there and all different types of incremental backups. I tried several scripts but cannot reduce the size of my backup folders. What I want is to backup my documents to my external drive every month and save as much disk space as possible. Lets say I have 3 backup directories in the external drive, backup03.10, backup04.10 and backup05.10. I want
2010 Jul 16
--compare-dest weirdness
Hi All, I am writing a backup program for my computer. brief outline is as follows. Running ubuntu 10.04 2 main partitions, / and /home, both ext3. 1 external usb hdd, ext3, mounted to /backups/main. once every couple of days, rsync backs up, using following command, everything worth backing up in / and /home partitions to a folder /backups/main/Full. command: "rsync -vrhRupElog
2010 Jun 22
few questions on rsync
Hi, I have few questions that could not find answers to in documentation. Different filesystems: Lets say I want to keep all extended attributes and everything else, so I use -A, -X, --perms etc., together with --fake-super. Now, lets say source FS supports some attributes not supported on target FS (for example, XFS extended attributes). Would this work as expected (ie. extended attributes are
2015 Jan 28
rsync to multiple destinations
I am looking for a way to start one rsync command with multiple destinations. My use case: I have one (slow) usb drive which should be synced to two other harddrives. It would be great if rsync could read one file which is to be copied to both hard drives only once, so the slow usb connection is used more efficiently. Any idea or is this a wishlist "bug"? Thanks
2016 Jun 19
rsync script for snapshot backups
Am 19.06.2016 um 19:27 schrieb Simon Hobson: > Dennis Steinkamp <dennis at> wrote: > >> i tried to create a simple rsync script that should create daily backups from a ZFS storage and put them into a timestamp folder. >> After creating the initial full backup, the following backups should only contain "new data" and the rest will be referenced
2015 Apr 17
Recycling directories and backup performance. Was: Re: rsync --link-dest won't link even if existing file is out of date (fwd)
How do you handle snapshotting? or do you leave that to the block/fs virtualization layer? /kc On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 01:35:27PM +1200, Henri Shustak said: >> Our backup procudures have provision for looking back at previous directories, but there is not much to be gained with recycled directories. Without recycling, and after a failure, the latest available backup may not have much
2015 Apr 16
Recycling directories and backup performance. Was: Re: rsync --link-dest won't link even if existing file is out of date (fwd)
rsync folks, Henri Shustak <henri.shustak at> wrote: > LBackup always starts a new backup snapshot with an empty directory. I > have been looking at extending --link-dest options to scan beyond just > the previous successful backup to (failed backups / older backups). > However, there are all kinds of edge cases which are worth considering > with such a changes. At
2009 Sep 10
originate sync from the daemon server
is there anything special to do this from the daemon server. I've setup the /etc/rsyncd.conf with some filesystems and I would rather originate (control) my rsyncs from this server and not from the hosts that have the data I want. ie. I want to pull not push. for instance my rsyncd.conf [www] comment = www path = /snaps/www numeric ids = true log file = /snaps/rsync/logs/www.log pid file
2008 Nov 08
Differential backup
Hello, I have got three folders: - /home/backup/2008-10-20 - place for differential backup - /mnt/for_backup - folder with files for backup - /home/backup/2008-10-01 - place where the last full backup is My question: is below command prepared correctly to make differential backup? rsync -avPbn --backup-dir=/home/backup/2008-10-20/ --exclude "System Volume Information" --exclude
2015 Apr 06
rsync --link-dest won't link even if existing file is out of date
Feature request: allow --link-dest dir to be linked to even if file exists in target. This statement from the man page is adhered to too strongly IMHO: "This option works best when copying into an empty destination hierarchy, as rsync treats existing files as definitive (so it never looks in the link-dest dirs when a destination file already exists)". I was suprised by this behaviour
2011 Jul 03
Brandysnap -- a new rsync-based snapshot management script
Brandysnap is an rsync-based script with a difference. Unlike dirvish, it does not assign importance to snapshots when they are created. All snapshots are created equal, and then they are managed so that the required number of old snapshots is maintained. Unlike rsnapshot, brandysnap does not get its snapshots out of sync if runs are missed, and it is very easy to configure. The link between
2014 Mar 19
Beating a dead horse
Sorry to do this .... AGAIN Every year or two I get stuck on this same problem involving excluding. Seems I learn how its done then 2yrs later I've totally forgotten and when I look up my notes ... this new need is just different enough that they don't apply. Here's the problem. (Simplified... and I've skipped some of the repetitive output) On remote ls A/ a/ b/ c/ d e on
2010 Jul 27
Getting rsync to store timing information in its logs
Is there a way to know from the rsync logs how long it took to do a backup? The only timing info,. I see is this at the end: sent 3067328 bytes received 7853035429 bytes 1187888.83 bytes/sec total size is 1559866450336 speedup is 198.55 Can I use it to figure out how long the operation took? Does the above mean it took 2.5 secs of send time and 1.8 hours of recieve time so (roughly) the
2008 Nov 09
How to delete files older than X on backup during sync?
Hi list, I have been reading MAN pages and listarchives, but not found the answer to my question though I am sure it must be possible to acheive my wish. I wish to use rsync to create a backup BUT only keep the files for a limited period of time, EG two weeks. I have not yet been able to figure out how to do this inside rsync (while the backup is being performed) and my understanding of the
2011 Jun 23
Using rsync as an incremental backup
I'm using rsync to do an incremental backup of my desktop here, to a remote server as follows: #/usr/bin/bash old=$(date -d 'now - 1 week' +%Y-%m-%d) new=$(date +%Y-%m-%d) rsync -avP --delete --link-dest=../$dir /home/bakers bakers at$new/ This is actually working GREAT! The only problem is that sometimes the cronjob won't complete (internet is
2011 Feb 05
rsync not reporting diskfull error
I am involved with the development of lbackup. This message to the rsync mailing list is related to the following thread on the lbackup-disccussion mailing list : Essentially, I am curious to if any one using rsync 3.0.7 on Mac OS (10.6) Server has experienced an out of disk space error and not had a message similar to the following reported : >