similar to: rsync 3.0.x breaks behaviour of --one-file-system --relative --delete

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "rsync 3.0.x breaks behaviour of --one-file-system --relative --delete"

2020 Apr 23
Looking for C8 AMD help
I'm migrating from C7 to C8.? I'm currently using autofs, but alas autofs has been dropped in C8 for the AMD automounter. I have some very ancient knowledge of AMD, I used it when it was first introduced many years ago on Solaris and moved to Sun's automounter when it was introduced. So now it's back to square one. I used automount2amd to convert one of my existing maps,
2013 Dec 17
Puzzled by -R dropping first argument
Hi All! I am puzzled. I am using openssh 5.3p1 on RHEL/CentOS but am seeing the same behaviour for osx and debian: ssh -R xxx:yyy:yyy:yyy remotehost Will effectively drop the first (xxx) argument and result in ssh -R remotehost ssh -R yyy:yyy:yyy remotehost I had a look at the source code where apparently all 4 values are ready and handed down to the appropriate
2016 May 02
Making remote access to qemu://session easier?
This is frustrating: $ export LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI=qemu+ssh://remotehost/session $ virsh list error: failed to connect to the hypervisor error: no valid connection error: Operation not supported: Connecting to session instance without socket path is not supported by the ssh connection driver Has there been any thought given to making this easier? It seems that having a simple helper
2017 Mar 14
Relaiable ssh tunnel via systemd
We try to run a reliable ssh tunnel vis systemd. This is the unit configuration file: {{{ [Unit] Description=Tunnel For %i [Service] User=autossh ExecStart=/usr/bin/ssh -o "ExitOnForwardFailure yes" -o "ServerAliveInterval 60" -N -R 40443:installserver:40443 -R 8080:installserver:8080 ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/ssh tunnel@%i "for pid in $$(ps -u
2008 Jan 29
rsync ignores include rule - analogic to other that works
Hi, I have this rsync to backup specific directories from one PC to another in local network. All is working smooth except for /storage dir. I just don't get why as I am using exact same why as I do for other dirs that work. I see that it matches it like e.g [sender] showing directory /storage because of pattern /storage/ .......... But then again there is no /storage/** like for etc for
2011 Apr 22
Patches to enable MTUs >1500 in el5.6 ready for testing.
Hi all, With help from others, I''ve been able to get Olaf''s patch for enabling MTUs >1500 for vifX.y and tapZ devices working. I''ve been able to boot dom0, launch domU and live-migrate without having the bridge''s MTU degrade at any time. Would the Xen RPM maintainers (and others) mind taking a look at the following patches? Kernel part:
2016 Apr 14
(rfc) too many keys, usecase?
There is no /root/.ssh/authorized_keys on remote host, so I have to authenticate with password. On the remote host: # /usr/sbin/sshd -T | egrep permitroot permitrootlogin yes Attempting: $ ssh root@<remotehost> shows: Received disconnect from <remotehost> port 22:2: Too many authentication failures for root packet_write_wait: Connection to <remotehost> port 22: Broken
2010 Jan 18
Another cygwin/rsync question
Hi, Been using rsync for many years but I'm stuck with this problem. I'ts a simplistic backup using rsync from a Windows 2k3 machine to a Linux box out on the 'net, using pre-shared ssh keys. In this case I'm saving, files belonging to various users, using the administrator account on the windows machine and the destination is a normal user account and its home file area.
2010 Aug 22
rexec error - where are you
Hi all, I've a particular host on my network that when I run; rexec -l username -p password remotehost command it just hangs. When I do; rexec -a -l username -p password remotehost command i get; Where are you? If I do; rexec -l username -p password localhostname (not just localhost but its actual name) command it works. Any ideas would be very appreciated. - aurf
2012 Feb 12
Key auth question
I have a problem getting key authentication to work with one remote user (git), even though it works fine for the remote user "root". The remote file .ssh/authorized_keys is identical for both users - I cp'ed it from the root account to the git home dir. On local machine (OS X, by the way) I have: $ cd $ ls -l .ssh -rw------- 1 jussihirvi staff 668 Aug 24 16:13 id_rsa (the
2004 Nov 11
rsync --rsh not reading .ssh/config
I've setup up a single-use key on a remote host to run rsync in server mode. I've also setup .ssh/config locally with an IdentityFile to select the single-use ssh key. This works on my Debian sid machine: rsync --rsh="ssh remove_host" :: But on another machine that command (and others tried below) do not access .ssh/config. The machine is running these: $ ssh -v
2016 Mar 31
rsync with overlay tree
I maintain a directory structure containing dirs and files that I regularly push to ~50 hosts, which are divided into 3 groups that have slightly different needs (minor mods in a couple of files). So ideally I would have 4 directories: /path/to/sync/common/ <- common files /path/to/sync/group1/ <- group1 specific only /path/to/sync/group2/ <- group2 specific only
2000 Oct 25
having some trouble using another user's RSA/DSA keys
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 (potato), openssh-2.2.0p1 Configured with: --prefix=/usr/local/openssh --enable-gnome-askpass --with-tcp-wrappers --with-ipv4-default --with-ipaddr-display My goal here is to, as root, forward a local privileged port over an ssh tunnel to another host using a normal user's login, i.e.: root:# ssh -2 -l jamesb -i ~jamesb/.ssh/id_dsa -L 26:localhost:25 remotehost So far,
2001 Nov 09
Update of several SPECIFIC files
I am trying to sync several specific files over ssh. This works fine when I specify the files indivdually, a la: rsync -av --rsync-path=/usr/local/bin/rsync /etc/passwd remotehost:/etc/passwd What I want to do though, is update several files at once, a la: rsync -av --rsync-path=/usr/local/bin/rsync --include-from remotehost: See below for The file list gets
2012 Mar 06
[Bug 1989] New: SCP wihout a source path Bug #: 1989 Summary: SCP wihout a source path Classification: Unclassified Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 4.3p2 Platform: All OS/Version: All Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P2 Component: scp AssignedTo: unassigned-bugs
2002 Oct 11
[Bug 413] New: Port forwarding: [localhost:]localport:remotehost:remoteport Summary: Port forwarding: [localhost:]localport:remotehost:remoteport Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: older versions Platform: All OS/Version: All Status: NEW Severity: enhancement Priority: P2 Component: ssh AssignedTo:
2016 Sep 20
[PATCH] Allow scp to copy files that start with a Windows drive name.
On Windows, ?scp C:/foo/bar remotehost:? will attempt to connect to a remote host ?C? and access file ?/foo/bar?. There is currently no syntax or flag to allow copying files that start with a drive name. This patch changes the behaviour (only on Cygwin) by considering that a single letter followed by a colon is a Windows drive name and thus an absolute path. This is also more consistent with the
2001 Feb 22
2.5.1p1 logout hangs after RHL crond start
The RHL 6.2 command "/etc/rc.d/init.d/crond start" prevents clean logout from compiled version of OpenSSH-2.5.1p1 on all hosts. The command "/etc/rc.d/init.d/crond stop" is OK. This occurs for interactive or command line requests. ssh remotehost /etc/rc.d/init.d/crond stop --- works every time ssh remotehost /etc/rc.d/init.d/crond start --- hangs every time Control-C will
2007 May 11
SCP two remote hosts with non-default ports
Hi, I'm having trouble finding the correct syntax to scp between two remote hosts with non-defaults ports. <scp -P 1234 user at remotehost:/sourcefile -P 4321 user at remotehost:/destfile> No matter what i've tried i cant get scp to connect both servers with different ports. Is this even possible? The workaround i've found is to use <ssh... "scp..."> Thanks,
2011 Feb 07
Possible ssh -D bug in 5.8p1 (on Gentoo Linux)
On Fri, Feb 04, 2011 at 12:26:08PM +1100, Damien Miller wrote: > OpenSSH 5.8 has just been released. It will be available from the > mirrors listed at shortly. I seem to have found a bug in 5.8p1. I work remotely, and use three SSH tunnels, two of the form ssh -L port:host:destport -f -N -q -l remoteuser remotehost, and one of the form ssh -D port -f -C -q -N -l