similar to: Using rsync as an incremental backup

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Using rsync as an incremental backup"

2009 Feb 23
rsync incremental backup
Hi, Presently I have the latest full backup in a 'current' directory and 30 day incrementals in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format directories. Without changing that directory structure I'd like the 'YYYY-DD-MM' directories to contain the full system hardlinked (when applicable) to 'current'. What rsync command-line options could provide me with this? Thanks,
2011 Feb 07
Incremental backup with only delta into a separate file.
Hi All, I am presently doing a small POC with rsync for incremental backup and restore starategies. I have come up with certain question down the line, can anyone help me with the explanation. Used the config and ideas from: The commands executed on two machines in sequence Machine 1: root at Andruil:~# vim testfile root at Andruil:~# ls
2015 Apr 06
rsync --link-dest won't link even if existing file is out of date
Feature request: allow --link-dest dir to be linked to even if file exists in target. This statement from the man page is adhered to too strongly IMHO: "This option works best when copying into an empty destination hierarchy, as rsync treats existing files as definitive (so it never looks in the link-dest dirs when a destination file already exists)". I was suprised by this behaviour
2009 Apr 09
Help creating incremental backups using --backup-dir.
Normally I would use the --link-dest option to do this but I can't since I'm rsyncing from a Mac to a Samba share on a Linux box and hard links don't work. What I want to do is create a 10 day rotating incremental backup. I used the first script example on the rsync examples page as a template. The only thing I changed was the destination to be a local directory and paths for
2007 Jan 28
has this been asked about before ? multilple exclude files
I'm was wondering if this has been asked about/for multiple exclude-from files ? Where I could find this useful is say I had a common or base exclusion list for all my AIX boxes --exclude-from=/foo/aix_base Then be able to add for say all my AIX boxes that are running SAP --exclude-from=/foo/aix_base --exclude-from=/foo/sap or --exclude-from=/foo/aix-base,/foo/sap and so on ...
2009 Dec 03
nmbd fails to start
Dear all, I regret that I am very new to this tool from the install side. I have so far altered shares on a running machine only. I have (thanks to Joss for some help already) installed version 3.4.3 under AIX 6.1 giving it our preferred base directory of /opt/freeware/samba/3.4.3 I have copied over the smb.conf file from the source machine (AIX 5.2 / Samba 2.0.7) and tweaked the content of
2002 Feb 27
Can not get rsync 2.5.2 or CVS t build Solaris8/GNU RTFM
Sorry about that ./configure --with-included-popt But then 200+ plus lines of warnings :( I'll read some more -pete
2008 Oct 29
Thorough distributed backup/sync strategy
Does anyone have a good distributed backup strategy? I've been revising mine for a year or so now and always realize there's some hole or another in it. I get the feeling to do it exactly the way I want it needs to be complex, but I'm looking for something elegant. My data consists of some of these representative folders: .mozilla Documents Pictures .ssh Music bin And these
2008 Nov 19
are hardlinks supported when rsyncing over ssh?
Subject should be enough: are hardlinks supported when rsyncing over ssh? I know that I cannot do anything with hardlinks if I'm using SSHFS over FUSE, I was wondering if rsync is plagued by the same problem. Matt
2016 Jun 19
rsync script for snapshot backups
Am 19.06.2016 um 19:27 schrieb Simon Hobson: > Dennis Steinkamp <dennis at> wrote: > >> i tried to create a simple rsync script that should create daily backups from a ZFS storage and put them into a timestamp folder. >> After creating the initial full backup, the following backups should only contain "new data" and the rest will be referenced
2008 Nov 09
How to delete files older than X on backup during sync?
Hi list, I have been reading MAN pages and listarchives, but not found the answer to my question though I am sure it must be possible to acheive my wish. I wish to use rsync to create a backup BUT only keep the files for a limited period of time, EG two weeks. I have not yet been able to figure out how to do this inside rsync (while the backup is being performed) and my understanding of the
2018 Jul 30
[Bug 2888] New: Consider adding other compression schemes (lz4, zstd) Bug ID: 2888 Summary: Consider adding other compression schemes (lz4, zstd) Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 7.7p1 Hardware: All OS: All Status: NEW Severity: enhancement Priority: P5 Component: Miscellaneous Assignee:
2012 Apr 22
--link-dest isn't linking
rsync -Ha --link-dest=/media/4tb/bak/panic-2012-01-01 /media/2tb/bak/panic-2012-02-01 /media/4tb/bak/ root at dancer:/media/4tb/bak# ls -l panic*/home/darxus/0000_latest.jpg -rw------- 15 darxus darxus 100772 1999-09-14 21:19 panic-2011-12-20/home/darxus/0000_latest.jpg -rw------- 15 darxus darxus 100772 1999-09-14 21:19 panic-2012-01-01/home/darxus/0000_latest.jpg -rw------- 1 darxus darxus
2004 Jan 27
tncg and bandwidth limiting
I''m trying to do some very simple rate-shaping on an interface. I want to limit my 100baseT interface to 7 megs both ingress and egress of the interface. I''ve been hacking my way through the documentation and some examples and I''ve come up with the following configuration for tcng that seems to do what I want. I''m curious if some of the other experts out
2006 Sep 08
"Couldn't find service home"
Greetings, I'm having a problem with configuring Samba. I am trying to connect to a linux box running Ubuntu with my os x laptop. When I try and connect I get prompted for a username/password. When I enter them apple gives me a weird error and it doesn't work. I'm pretty the problem is with my config on the linux side. The error log has this printed every time I tried to
2010 Apr 08
Mac OS X "rsync: unpack_smb_acl: sys_acl_get_info(): Unknown error: 0 (0)"
I am a developer on the LBackup project. An LBackup user recently posted a question to the mailing list asking about the following error. > "rsync: unpack_smb_acl: sys_acl_get_info(): Unknown error: 0 (0)" Link to thread : < at> My understanding of this error is that when copying files via
2010 May 14
command line to backup my documents to external drive
I'm really confused with all the examples out there and all different types of incremental backups. I tried several scripts but cannot reduce the size of my backup folders. What I want is to backup my documents to my external drive every month and save as much disk space as possible. Lets say I have 3 backup directories in the external drive, backup03.10, backup04.10 and backup05.10. I want
2010 Jul 16
--compare-dest weirdness
Hi All, I am writing a backup program for my computer. brief outline is as follows. Running ubuntu 10.04 2 main partitions, / and /home, both ext3. 1 external usb hdd, ext3, mounted to /backups/main. once every couple of days, rsync backs up, using following command, everything worth backing up in / and /home partitions to a folder /backups/main/Full. command: "rsync -vrhRupElog
2010 Jun 22
few questions on rsync
Hi, I have few questions that could not find answers to in documentation. Different filesystems: Lets say I want to keep all extended attributes and everything else, so I use -A, -X, --perms etc., together with --fake-super. Now, lets say source FS supports some attributes not supported on target FS (for example, XFS extended attributes). Would this work as expected (ie. extended attributes are
2015 Apr 17
Recycling directories and backup performance. Was: Re: rsync --link-dest won't link even if existing file is out of date (fwd)
How do you handle snapshotting? or do you leave that to the block/fs virtualization layer? /kc On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 01:35:27PM +1200, Henri Shustak said: >> Our backup procudures have provision for looking back at previous directories, but there is not much to be gained with recycled directories. Without recycling, and after a failure, the latest available backup may not have much