similar to: Problems with deleted file logging

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Problems with deleted file logging"

2009 May 07
I updated/reinstalled ggplot2 and the trouble started...
Hi Ian, Per your suggestion, I reinstalled R 2.9.0, then I reinstalled ggplot2 on top. The problem persists. Here's the what happens after the installation: > qplot (carat, price, data = diamonds, alpha = I(1/10)) Warning message: In"L_points", x$x, x$y, x$pch, x$size) : semi-transparency is not supported on this device: reported only once per
2009 Apr 29
Newbie R question PART2
Hi Tena, I recommend rapache for building websites with R. See -Ista > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: "Tena Sakai" <tsakai at> > To: <ted.harding at>, <r-help at> > Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 15:04:53 -0700 > Subject: Re: [R] Newbie R question PART2 >
2010 Jul 22
cdrommon issue
Hi all, Sometimes the process cdrommon use 99,8% of CPU and the result is that all vms becames very slow. I killed the process and now everything is fine but I can''t live migrate VMS. I found this problem also in this citrix thread: <>
2009 May 12
Help needed to compile R with shared library.
Hi, I cannot compile R with shared library. I am using Redhad Linux on Dell hardware. Here''s what I am doing: I set ?PICFLAGS in file: CPICFLAGS=-fPIC FPICFLAGS=-fPIC and issue: ./configure --enable-R-shlib --prefix=$HOME/newR make configure finishes with no complaints, the last informative line being: Options enabled: shared R library, shared BLAS, R
2009 Apr 30
newbie HWRITER package question
Hi, I am playing with hwriter examples given in "example" page. Here's what I've done: > library (hwriter) > > p = openPage ('table.html') > hwrite (1:5, p) > hwrite (iris[1:3, 1:3], p, row.bgcolor='#ffdc98') > closePage (p) > > browseURL('table.html') What I get is not as nice as what I see via the "example" page. I
2009 May 08
I don't see in my installation directory
Hi, I installed R 2.9.0 a couple of days ago on a linux machine. At the root of installation, I see 4 directories: bin, lib64, share, and src. I don't see anywhere. (In the following context, . (dot) indicates the root of my insta- llation.) I do see: ./lib64/R/lib/ ./lib64/R/lib/ I became aware of such as I was preparing for an installation of little r.
2011 Jan 07
Trouble with installing Rmpi package
Hi, I am having a problem with installing Rmpi package on redhat linux machine. The R I am using is version 2.10.1. Here’s what happens. > install.packages( ''Rmpi'' ) --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session --- Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done trying URL '''' Content type
2007 Sep 13
trouble with installing Biobase package
Hi Everybody, I am having a problem with loading Biobase package. I typed 2 lines below at R prompt > source ("") > biocLite (lib="/usr/local/lib/R/library") which attempted to install a bunch of packages with varying degree of success. Out of 29, 13 failed. Biobase is one of them. As a matter of fact, when I looked at logs, most
2009 Mar 09
Windows PV config
Hi all, is there someone who could share his own XEN configuration for Windows PV domU? Thanks a lot and regards, Francesco Gallo _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list
2009 Apr 28
Newbie R question
Hi, I am a newbie with R. My environment is linux and I have a file. I call it barebone.R, which has one line: cat ('Hello World!\n') I execute this file as: R --no-save < barebone.R And it does what I expect. What I get is 20+/- lines of text, one of which is 'Hello World!'. How would I go about getting rid of all but the line I am after, 'Hello World!'?
1998 Apr 08
Access across routers
Greetings, I have an interesting situation where SAMBA servers that are across various routers are requiring the fully qualified domain name. Example: \\ If our SAMBA server is local (behind the same router as our client), then the \\xyx name will work fine.... This allows you to connect, but if you are browsing the network neighborhood, and you double click on the \\xyx when
2006 Jan 07
wich IAX soft client allow to specify a different server port?
I still having problem with remote SIP client, trying to use IAX client instead but i've to specify TCP port 8080 (because of firewall). I did this on server in bindport=8080 in iax.conf but i cannot find a soft client that allow to set wich server port to use. Any idea? Thanks, Antonio
2005 Jun 07
rxfax not answering
Hello i would like to receive incoming faxes thru' asterisk as tiff files thru' the rxfax application. I setup extensions 101 like this exten=> 101,1,rxfax(/tmp/fax.tif) then from CLI i run: dial 101 and rxfax send me his "scream" about the fax ^^ instead when i send a real fax from a faxmachine to that extension my 101+rxfax is executed but it just "does
2010 Apr 12
make world troubles
Hi all, sorry if my question is too stupid, i''m trying to compile both XEN 4.0 and the kernel but when i do "make world", according to, i always receive this error: + git clone git:// linux-2.6-pvops.git.tmp Initialized empty Git repository in
1997 Sep 16
create mode problems (Samba 1.9.17p1)
With create mask = 0750 in smb.conf I got for directories: drwxr-xr-x 2 meyer urtmit 512 Sep 16 13:28 xxxx for files: -rwxr----- 1 meyer urtmit 6 Sep 16 13:28 XYX Why not rwxr for the dir? TIA, KD _/ _/ ___/ _____/ K. D. Meyer _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ Universitaet Trier _/ Email: _/ _/ _/___/_/ _/ Rechenzentrum
2012 Mar 19
[LLVMdev] tablegen nomenclature
What would you call elements of the form: xyz:$abc -- variables seems to be the name in the tablegen code ??? They are not mentioned in the tablegen users guide but of course used heavily. xyx must be a def and exist? Thanks. Reed
2009 Jul 14
Lenny DomU Crash!
Hi all, i have a CentoOS based Xen Dom0 running gitco xen3.3.1. I''m experiencing problems with debian Lenny FV domU. After some days of perfect working the VM start to consume all cpu and than i can only connect via ssh to VM and nothing work, neither the "top" command! Any idea? Thanks a lot and regards, Francesco
2010 Apr 28
XCP - VM creation from template and netinst
Hi all, i still have problem.. Some time I am able to install and other not. I tried this on different machine either in a pool and either in a single installation of XCP. These are the steps I use to create a VM: # set disk size xe template-param-set uuid=9d8c3be5-f16b-7446-b978-e23551d8a77e other-config:disks="<provision><disk device=\"0\"
2016 Jul 13
IPRA, interprocedural register allocation, question
Mehdi, I am perusing the 3.8 trunk sources, and don’t find evidence where I would expect it for LLVM “downgrading” a function’s calling convention. PrologEpilogEmitter() { “CodeGen/” ... TFI->determineCalleeSaves() { “Target/XYZ/” TargetFrameLowering::determineCalleeSaves() { “CodeGen/” Return <<< some object derived
2003 Oct 03
SAMBA and the Archive Bit
Hello All, Touching up a file is supposed to switch on the Archive bit. However, I can only get this to happen if the client doing the editing is also the owner. This is fine for owner access in the HOME directories, but is useless when a file is modified by any member of a group. The impact is that my incremental backup only backs up a group rwx file when it is modified by the owner. This is a